Package org.apache.sanselan.common.mylzw

Examples of org.apache.sanselan.common.mylzw.MyLZWCompressor$ByteArray

            public void init(int clearCode, int eoiCode)

        MyLZWCompressor compressor = new MyLZWCompressor(LZW_MINIMUM_CODE_SIZE,
                BYTE_ORDER_MSB, true, compressionListener);
        byte compressed[] = compressor.compress(src);

        MyLZWDecompressor.Listener decompressionListener = new MyLZWDecompressor.Listener() {

            int index = 0;
            int clearCode, eoiCode;
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        MyLZWCompressor compressor = new MyLZWCompressor(LZW_MINIMUM_CODE_SIZE,
                BYTE_ORDER_MSB, true, compressionListener);
        byte compressed[] = compressor.compress(decompressed);

        assertEquals(src.length, compressed.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < src.length; i++)
            assertEquals(src[i], compressed[i]);
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                // better
                // choice
                // here.

                MyLZWCompressor compressor = new MyLZWCompressor(
                        LZWMinimumCodeSize, BYTE_ORDER_LSB, false); // GIF
                // Mode);

                byte imagedata[] = new byte[width * height];
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        int argb = src.getRGB(x, y);
                        int rgb = 0xffffff & argb;
                        int index;

                        if (hasAlpha)
                            int alpha = 0xff & (argb >> 24);
                            final int alphaThreshold = 255;
                            if (alpha < alphaThreshold)
                                index = palette2.length(); // is transparent
                                index = palette2.getPaletteIndex(rgb);
                        } else
                            index = palette2.getPaletteIndex(rgb);

                        imagedata[y * width + x] = (byte) index;

                byte compressed[] = compressor.compress(imagedata);
                writeAsSubBlocks(bos, compressed);
                image_data_total += compressed.length;

            // palette2.dump();
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                byte uncompressed[] = strips[i];

                int LZW_MINIMUM_CODE_SIZE = 8;

                MyLZWCompressor compressor = new MyLZWCompressor(
                        LZW_MINIMUM_CODE_SIZE, BYTE_ORDER_MSB, true);
                byte compressed[] = compressor.compress(uncompressed);

                strips[i] = compressed;
        } else if (compression == TIFF_COMPRESSION_UNCOMPRESSED)
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        byte uncompressed[] = strips[i];

        int LZWMinimumCodeSize = 8;

        MyLZWCompressor compressor = new MyLZWCompressor(
            LZWMinimumCodeSize, BYTE_ORDER_MSB, true);
        byte compressed[] = compressor.compress(uncompressed);

        strips[i] = compressed;
    else if (compression == TIFF_COMPRESSION_UNCOMPRESSED)
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        // better
        // choice
        // here.

        MyLZWCompressor compressor = new MyLZWCompressor(
            LZWMinimumCodeSize, BYTE_ORDER_LSB, false); // GIF
        // Mode);

        byte imagedata[] = new byte[width * height];
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
          for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            int argb = src.getRGB(x, y);
            int rgb = 0xffffff & argb;
            int index;

            if (hasAlpha)
              int alpha = 0xff & (argb >> 24);
              final int alphaThreshold = 255;
              if (alpha < alphaThreshold)
                index = palette2.length(); // is transparent
                index = palette2.getPaletteIndex(rgb);
            } else
              index = palette2.getPaletteIndex(rgb);

            imagedata[y * width + x] = (byte) index;

        byte compressed[] = compressor.compress(imagedata);
        writeAsSubBlocks(bos, compressed);
        image_data_total += compressed.length;

      // palette2.dump();
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  public byte[] compressLZW(byte src[], int LZWMinimumCodeSize,
      int byteOrder, boolean earlyLimit) throws IOException

    MyLZWCompressor compressor = new MyLZWCompressor(LZWMinimumCodeSize,
        byteOrder, earlyLimit);

    byte compressed[] = compressor.compress(src);

    return compressed;
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        // better
        // choice
        // here.

        MyLZWCompressor compressor = new MyLZWCompressor(
            LZWMinimumCodeSize, BYTE_ORDER_LSB, false); // GIF
        // Mode);

        byte imagedata[] = new byte[width * height];
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
          for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            int argb = src.getRGB(x, y);
            int rgb = 0xffffff & argb;
            int index;

            if (hasAlpha)
              int alpha = 0xff & (argb >> 24);
              final int alphaThreshold = 255;
              if (alpha < alphaThreshold)
                index = palette2.length(); // is transparent
                index = palette2.getPaletteIndex(rgb);
            } else
              index = palette2.getPaletteIndex(rgb);

            imagedata[y * width + x] = (byte) index;

        byte compressed[] = compressor.compress(imagedata);
        writeAsSubBlocks(bos, compressed);
        image_data_total += compressed.length;

      // palette2.dump();
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        byte uncompressed[] = strips[i];

        int LZW_MINIMUM_CODE_SIZE = 8;

        MyLZWCompressor compressor = new MyLZWCompressor(
        byte compressed[] = compressor.compress(uncompressed);

        strips[i] = compressed;
    } else if (compression == TIFF_COMPRESSION_UNCOMPRESSED)
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                // better
                // choice
                // here.

                MyLZWCompressor compressor = new MyLZWCompressor(
                        LZWMinimumCodeSize, BYTE_ORDER_LSB, false); // GIF
                // Mode);

                byte imagedata[] = new byte[width * height];
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        int argb = src.getRGB(x, y);
                        int rgb = 0xffffff & argb;
                        int index;

                        if (hasAlpha)
                            int alpha = 0xff & (argb >> 24);
                            final int alphaThreshold = 255;
                            if (alpha < alphaThreshold)
                                index = palette2.length(); // is transparent
                                index = palette2.getPaletteIndex(rgb);
                        } else
                            index = palette2.getPaletteIndex(rgb);

                        imagedata[y * width + x] = (byte) index;

                byte compressed[] = compressor.compress(imagedata);
                writeAsSubBlocks(bos, compressed);
                image_data_total += compressed.length;

            // palette2.dump();
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Related Classes of org.apache.sanselan.common.mylzw.MyLZWCompressor$ByteArray

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