Package org.apache.slide.common

Examples of org.apache.slide.common.UriTokenizer

        if (result == null) {
            String resolvedUri = uri.toString();
            // 1 - Tokemization of the Uri
            UriTokenizer uriTokenizer = new UriTokenizer(token, uri.getNamespace(),
            // 2 - For each element of the Uri
            Uri courUri = null;
            ObjectNode courObject = null;
            while (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
                // 3 - Load object's class from the uri. If the object
                // does not exist, a DataException is thrown.
                courUri = uriTokenizer.nextUri();
                courObject = courUri.getStore()
                // We check to see if the credentials gives access to
                //the current object
                    (token, courObject, namespaceConfig.getReadObjectAction());
                // 4 - Test if object is a link, ie if it is an instance
                // of LinkNode or one of its subclasses
                if (((translateLastUriElement)
                         && (courObject instanceof LinkNode)) ||
                             && (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements())
                             && (courObject instanceof LinkNode))
                   ) {
                    // 5 - If the object is a link, we get the uri of
                    // the linked object
                    // Note : courUri still IS the Uri of the link, and so,
                    // in a way courUri is the parent of linkedUri.
                    Uri linkedUri = namespace
                        .getUri(((LinkNode) courObject).getLinkedUri());
                    // 6 - We replace the courUri scope in the original uri
                    String courStrUri = courUri.toString();
                    resolvedUri = linkedUri.toString()
                        + resolvedUri.substring(courStrUri.length());
                    // 7 - We tokenize again the uri
                    uriTokenizer = new UriTokenizer(token, uri.getNamespace(),
                    // 8 - We parse it till we get back to the point
                    // where we stopped
                    boolean isUriFound = false;
                    while ((!isUriFound) && (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements())) {
                        if (linkedUri.equals(uriTokenizer.nextUri())) {
                            isUriFound = true;
                    if (!isUriFound) {
                        throw new LinkedObjectNotFoundException(courUri,
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        String resolvedUri = strUri;
        // 1 - Tokenization of the Uri
        UriTokenizer uriTokenizer = new UriTokenizer(token, namespace, resolvedUri);
        // 2 - For each element of the Uri
        Uri courUri = null;
        ObjectNode courObject = null;
        ObjectNode parentObject = null;
        boolean alreadyExists = false;
        while (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
            parentObject = courObject;
            // 3 - Load object's class from the uri. If the object does
            // not exist, a DataException is thrown.
            courUri = uriTokenizer.nextUri();
            try {
                courObject = courUri.getStore()
                    .checkCredentials(token, courObject,
                if (!uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
                    // The object already exists
                    alreadyExists = true;
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
                // Load failed, probably because object was not found
                // We try to create a new one.
                // We have to test if the uri is the last in the list,
                // we must create the requested element.
                // By default, we create a SubjectNode.
                ObjectNode newObject = null;
                if (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
                    throw new ObjectNotFoundException(courUri);
                } else {
                    newObject = object;
                if (parentObject != null) {
                        .checkCredentials(token, courObject, namespaceConfig
                    // Now creating the new object
                    courUri.getStore().createObject(courUri, newObject);
                    // re-read to obtain UURI
                    //                    newObject = courUri.getStore().retrieveObject(courUri);
                    // re-read the parent taking the forceEnlistment flag into account
                    Uri parentUri = namespace.getUri(token, parentObject.getUri());
                    parentObject = parentUri.getStore().retrieveObject(parentUri);
                    // Add the newly created object to its parent's
                    // children list
                    ObjectNode oldChild = null;
                    // we can check the parentUri, it's in the same store as newObject
                    if (Configuration.useBinding(parentUri.getStore())) {
                        String bindingName = newObject.getPath().lastSegment();
                        if (parentObject.hasBinding(bindingName)) {
                            oldChild = retrieve(token, parentObject.getUri()+"/"+bindingName, false);
                            store(token, oldChild);
                        (token, parentObject, namespaceConfig.getCreateObjectAction());
                    //namespace.getUri(token, parentObject.getUri())
                    //.getDataSource().storeObject(parentObject, false);
                    store(token, parentObject, true);
                    store(token, newObject);
                } else {
                    throw new ObjectNotFoundException(courUri);
                courObject = newObject;
            // 4 - Test if object is a link, ie if it is an instance of
            // LinkNode or one of its subclasses
            if ((uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements())
                && (courObject instanceof LinkNode)) {
                // 5 - If the object is a link, we get the uri of the
                // linked object
                // Note : courUri still IS the Uri of the link, and so,
                // in a way courUri is the parent of linkedUri.
