method = post;
else {
throw new SolrServerException("Unsupported method: "+request.getMethod() );
catch( NoHttpResponseException r ) {
// This is generally safe to retry on
method = null;
if(is != null) {
// If out of tries then just rethrow (as normal error).
if( ( tries < 1 ) ) {
throw r;
//log.warn( "Caught: " + r + ". Retrying..." );
catch( IOException ex ) {
throw new SolrServerException("error reading streams", ex );
method.setFollowRedirects( _followRedirects );
method.addRequestHeader( "User-Agent", AGENT );
if( _allowCompression ) {
method.setRequestHeader( new Header( "Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate" ) );
// method.setRequestHeader("connection", "close");
try {
// Execute the method.
//System.out.println( "EXECUTE:"+method.getURI() );
int statusCode = _httpClient.executeMethod(method);
if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
msg.append( method.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() );
msg.append( "\n\n" );
msg.append( method.getStatusText() );
msg.append( "\n\n" );
msg.append( "request: "+method.getURI() );
throw new SolrException(statusCode, java.net.URLDecoder.decode(msg.toString(), "UTF-8") );
// Read the contents
String charset = "UTF-8";
if( method instanceof HttpMethodBase ) {
charset = ((HttpMethodBase)method).getResponseCharSet();
InputStream respBody = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();
// Jakarta Commons HTTPClient doesn't handle any
// compression natively. Handle gzip or deflate
// here if applicable.
if( _allowCompression ) {
Header contentEncodingHeader = method.getResponseHeader( "Content-Encoding" );
if( contentEncodingHeader != null ) {
String contentEncoding = contentEncodingHeader.getValue();
if( contentEncoding.contains( "gzip" ) ) {
//log.debug( "wrapping response in GZIPInputStream" );
respBody = new GZIPInputStream( respBody );
else if( contentEncoding.contains( "deflate" ) ) {
//log.debug( "wrapping response in InflaterInputStream" );
respBody = new InflaterInputStream(respBody);
else {
Header contentTypeHeader = method.getResponseHeader( "Content-Type" );
if( contentTypeHeader != null ) {
String contentType = contentTypeHeader.getValue();
if( contentType != null ) {
if( contentType.startsWith( "application/x-gzip-compressed" ) ) {
//log.debug( "wrapping response in GZIPInputStream" );
respBody = new GZIPInputStream( respBody );
else if ( contentType.startsWith("application/x-deflate") ) {
//log.debug( "wrapping response in InflaterInputStream" );
respBody = new InflaterInputStream(respBody);
return processor.processResponse(respBody, charset);
catch (HttpException e) {
throw new SolrServerException( e );
catch (IOException e) {
throw new SolrServerException( e );
finally {
if(is != null) {