// iterator through all the definitions and add properties
// that are not already in our props map
ConfigDef configDef = null;
DisplayGroup dGroup = null;
PropertyDef propDef = null;
Iterator defs = runtimeConfigDefs.getConfigDefs().iterator();
while(defs.hasNext()) {
configDef = (ConfigDef) defs.next();
Iterator groups = configDef.getDisplayGroups().iterator();
while(groups.hasNext()) {
dGroup = (DisplayGroup) groups.next();
Iterator propdefs = dGroup.getPropertyDefs().iterator();
while(propdefs.hasNext()) {
propDef = (PropertyDef) propdefs.next();
// do we already have this prop? if not then add it
if(!props.containsKey(propDef.getName())) {
RuntimeConfigProperty newprop =
new RuntimeConfigProperty(propDef.getName(), propDef.getDefaultValue());
props.put(propDef.getName(), newprop);
log.info("Found uninitialized property "+propDef.getName()+
" ... setting value to ["+propDef.getDefaultValue()+"]");