                Uri linkedUri = namespace
                    .getUri(((LinkNode) courObject).getLinkedUri());
                // 6 - We replace the courUri scope in the original uri
                String courStrUri = courUri.toString();
                resolvedUri = linkedUri.toString()
                    + resolvedUri.substring(courStrUri.length());
                // 7 - We tokenize again the uri
                uriTokenizer = new UriTokenizer(token, namespace, resolvedUri);
                // 8 - We parse it till we get back to the point
                // where we stopped
                boolean isUriFound = false;
                while ((!isUriFound) && (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements())) {
                    if (linkedUri.equals(uriTokenizer.nextUri())) {
                        isUriFound = true;
                if (!isUriFound) {
                    throw new LinkedObjectNotFoundException
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        if (result == null) {
            String resolvedUri = uri.toString();
            // 1 - Tokemization of the Uri
            UriTokenizer uriTokenizer = new UriTokenizer(token, uri.getNamespace(),
            // 2 - For each element of the Uri
            Uri courUri = null;
            ObjectNode courObject = null;
            while (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
                // 3 - Load object's class from the uri. If the object
                // does not exist, a DataException is thrown.
                courUri = uriTokenizer.nextUri();
                courObject = courUri.getStore()
                // We check to see if the credentials gives access to
                //the current object
                    (token, courObject, namespaceConfig.getReadObjectAction());
                // 4 - Test if object is a link, ie if it is an instance
                // of LinkNode or one of its subclasses
                if (((translateLastUriElement)
                         && (courObject instanceof LinkNode)) ||
                             && (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements())
                             && (courObject instanceof LinkNode))
                   ) {
                    // 5 - If the object is a link, we get the uri of
                    // the linked object
                    // Note : courUri still IS the Uri of the link, and so,
                    // in a way courUri is the parent of linkedUri.
                    Uri linkedUri = namespace
                        .getUri(token, ((LinkNode) courObject).getLinkedUri());
                    // 6 - We replace the courUri scope in the original uri
                    String courStrUri = courUri.toString();
                    resolvedUri = linkedUri.toString()
                        + resolvedUri.substring(courStrUri.length());
                    // 7 - We tokenize again the uri
                    uriTokenizer = new UriTokenizer(token, uri.getNamespace(),
                    // 8 - We parse it till we get back to the point
                    // where we stopped
                    boolean isUriFound = false;
                    while ((!isUriFound) && (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements())) {
                        if (linkedUri.equals(uriTokenizer.nextUri())) {
                            isUriFound = true;
                    if (!isUriFound) {
                        throw new LinkedObjectNotFoundException(courUri,
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        String resolvedUri = strUri;
        // 1 - Tokenization of the Uri
        UriTokenizer uriTokenizer = new UriTokenizer(token, namespace, resolvedUri);
        // 2 - For each element of the Uri
        Uri courUri = null;
        ObjectNode courObject = null;
        ObjectNode parentObject = null;
        boolean alreadyExists = false;
        while (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
            parentObject = courObject;
            // 3 - Load object's class from the uri. If the object does
            // not exist, a DataException is thrown.
            courUri = uriTokenizer.nextUri();
            try {
                courObject = courUri.getStore()
                    .checkCredentials(token, courObject,
                if (!uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
                    // The object already exists
                    alreadyExists = true;
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
                // Load failed, probably because object was not found
                // We try to create a new one.
                // We have to test if the uri is the last in the list,
                // we must create the requested element.
                // By default, we create a SubjectNode.
