Examples <ui:component> <ui:param name="key" value="[0]"/> <ui:param name="value" value="[1]"/> <ui:param name="context" value="[2]"/> </ui:component>
Whether to suppress empty parameters:
<s:a action="eventAdd" accesskey="a"> <s:text name="title.heading.eventadd" /> <s:param name="bean.searchString" value="%{bean.searchString}" /> <s:param name="bean.filter" value="%{bean.filter}" /> <s:param name="bean.pageNum" value="%{pager.pageNumber}" /> <s:param name="suppressEmptyParameters" value="true"/> </s:a>
where the key will be the identifier and the value the result of an OGNL expression run against the current ValueStack.
This second example demonstrates how the text tag can use parameters from this param tag.
<s:text name="cart.total.cost"> <s:param value="#session.cartTotal"/> </s:text>
@see Include
@see Bean
@see Text