String extractorName = conf.get(JobConstants.JOB_ETL_EXTRACTOR);
Extractor extractor = (Extractor) ClassUtils.instantiate(extractorName);
// Objects that should be pass to the Executor execution
PrefixContext subContext = null;
Object configConnection = null;
Object configJob = null;
// Propagate connector schema in every case for now
// TODO: Change to coditional choosing between HIO and Connector schema
Schema schema = ConfigurationUtils.getConnectorSchema(conf);
// Executor is in connector space for IMPORT and in framework space for EXPORT
switch (ConfigurationUtils.getJobType(conf)) {
case IMPORT:
subContext = new PrefixContext(conf, JobConstants.PREFIX_CONNECTOR_CONTEXT);
configConnection = ConfigurationUtils.getConfigConnectorConnection(conf);
configJob = ConfigurationUtils.getConfigConnectorJob(conf);
case EXPORT:
subContext = new PrefixContext(conf, "");
configConnection = ConfigurationUtils.getConfigFrameworkConnection(conf);
configJob = ConfigurationUtils.getConfigFrameworkJob(conf);
throw new SqoopException(MapreduceExecutionError.MAPRED_EXEC_0023);