                ObjectNode newObject = null;
                if (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
                    throw new ObjectNotFoundException(courUri);
                } else {
                    newObject = object;
                if (parentObject != null) {

                    // lock exclusively before anyone can get a read lock
                    // do not lock in external transaction because this might lead to distributed deadlocks
                    // between Slide and store
                    if (!token.isExternalTransaction()) {
                        namespace.getUri(token, parentObject.getUri()).getStore().exclusiveTransientLock(
                        .checkCredentials(token, courObject, namespaceConfig
                    // Now creating the new object
                    courUri.getStore().createObject(courUri, newObject);
                    // re-read to obtain UURI
                    //                    newObject = courUri.getStore().retrieveObject(courUri);
                    // re-read the parent taking the forceEnlistment flag into account
                    Uri parentUri = namespace.getUri(token, parentObject.getUri());
                    parentObject = parentUri.getStore().retrieveObject(parentUri);
                    // Add the newly created object to its parent's
                    // children list
                    ObjectNode oldChild = null;
                    // we can check the parentUri, it's in the same store as newObject
                    if (Configuration.useBinding(parentUri.getStore())) {
                        String bindingName = newObject.getPath().lastSegment();
                        if (parentObject.hasBinding(bindingName)) {
                            oldChild = retrieve(token, parentObject.getUri()+"/"+bindingName, false);
                            store(token, oldChild);
                        (token, parentObject, namespaceConfig.getCreateObjectAction());
                    //namespace.getUri(token, parentObject.getUri())
                    //.getDataSource().storeObject(parentObject, false);
                    store(token, parentObject, true);
                    store(token, newObject);
                } else {
                    throw new ObjectNotFoundException(courUri);
                courObject = newObject;
            // 4 - Test if object is a link, ie if it is an instance of
            // LinkNode or one of its subclasses
            if ((uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements())
                && (courObject instanceof LinkNode)) {
                // 5 - If the object is a link, we get the uri of the
                // linked object
                // Note : courUri still IS the Uri of the link, and so,
                // in a way courUri is the parent of linkedUri.
                Uri linkedUri = namespace
                    .getUri(token, ((LinkNode) courObject).getLinkedUri());
                // 6 - We replace the courUri scope in the original uri
                String courStrUri = courUri.toString();
                resolvedUri = linkedUri.toString()
                    + resolvedUri.substring(courStrUri.length());
                // 7 - We tokenize again the uri
                uriTokenizer = new UriTokenizer(token, namespace, resolvedUri);
                // 8 - We parse it till we get back to the point
                // where we stopped
                boolean isUriFound = false;
                while ((!isUriFound) && (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements())) {
                    if (linkedUri.equals(uriTokenizer.nextUri())) {
                        isUriFound = true;
                if (!isUriFound) {
                    throw new LinkedObjectNotFoundException
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        if (result == null) {
            String resolvedUri = uri.toString();
            // 1 - Tokemization of the Uri
            UriTokenizer uriTokenizer = new UriTokenizer(token, uri.getNamespace(),
            // 2 - For each element of the Uri
            Uri courUri = null;
            ObjectNode courObject = null;
            while (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
                // 3 - Load object's class from the uri. If the object
                // does not exist, a DataException is thrown.
                courUri = uriTokenizer.nextUri();
                courObject = courUri.getStore()
                // We check to see if the credentials gives access to
                //the current object
                    (token, courObject, namespaceConfig.getReadObjectAction());
                // 4 - Test if object is a link, ie if it is an instance
                // of LinkNode or one of its subclasses
                if (((translateLastUriElement)
                         && (courObject instanceof LinkNode)) ||
                             && (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements())
                             && (courObject instanceof LinkNode))
                   ) {
                    // 5 - If the object is a link, we get the uri of
                    // the linked object
                    // Note : courUri still IS the Uri of the link, and so,
                    // in a way courUri is the parent of linkedUri.
