* @return an RDF/JSON descriptions of places for the word map widget
public String getPlacesAsJSON() throws ParseException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
MGraph g = new IndexedMGraph();
LiteralFactory lf = LiteralFactory.getInstance();
MGraph metadata = contentItem.getMetadata();
for (EntityExtractionSummary p : getPlaceOccurrences()) {
EntitySuggestion bestGuess = p.getBestGuess();
if (bestGuess == null) {
UriRef uri = new UriRef(bestGuess.getUri());
Iterator<Triple> latitudes = metadata.filter(uri, GEO_LAT, null);
if (latitudes.hasNext()) {
Iterator<Triple> longitutes = metadata.filter(uri, GEO_LONG, null);
if (longitutes.hasNext()) {
g.add(new TripleImpl(uri, Properties.RDFS_LABEL, lf.createTypedLiteral(bestGuess.getLabel())));
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
serializer.serialize(out, g, SupportedFormat.RDF_JSON);