used in the HTML specification. It consists of short identifiers, typically two characters long which are case-insensitive. Note that Dojo uses dash separators, not underscores like Java (e.g. "en-us", not "en_US"). Typically country codes are used in the optional second identifier, and additional variants may be specified. For example, Japanese is "ja"; Japanese in Japan is "ja-jp". Notice that the lower case is intentional -- while Dojo will often convert all locales to lowercase to normalize them, it is the lowercase that must be used when defining your resources.
The "locale" attribute configures Dojo's locale:
"The locale Dojo uses on a page may be overridden by setting djConfig.locale. This may be done to accomodate applications with a known user profile or server pages which do manual assembly and assume a certain locale. You may also set djConfig.extraLocale to load localizations in addition to your own, in case you want to specify a particular translation or have multiple languages appear on your page."
To improve loading time, the property "parseContent" is set to false by default. This property will instruct Dojo to only build widgets using specific element ids. If the property is set to true Dojo will scan the whole document looking for widgets.
Dojo 0.4.3 is distributed with the Dojo plugin, to use a different Dojo version, the "baseRelativePath" attribute can be set to the URL of the Dojo root folder on your application.
Examples <%@ taglib prefix="sx" uri="/struts-dojo-tags" %> <head> <title>My page</title> <sx:head/> </head>
<%@ taglib prefix="sx" uri="/struts-dojo-tags" %> <head> <title>My page</title> <sx:head debug="true" extraLocales="en-us,nl-nl,de-de"/> </head>