Package org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.jersey.grefine

Examples of org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.jersey.grefine.ReconcileProperty

        StringBuilder similarityContext = new StringBuilder();
        //the field used for the @similarity special property
        HashSet<String> similarityFields = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
        for (Entry<ReconcileProperty,Collection<ReconcileValue>> propertyEntry : rQuery.getProperties()) {
            ReconcileProperty property = propertyEntry.getKey();
            // collect the properties
            for (ReconcileValue value : propertyEntry.getValue()) {
                if (value.getId() != null) {
                if (value.getValue() instanceof String) {
                    texts.add((String) value.getValue());
                } else {
            //handle supported special properties
                    //Note that multiple "references" properties might be present
                    //if Users do parse parameters - so we need to collect all values
                    if(property.getParameter() != null){
                        log.warn("parameters are not supported for @references -> ignore '{}'",property.getParameter());
                        log.warn("No URI values present for parsed @references property! (values: "
                    for(String id : ids){
                } else if(property.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("fulltext")){
                    //Note that multiple "fullText" properties might be present
                    //if Users do parse parameters - so we need to collect all values
                    if(property.getParameter() != null){
                        log.warn("parameters are not supported for @fullText -> ignore '{}'",property.getParameter());
                    for(String text : texts){ //add the values
                } else if(property.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("similarity")){
                    String propUri = property.getParameter() != null ?
                            nsPrefixService.getFullName(property.getParameter()) :
                    if(propUri != null){
                    } else {
                        //TODO: maybe throw an Exception instead
                        log.warn("Unknown prefix '{}' used by Google Refine query parameter of property '{}'! "
                            + "Will use the full text field as fallback",
                    for(String text : texts){ //Append the text values to the context
                        similarityContext.append(text).append(' ');
                } else {
                    //TODO: implement LDPATH support
                    log.warn("ignore unsupported special property {}",property);
            } else { //no special property
                // add the Constraint to the FieldQuery
                // TODO: how to deal with values of different types
                //  * currently References > Text > Datatype. First present value
                //    is used
                //  * non Reference | Text | Datatype values are ignored
                if (!ids.isEmpty()) {
                    // only references -> create reference constraint
                    query.setConstraint(property.getName(), new ReferenceConstraint(ids));
                    if (ids.size() != propertyEntry.getValue().size()) {
              "Only some of the parsed values of the field {} contain"
                                 + "references -> will ignore values with missing references");
                } else if (!texts.isEmpty()) {
                    // NOTE: This will use OR over all texts. To enforce AND one
                    // would need to parse a single string with all values e.g. by
                    // using StringUtils.join(texts," ")
                    query.setConstraint(property.getName(), new TextConstraint(texts));
                    if (ids.size() != propertyEntry.getValue().size()) {
              "Only some of the parsed values of the field {} are"
                                 + "of type String -> will ignore non-string values");
                } else if(!values.isEmpty()){
                    query.setConstraint(property.getName(), new ValueConstraint(values));
                } //else no values ... ignore property
            //clean up

