wasp.org/index.php/Hashing_Java" _target="blank">Hashing Java article to learn about salting and multiple iterations and why you might want to use them. (Note of sections 5 "Why add salt?" and 6 "Hardening against the attacker's attack").
We should also note here that all of Shiro's Hash implementations (for example, {@link org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash.Md5Hash Md5Hash}, {@link org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash.Sha1Hash Sha1Hash}, etc) support salting and multiple hash iterations via overloaded constructors.
Salting of the authentication token's credentials hash is disabled by default, but you may enable it by setting {@link #setHashSalted hashSalted} to{@code true}. If you do enable it, the value used to salt the hash will be obtained from {@link #getSalt(org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationToken) getSalt(authenticationToken)}.
The default {@code getSalt} implementation merely returns{@code token.getPrincipal()}, effectively using the user's identity as the salt, a most common technique. If you wish to provide the authentication token's salt another way, you may override this {@code getSalt} method.
Multiple Hash Iterations
If you hash your users' credentials multiple times before persisting to the data store, you will also need to set this class's {@link #setHashIterations(int) hashIterations} property.
Note: MD5 and
SHA-1 algorithms are now known to be vulnerable to compromise and/or collisions (read the linked pages for more). While most applications are ok with either of these two, if your application mandates high security, use the SHA-256 (or higher) hashing algorithms and their supporting {@code CredentialsMatcher} implementations.
@author Les Hazlewood
@see org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash.Md5Hash
@see org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash.Sha1Hash
@see org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash.Sha256Hash
@since 0.9