private void rebuildSessions() {
if (ontologyProvider == null) {
log.warn("No ontology provider supplied. Cannot rebuild sessions");
OntologyNetworkConfiguration struct = ontologyProvider.getOntologyNetworkConfiguration();
for (String sessionId : struct.getSessionIDs()) {
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.debug("Rebuilding session with ID \"{}\"", sessionId);
Session session;
try {
session = createSession(sessionId);
} catch (DuplicateSessionIDException e) {
log.warn("Session \"{}\" already exists and will be reused.", sessionId);
session = getSession(sessionId);
} catch (SessionLimitException e) {
log.error("Cannot create session {}. Session limit of {} reached.", sessionId,
// Register even if some ontologies were to fail to be restored afterwards.
sessionsByID.put(sessionId, session);
session.setActive(false); // Restored sessions are inactive at first.
for (OWLOntologyID key : struct.getOntologyKeysForSession(sessionId))
try {
session.addOntology(new StoredOntologySource(key));
} catch (MissingOntologyException ex) {
"Could not find an ontology with public key {} to be managed by session \"{}\". Proceeding to next ontology.",
key, sessionId);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Exception caught while trying to add ontology with public key " + key
+ " to rebuilt session \"" + sessionId + "\". Proceeding to next ontology.", ex);
for (String scopeId : struct.getAttachedScopes(sessionId)) {
* The scope is attached by reference, so we won't have to bother checking if the scope has
* been rebuilt by then (which could not happen if the SessionManager is being activated
* first).