Package org.apache.roller.pojos

Examples of org.apache.roller.pojos.BookmarkData

        Iterator bookmarks = folder.getBookmarks().iterator();
        String workingText = text;
        while (bookmarks.hasNext())
            BookmarkData bookmark = (BookmarkData);
            String bkDescription = bookmark.getDescription();
            if (bkDescription == null) bkDescription = "";
            String bookmarkLink = "<a href=\"" +
                bookmark.getUrl() + "\" title=\"" +
                bkDescription + "\">" +
                bookmark.getName() + "</a>";
                // Replace all occurrences of bookmark name that don't occur within the bounds of an anchor tag
                // Notes:
                // - use reluctant quantifiers on the tags to avoid gobbling more than desired
                // - use non-capturing groups for boundaries to avoid replacing the boundary as well as the bookmark name.
                // - we depend on the numbering of the specific groups in this expression in the replacement code below.
                // TODO: should escape the bookmark name
                String regEx = "(<a(?:\\s.*?)??/>)|(<a(?:\\s.*?)??>)|(</a(?:\\s.*?)??>)|(?:\\b)(" + bookmark.getName() + ")(?:\\b)";
                Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regEx).matcher(workingText);
                StringBuffer textBuf = new StringBuffer(workingText.length());
                int inLink = 0;
                while (m.find())
                    if ( != null)
                        // self-closed anchor tag <a  ... /> -- ignore
                    else if ( != null)
                        // matched opening anchor tag <a ...>
                    else if ( != null)
                        // closing anchor tag </a>, but ignore nonmatching ones
                        if (inLink > 0) inLink--;
                    else if ( != null)
                        // matched the bookmark -- replace, but only if not within a link tag.
                        if (inLink == 0) m.appendReplacement(textBuf, bookmarkLink);
                    // Any remaining case indicates a bug.  One could add an else with assertion here.  Conservatively don't substitute.
                workingText = textBuf.toString();
            catch (PatternSyntaxException e)
                // Can happen since we don't escape pattern the bookmark name to protect pattern characters.
                mLogger.warn("Failed to substitute for bookmark [" + bookmark.getName() + "] due to regular expression characters.");
        return workingText.toString();
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        if (blogroll != null) {
            String[] splitroll = blogroll.split(",");
            for (int i=0; i<splitroll.length; i++) {
                String[] rollitems = splitroll[i].split("\\|");
                if (rollitems != null && rollitems.length > 1) {
                    BookmarkData b = new BookmarkData(
                            root,                // parent
                            rollitems[0],        // name
                            "",                  // description
                            rollitems[1].trim(), // url
                            null,                // feedurl
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    public BookmarkData getBookmark(String id) throws RollerException {
        BookmarkData bd = (BookmarkData)
        strategy.load(id, BookmarkData.class);
        // TODO: huh?  why do we do this?
        if (bd != null) bd.setBookmarkManager(this);
        return bd;
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            // Currently bookmarks must have at least a name and HTML url to be stored. Previous logic was
            // trying to skip invalid ones, but was letting ones with an xml url and no html url through
            // which could result in a db exception.
            // TODO: Consider providing error feedback instead of silently skipping the invalid bookmarks here.
            if (null != title && null != url) {
                BookmarkData bd = new BookmarkData(parent,
                        new Integer(0),
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        try {
            // Add to destination folder
            LinkedList deleteList = new LinkedList();
            Iterator srcBookmarks = src.getBookmarks().iterator();
            while (srcBookmarks.hasNext()) {
                BookmarkData bd = (BookmarkData);
                BookmarkData movedBd = new BookmarkData();
            // Remove from source folder
            Iterator deleteIter = deleteList.iterator();
            while (deleteIter.hasNext()) {
                BookmarkData bd = (BookmarkData);
                // TODO: this won't conflict with the bookmark we store above right?
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    public void removeFolderContents(FolderData src) throws RollerException {
        // just go through the folder and remove each bookmark
        Iterator srcBookmarks = src.getBookmarks().iterator();
        while (srcBookmarks.hasNext()) {
            BookmarkData bd = (BookmarkData);
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                    bookmarksQuery.add(Expression.eq("folder", assoc
                    Iterator bookmarkIter = bookmarksQuery.list().iterator();
                    while (bookmarkIter.hasNext()) {
                        BookmarkData entry = (BookmarkData);
            // get bookmarks in folder
            Criteria bookmarksQuery = session
            bookmarksQuery.add(Expression.eq("folder", folder));
            Iterator bookmarkIter = bookmarksQuery.list().iterator();
            while (bookmarkIter.hasNext()) {
                BookmarkData bookmark = (BookmarkData);
            return bookmarks;
        } catch (HibernateException e) {
            throw new RollerException(e);
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        // Build map of the user's bookmarks
        userBookmarks = buildBookmarkMap(website);

        // Determine default topic site from bookmark if present
        BookmarkData defaultTopicBookmark = (BookmarkData) userBookmarks.get(defaultTopicBookmarkName);
        if (defaultTopicBookmark != null) defaultTopicSite = defaultTopicBookmark.getUrl();

        // Append / to defaultTopicSite if it doesn't have it
        if (!defaultTopicSite.endsWith("/"))
            defaultTopicSite += "/";
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     * @return String form of the URL from the bookmark by that name from any of the user's folders, or null if not
     *         found.
    protected String getBookmarkSite(String bookmarkName)
        BookmarkData bookmark = (BookmarkData) getUserBookmarks().get(bookmarkName);
        return bookmark == null ? null : bookmark.getUrl();
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            BookmarkManager bMgr = RollerFactory.getRoller().getBookmarkManager();
            List bookmarks = bMgr.getBookmarks(bMgr.getRootFolder(website), true);

            for (Iterator i = bookmarks.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                BookmarkData b = (BookmarkData);
                bookmarkMap.put(b.getName(), b);
        return bookmarkMap;
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Related Classes of org.apache.roller.pojos.BookmarkData

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