SessionDAO implementation that relies on an enterprise caching product as the EIS system of record for all sessions. It is expected that an injected {@link org.apache.shiro.cache.Cache Cache} or{@link org.apache.shiro.cache.CacheManager CacheManager} is backed by an enterprise caching product that can supportall application sessions and/or provide disk paging for resilient data storage.
Production Note
This implementation defaults to using an in-memory map-based {@code CacheManager}, which is great for testing but will typically not scale for production environments and could easily cause {@code OutOfMemoryException}s. Just don't forget to configure
* an instance of this class with a production-grade {@code CacheManager} that canhandle disk paging for large numbers of sessions and you'll be fine.
*If you configure Shiro's {@code SecurityManager} instance with such a {@code CacheManager}, it will be automatically applied to an instance of this class and you won't need to explicitly set it in configuration.
Implementation Details
This implementation relies heavily on the {@link CachingSessionDAO parent class}'s transparent caching behavior for all storage operations with the enterprise caching product. Because the parent class uses a {@code Cache} or{@code CacheManager} to perform caching, and the cache is considered the system of record, nothing further needs tobe done for the {@link #doReadSession}, {@link #doUpdate} and {@link #doDelete} method implementations. This classimplements those methods as required by the parent class, but they essentially do nothing.
@since 1.0