                    Uri linkedUri = namespace
                        .getUri(((LinkNode) courObject).getLinkedUri());
                    // 6 - We replace the courUri scope in the original uri
                    String courStrUri = courUri.toString();
                    resolvedUri = linkedUri.toString()
                        + resolvedUri.substring(courStrUri.length());
                    // 7 - We tokenize again the uri
                    uriTokenizer = new UriTokenizer(token, uri.getNamespace(),
                    // 8 - We parse it till we get back to the point
                    // where we stopped
                    boolean isUriFound = false;
                    while ((!isUriFound) && (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements())) {
                        if (linkedUri.equals(uriTokenizer.nextUri())) {
                            isUriFound = true;
                    if (!isUriFound) {
                        throw new LinkedObjectNotFoundException(courUri,
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        String resolvedUri = strUri;
        // 1 - Tokenization of the Uri
        UriTokenizer uriTokenizer = new UriTokenizer(token, namespace, resolvedUri);
        // 2 - For each element of the Uri
        Uri courUri = null;
        ObjectNode courObject = null;
        ObjectNode parentObject = null;
        boolean alreadyExists = false;
        while (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
            parentObject = courObject;
            // 3 - Load object's class from the uri. If the object does
            // not exist, a DataException is thrown.
            courUri = uriTokenizer.nextUri();
            try {
                courObject = courUri.getStore()
                    .checkCredentials(token, courObject,
                if (!uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
                    // The object already exists
                    alreadyExists = true;
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
                // Load failed, probably because object was not found
                // We try to create a new one.
                // We have to test if the uri is the last in the list,
                // we must create the requested element.
                // By default, we create a SubjectNode.
                ObjectNode newObject = null;
                if (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
                    throw new ObjectNotFoundException(courUri);
                } else {
                    newObject = object;
                if (parentObject != null) {
                        .checkCredentials(token, courObject, namespaceConfig
                    // Now creating the new object
                    courUri.getStore().createObject(courUri, newObject);
                    // re-read to obtain UURI
                    //                    newObject = courUri.getStore().retrieveObject(courUri);
                    // re-read the parent taking the forceEnlistment flag into account
                    Uri parentUri = namespace.getUri(token, parentObject.getUri());
                    parentObject = parentUri.getStore().retrieveObject(parentUri);
                    // Add the newly created object to its parent's
                    // children list
                    ObjectNode oldChild = null;
                    // we can check the parentUri, it's in the same store as newObject
                    if (Configuration.useBinding(parentUri.getStore())) {
                        String bindingName = newObject.getPath().lastSegment();
                        if (parentObject.hasBinding(bindingName)) {
                            oldChild = retrieve(token, parentObject.getUri()+"/"+bindingName, false);
                            store(token, oldChild);
                        (token, parentObject, namespaceConfig.getCreateObjectAction());
                    //namespace.getUri(token, parentObject.getUri())
                    //.getDataSource().storeObject(parentObject, false);
                    store(token, parentObject, true);
                    store(token, newObject);
                } else {
                    throw new ObjectNotFoundException(courUri);
                courObject = newObject;
            // 4 - Test if object is a link, ie if it is an instance of
            // LinkNode or one of its subclasses
            if ((uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements())
                && (courObject instanceof LinkNode)) {
                // 5 - If the object is a link, we get the uri of the
                // linked object
                // Note : courUri still IS the Uri of the link, and so,
                // in a way courUri is the parent of linkedUri.
                Uri linkedUri = namespace
                    .getUri(((LinkNode) courObject).getLinkedUri());
                // 6 - We replace the courUri scope in the original uri
                String courStrUri = courUri.toString();
                resolvedUri = linkedUri.toString()
                    + resolvedUri.substring(courStrUri.length());
                // 7 - We tokenize again the uri
                uriTokenizer = new UriTokenizer(token, namespace, resolvedUri);
                // 8 - We parse it till we get back to the point
                // where we stopped
                boolean isUriFound = false;
                while ((!isUriFound) && (uriTokenizer.hasMoreElements())) {
                    if (linkedUri.equals(uriTokenizer.nextUri())) {
                        isUriFound = true;
                if (!isUriFound) {
                    throw new LinkedObjectNotFoundException
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Related Classes of org.apache.slide.common.UriTokenizer

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