// won't matter
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(WeblogEntryTagAggregateData.class)
WeblogEntryTagAggregateData weblogTagData = (WeblogEntryTagAggregateData) criteria.uniqueResult();
conjunction = Expression.conjunction();
conjunction.add(Restrictions.eq("name", name));
criteria = session.createCriteria(WeblogEntryTagAggregateData.class)
WeblogEntryTagAggregateData siteTagData = (WeblogEntryTagAggregateData) criteria.uniqueResult();
Timestamp lastUsed = new Timestamp((new Date()).getTime());
// create it only if we are going to need it.
if(weblogTagData == null && amount > 0) {
weblogTagData = new WeblogEntryTagAggregateData(null, website, name, amount);
} else if(weblogTagData != null) {
session.createQuery("update WeblogEntryTagAggregateData set total = total + ?, lastUsed = current_timestamp() where name = ? and weblog = ?")
.setInteger(0, amount)
.setString(1, weblogTagData.getName())
.setParameter(2, website)
// create it only if we are going to need it.
if(siteTagData == null && amount > 0) {
siteTagData = new WeblogEntryTagAggregateData(null, null, name, amount);
} else if(siteTagData != null) {
session.createQuery("update WeblogEntryTagAggregateData set total = total + ?, lastUsed = current_timestamp() where name = ? and weblog is null")
.setInteger(0, amount)
.setString(1, siteTagData.getName())
// delete all bad counts
session.createQuery("delete from WeblogEntryTagAggregateData where total <= 0").executeUpdate();