//this function is ripped off nearly wholesale from the getCounts function to use
//for multiValued fields within the StatsComponent. may be useful to find common
//functionality between the two and refactor code somewhat
StatsValues allstats = new StatsValues();
DocSet docs = baseDocs;
int baseSize = docs.size();
int maxDoc = searcher.maxDoc();
if (baseSize <= 0) return allstats;
FieldType ft = searcher.getSchema().getFieldType(field);
DocSet missing = docs.andNot( searcher.getDocSet(new TermRangeQuery(field, null, null, false, false)) );
int i = 0;
final FieldFacetStats[] finfo = new FieldFacetStats[facet.length];
//Initialize facetstats, if facets have been passed in
FieldCache.StringIndex si;
for (String f : facet) {
FieldType facet_ft = searcher.getSchema().getFieldType(f);
try {
si = FieldCache.DEFAULT.getStringIndex(searcher.getReader(), f);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("failed to open field cache for: " + f, e);
finfo[i] = new FieldFacetStats(f, si, facet_ft, numTermsInField);
final int[] index = this.index;
final int[] counts = new int[numTermsInField];//keep track of the number of times we see each word in the field for all the documents in the docset
NumberedTermEnum te = ti.getEnumerator(searcher.getReader());
boolean doNegative = false;
if (finfo.length == 0) {
//if we're collecting statistics with a facet field, can't do inverted counting
doNegative = baseSize > maxDoc >> 1 && termInstances > 0
&& docs instanceof BitDocSet;
if (doNegative) {
OpenBitSet bs = (OpenBitSet) ((BitDocSet) docs).getBits().clone();
bs.flip(0, maxDoc);
// TODO: when iterator across negative elements is available, use that
// instead of creating a new bitset and inverting.
docs = new BitDocSet(bs, maxDoc - baseSize);
// simply negating will mean that we have deleted docs in the set.
// that should be OK, as their entries in our table should be empty.
// For the biggest terms, do straight set intersections
for (TopTerm tt : bigTerms.values()) {
// TODO: counts could be deferred if sorted==false
if (tt.termNum >= 0 && tt.termNum < numTermsInField) {
if (finfo.length == 0) {
counts[tt.termNum] = searcher.numDocs(new TermQuery(tt.term), docs);
} else {
//if we're collecting stats for facet fields, we need to iterate on all matching documents
DocSet bigTermDocSet = searcher.getDocSet(new TermQuery(tt.term)).intersection(docs);
DocIterator iter = bigTermDocSet.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
int doc = iter.nextDoc();
for (FieldFacetStats f : finfo) {
f.facetTermNum(doc, tt.termNum);
if (termInstances > 0) {
DocIterator iter = docs.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
int doc = iter.nextDoc();
int code = index[doc];
if ((code & 0xff) == 1) {
int pos = code >>> 8;
int whichArray = (doc >>> 16) & 0xff;
byte[] arr = tnums[whichArray];
int tnum = 0;
for (; ;) {
int delta = 0;
for (; ;) {
byte b = arr[pos++];
delta = (delta << 7) | (b & 0x7f);
if ((b & 0x80) == 0) break;
if (delta == 0) break;
tnum += delta - TNUM_OFFSET;
for (FieldFacetStats f : finfo) {
f.facetTermNum(doc, tnum);
} else {
int tnum = 0;
int delta = 0;
for (; ;) {
delta = (delta << 7) | (code & 0x7f);
if ((code & 0x80) == 0) {
if (delta == 0) break;
tnum += delta - TNUM_OFFSET;
for (FieldFacetStats f : finfo) {
f.facetTermNum(doc, tnum);
delta = 0;
code >>>= 8;
// add results in index order
for (i = 0; i < numTermsInField; i++) {
int c = doNegative ? maxTermCounts[i] - counts[i] : counts[i];
if (c == 0) continue;
Double value = Double.parseDouble(ft.indexedToReadable(getTermText(te, i)));
allstats.accumulate(value, c);
//as we've parsed the termnum into a value, lets also accumulate fieldfacet statistics
for (FieldFacetStats f : finfo) {
f.accumulateTermNum(i, value);
int c = missing.size();
if (finfo.length > 0) {
allstats.facets = new HashMap<String, Map<String, StatsValues>>();
for (FieldFacetStats f : finfo) {
Map<String, StatsValues> facetStatsValues = f.facetStatsValues;