* org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema)}
public void testHandleAnalysisRequest() throws Exception {
FieldAnalysisRequest request = new FieldAnalysisRequest();
request.setFieldValue("the quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dogs");
request.setQuery("fox brown");
NamedList<NamedList> result = handler.handleAnalysisRequest(request, h.getCore().getSchema());
assertTrue("result is null and it shouldn't be", result != null);
NamedList<NamedList> fieldTypes = result.get("field_types");
assertNotNull("field_types should never be null", fieldTypes);
NamedList<NamedList> textType = fieldTypes.get("text");
assertNotNull("expecting result for field type 'text'", textType);
NamedList<List<NamedList>> indexPart = textType.get("index");
assertNotNull("expecting an index token analysis for field type 'text'", indexPart);
List<NamedList> tokenList = indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer");
assertNotNull("Expcting StandardTokenizer analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(tokenList.size(), 10);
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("the", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("quick", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("red", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 10, 13, 3, new int[]{3}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 14, 17, 4, new int[]{4}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(4), new TokenInfo("jumped", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 18, 24, 5, new int[]{5}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(5), new TokenInfo("over", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 25, 29, 6, new int[]{6}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(6), new TokenInfo("the", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 30, 33, 7, new int[]{7}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(7), new TokenInfo("lazy", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 34, 38, 8, new int[]{8}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(8), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 39, 44, 9, new int[]{9}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(9), new TokenInfo("dogs", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 45, 49, 10, new int[]{10}, null, false));
tokenList = indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardFilter");
assertNotNull("Expcting StandardFilter analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(tokenList.size(), 10);
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("the", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1,1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("quick", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2,2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("red", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 10, 13, 3, new int[]{3,3}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 14, 17, 4, new int[]{4,4}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(4), new TokenInfo("jumped", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 18, 24, 5, new int[]{5,5}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(5), new TokenInfo("over", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 25, 29, 6, new int[]{6,6}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(6), new TokenInfo("the", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 30, 33, 7, new int[]{7,7}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(7), new TokenInfo("lazy", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 34, 38, 8, new int[]{8,8}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(8), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 39, 44, 9, new int[]{9,9}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(9), new TokenInfo("dogs", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 45, 49, 10, new int[]{10,10}, null, false));
tokenList = indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.LowerCaseFilter");
assertNotNull("Expcting LowerCaseFilter analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(tokenList.size(), 10);
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("the", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1,1,1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("quick", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2,2,2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("red", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 10, 13, 3, new int[]{3,3,3}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 14, 17, 4, new int[]{4,4,4}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(4), new TokenInfo("jumped", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 18, 24, 5, new int[]{5,5,5}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(5), new TokenInfo("over", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 25, 29, 6, new int[]{6,6,6}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(6), new TokenInfo("the", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 30, 33, 7, new int[]{7,7,7}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(7), new TokenInfo("lazy", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 34, 38, 8, new int[]{8,8,8}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(8), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 39, 44, 9, new int[]{9,9,9}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(9), new TokenInfo("dogs", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 45, 49, 10, new int[]{10,10,10}, null, false));
tokenList = indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.StopFilter");
assertNotNull("Expcting StopFilter analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(tokenList.size(), 8);
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("quick", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 1, new int[]{2,2,2,1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("red", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 10, 13, 2, new int[]{3,3,3,2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 14, 17, 3, new int[]{4,4,4,3}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("jumped", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 18, 24, 4, new int[]{5,5,5,4}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(4), new TokenInfo("over", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 25, 29, 5, new int[]{6,6,6,5}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(5), new TokenInfo("lazy", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 34, 38, 6, new int[]{8,8,8,6}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(6), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 39, 44, 7, new int[]{9,9,9,7}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(7), new TokenInfo("dogs", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 45, 49, 8, new int[]{10,10,10,8}, null, false));
tokenList = indexPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.PorterStemFilter");
assertNotNull("Expcting PorterStemFilter analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(tokenList.size(), 8);
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("quick", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 1, new int[]{2,2,2,1,1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("red", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 10, 13, 2, new int[]{3,3,3,2,2}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(2), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 14, 17, 3, new int[]{4,4,4,3,3}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(3), new TokenInfo("jump", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 18, 24, 4, new int[]{5,5,5,4,4}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(4), new TokenInfo("over", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 25, 29, 5, new int[]{6,6,6,5,5}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(5), new TokenInfo("lazi", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 34, 38, 6, new int[]{8,8,8,6,6}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(6), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 39, 44, 7, new int[]{9,9,9,7,7}, null, true));
assertToken(tokenList.get(7), new TokenInfo("dog", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 45, 49, 8, new int[]{10,10,10,8,8}, null, false));
NamedList<List<NamedList>> queryPart = textType.get("query");
assertNotNull("expecting a query token analysis for field type 'text'", queryPart);
tokenList = queryPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer");
assertNotNull("Expecting StandardTokenizer analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals("Expecting StandardTokenizer to produce 2 tokens from '" + request.getQuery() + "'", 2, tokenList.size());
assertToken(tokenList.get(0), new TokenInfo("fox", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 0, 3, 1, new int[]{1}, null, false));
assertToken(tokenList.get(1), new TokenInfo("brown", null, "<ALPHANUM>", 4, 9, 2, new int[]{2}, null, false));
tokenList = queryPart.get("org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardFilter");
assertNotNull("Expcting StandardFilter analysis breakdown", tokenList);
assertEquals(2, tokenList.size());