        StringBuilder similarityContext = new StringBuilder();
        //the field used for the @similarity special property
        HashSet<String> similarityFields = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
        for (Entry<ReconcileProperty,Collection<ReconcileValue>> propertyEntry : rQuery.getProperties()) {
            ReconcileProperty property = propertyEntry.getKey();
            // collect the properties
            for (ReconcileValue value : propertyEntry.getValue()) {
                if (value.getId() != null) {
                if (value.getValue() instanceof String) {
                    texts.add((String) value.getValue());
                } else {
            //handle supported special properties
                    //Note that multiple "references" properties might be present
                    //if Users do parse parameters - so we need to collect all values
                    if(property.getParameter() != null){
                        log.warn("parameters are not supported for @references -> ignore '{}'",property.getParameter());
                        log.warn("No URI values present for parsed @references property! (values: "
                    for(String id : ids){
                } else if(property.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("fulltext")){
                    //Note that multiple "fullText" properties might be present
                    //if Users do parse parameters - so we need to collect all values
                    if(property.getParameter() != null){
                        log.warn("parameters are not supported for @fullText -> ignore '{}'",property.getParameter());
                    for(String text : texts){ //add the values
                } else if(property.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("similarity")){
                    String propUri = property.getParameter() != null ?
                            nsPrefixService.getFullName(property.getParameter()) :
                    if(propUri != null){
                    } else {
                        //TODO: maybe throw an Exception instead
                        log.warn("Unknown prefix '{}' used by Google Refine query parameter of property '{}'! "
                            + "Will use the full text field as fallback",
                    for(String text : texts){ //Append the text values to the context
                        similarityContext.append(text).append(' ');
                } else {
                    //TODO: implement LDPATH support
                    log.warn("ignore unsupported special property {}",property);
            } else { //no special property
                // add the Constraint to the FieldQuery
                // TODO: how to deal with values of different types
                //  * currently References > Text > Datatype. First present value
                //    is used
                //  * non Reference | Text | Datatype values are ignored
                if (!ids.isEmpty()) {
                    // only references -> create reference constraint
                    query.setConstraint(property.getName(), new ReferenceConstraint(ids));
                    if (ids.size() != propertyEntry.getValue().size()) {
              "Only some of the parsed values of the field {} contain"
                                 + "references -> will ignore values with missing references");
                } else if (!texts.isEmpty()) {
                    // NOTE: This will use OR over all texts. To enforce AND one
                    // would need to parse a single string with all values e.g. by
                    // using StringUtils.join(texts," ")
                    query.setConstraint(property.getName(), new TextConstraint(texts));
                    if (ids.size() != propertyEntry.getValue().size()) {
              "Only some of the parsed values of the field {} are"
                                 + "of type String -> will ignore non-string values");
                } else if(!values.isEmpty()){
                    query.setConstraint(property.getName(), new ValueConstraint(values));
                } //else no values ... ignore property
            //clean up

        StringBuilder similarityContext = new StringBuilder();
        //the field used for the @similarity special property
        HashSet<String> similarityFields = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
        for (Entry<ReconcileProperty,Collection<ReconcileValue>> propertyEntry : rQuery.getProperties()) {
            ReconcileProperty property = propertyEntry.getKey();
            // collect the properties
            for (ReconcileValue value : propertyEntry.getValue()) {
                if (value.getId() != null) {
                if (value.getValue() instanceof String) {
                    texts.add((String) value.getValue());
                } else {
            //handle supported special properties
                    //Note that multiple "references" properties might be present
                    //if Users do parse parameters - so we need to collect all values
                    if(property.getParameter() != null){
                        log.warn("parameters are not supported for @references -> ignore '{}'",property.getParameter());
                        log.warn("No URI values present for parsed @references property! (values: "
                    for(String id : ids){
                } else if(property.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("fulltext")){
                    //Note that multiple "fullText" properties might be present
                    //if Users do parse parameters - so we need to collect all values
                    if(property.getParameter() != null){
                        log.warn("parameters are not supported for @fullText -> ignore '{}'",property.getParameter());
                    for(String text : texts){ //add the values
                } else if(property.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("similarity")){
                    similarityFields.add(property.getParameter() != null ?
                            NamespaceEnum.getFullName(property.getParameter()) :
                                SpecialFieldEnum.fullText.getUri()); //the default
                    for(String text : texts){ //Append the text values to the context
                        similarityContext.append(text).append(' ');
                } else {
                    //TODO: implement LDPATH support
                    log.warn("ignore unsupported special property {}",property);
            } else { //no special property
                // add the Constraint to the FieldQuery
                // TODO: how to deal with values of different types
                //  * currently References > Text > Datatype. First present value
                //    is used
                //  * non Reference | Text | Datatype values are ignored
                if (!ids.isEmpty()) {
                    // only references -> create reference constraint
                    query.setConstraint(property.getName(), new ReferenceConstraint(ids));
                    if (ids.size() != propertyEntry.getValue().size()) {
              "Only some of the parsed values of the field {} contain"
                                 + "references -> will ignore values with missing references");
                } else if (!texts.isEmpty()) {
                    // NOTE: This will use OR over all texts. To enforce AND one
                    // would need to parse a single string with all values e.g. by
                    // using StringUtils.join(texts," ")
                    query.setConstraint(property.getName(), new TextConstraint(texts));
                    if (ids.size() != propertyEntry.getValue().size()) {
              "Only some of the parsed values of the field {} are"
                                 + "of type String -> will ignore non-string values");
                } else if(!values.isEmpty()){
                    query.setConstraint(property.getName(), new ValueConstraint(values));
                } //else no values ... ignore property
            //clean up


Related Classes of org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.jersey.grefine.ReconcileProperty

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