Overall configuration of an individual dialog. During application execution, this information is immutable (so that simultaneous execution threads may be processing states or transitions through this dialog). Therefore, access to configuration information is not synchronized.
A {@link Dialog} is characterized by a set of named {@link State}s, which are executed in an order that is determined by {@link Transition}s between those {@link State}s. Execution of a {@link Dialog} begins atthe {@link State} specified by the start
property, and endswhen an {@link EndState} is executed.
{@link Transition}s describe the rule that determines the name of the next {@link State} to be executed, based upon a logical outcome returnedby the execution of a previous {@link State}. {@link Transition}s associated with a {@link Dialog} define dialog-wide rules for specifiedoutcomes, while {@link Transition}s associated with a particular {@link State} can replace the global {@link Transition} that would normallybe selected with one specific to the executing {@link State}.
@since 1.0.4