This is a JavaServer Faces Validator
that uses Apache Commons Validator to perform validation, either on the client side, the server side, or both.
The current implementation is dependent on version 1.3 of Commons Validator. Some new conventions have been adopted for registering a validation rule in the validator's XML configuration file. In the action framework, validation was suited for declaring rules associated with a form. This worked well since generally a single action had the responsibility of handling all the posted form data at once.
However, JSF takes a component based approach. Each component has the responsibility of managing its posted data and rendering its state. In the component based world, it is easier to associate configuration values at that level versus what works best for Struts actions.
In an effort to reuse as much of Commons Validator and provide a method of registering new rules, a new convention was adopted for declaring validation rules.
<global> <validator name="mask" classname="org.apache.commons.validator.GenericValidator" method="matchRegexp" methodParams="java.lang.String,java.lang.String" msg="errors.invalid" jsFunctionName="validateMask" jsFunction="org.apache.commons.validator.javascript.validateMask" depends=""/> </global>
The rules declaration is the same but an added form is required to capture extra configuration information. The form is associated with the validation rule using a naming convention. The prefix of the form name is "org.apache.shale.validator.XXXX" where "XXXX" is the validation rule name.
<formset> <form name="org.apache.shale.validator.mask">
The form is followed by a field and the property attribute of the form has the same value as the rule name.
<field property="mask">
Within the field definition, arg's are used to define the parameters in order for message substitution and method argument value resolution. There are two reserved name values for the arg node used to define messages and parameters.
<arg position="0" name="message" key="arg" resource="false"/> <arg position="1" name="message" key="mask" resource="false"/> <arg position="2" name="message" key="submittedValue" resource="false"/> <arg position="0" name="parameter" key="submittedValue" resource="false"/> <arg position="1" name="parameter" key="mask" resource="false"/>
The "message" name arguments defines the possible MessageFormat
parameter substitution where the "position" corresponds to the substitution parameter.
errors.invalid={0} is invalid.
The "parameter" arguments define the variable names that hold values for the target validatior method identified by the validator rule name. The comma delimited class types in the "methodParms" value list correspond to the parameters by position.
The var node is also used to explicitly define a JavaScript variable type. If not defined, the default is "string". The var-value is ignored because its captured by the shale commons validator instance.
<var> <var-name>mask</var-name> <var-value></var-value> <var-jstype>regexp</var-jstype> </var>$Id: 562606 2007-08-03 22:21:50Z rahul $