QueryResponse response = request.process(solrServer);
SolrDocumentList results = response.getResults();
for (SolrDocument result : results.toArray(new SolrDocument[0])) {
String conceptUri = (String) result.getFirstValue(conceptUriField);
if (conceptUri == null) {
throw new ClassifierException(String.format(
"Solr Core '%s' is missing required field '%s'.", solrCoreId, conceptUriField));
Float score = (Float) result.getFirstValue("score");
// fetch metadata
SolrQuery metadataQuery = new SolrQuery("*:*");
// use filter queries to leverage the Solr cache explicitly
metadataQuery.addFilterQuery(entryTypeField + ":" + METADATA_ENTRY);
.addFilterQuery(conceptUriField + ":" + ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(conceptUri));
metadataQuery.setFields(conceptUriField, broaderField, primaryTopicUriField);
SolrDocument metadata = solrServer.query(metadataQuery).getResults().get(0);
String primaryTopicUri = (String) metadata.getFirstValue(primaryTopicUriField);
suggestedTopics.add(new TopicSuggestion(conceptUri, primaryTopicUri, metadata
.getFieldValues(broaderField), score));
} catch (SolrServerException e) {
if ("unknown handler: /mlt".equals(e.getCause().getMessage())) {
String message = String.format("SolrServer with id '%s' for topic engine '%s' lacks"
+ " configuration for the MoreLikeThisHandler", solrCoreId,
throw new ClassifierException(message, e);
} else {
throw new ClassifierException(e);
if (suggestedTopics.size() <= 1) {
// no need to apply the cutting heuristic
return suggestedTopics;