Package org.apache.qpid.server.model

Examples of org.apache.qpid.server.model.VirtualHost

                    arguments.put(keyAndValue[0], keyAndValue[1]);

        VirtualHost virtualHost = _exchange.getParent(VirtualHost.class);
        Queue queue = MBeanUtils.findQueueFromQueueName(virtualHost, queueName);
        _exchange.createBinding(binding, queue, arguments, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
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    public void removeBinding(String queueName, String bindingKey)
            throws IOException, JMException
        VirtualHost virtualHost = _exchange.getParent(VirtualHost.class);
        Queue queue = MBeanUtils.findQueueFromQueueName(virtualHost, queueName);;

        boolean deleted = false;
        for(Binding binding : _exchange.getBindings())
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            String name = inArgs.getStringValue("name");
            String type = inArgs.getStringValue("type");

            NameParser nameParser = new NameParser(name, type);
            String vhostName = nameParser.getVirtualHostName();
            VirtualHost vhost = nameParser.getVirtualHost();

            if (vhost == null)
                if (vhostName == null)
                    agent.raiseException(handle, "VirtualHost names for exchange and queue must match.");
                    agent.raiseException(handle, "VirtualHost " + vhostName + " not found.");
                if (methodName.equals("create")) // method = create
                        //boolean strict = inArgs.getBooleanValue("strict");
                        Map<String, Object> properties = inArgs.getValue("properties");

                        boolean durable = false;
                        Object property = properties.get("durable");
                        if (property != null && property instanceof Boolean)
                            Boolean durableProperty = (Boolean)property;
                            durable = durableProperty.booleanValue();

                        if (type.equals("exchange")) // create exchange.
System.out.println("Create Exchange");
System.out.println("vhostName = " + vhostName);
System.out.println("exchange name = " + nameParser.getExchangeName());
System.out.println("properties = " + properties);
                            String exchangeType = "";
                            property = properties.get("exchange-type");
                            if (property != null && property instanceof String)
                                exchangeType = property.toString();

                            String alternateExchange = parseAlternateExchange(vhostName, properties);
                            if (alternateExchange != null && alternateExchange.equals("invalid"))
                                agent.raiseException(handle, "Alternate Exchange must belong to the same Virtual Host as the Exchange being added.");

                            // TODO delete this block when adding an AlternateExchange is implemented.
                            if (alternateExchange != null)
                                    "Setting an Alternate Exchange on an Exchange is not yet implemented.");

                            // Note that for Qpid 0.20 the "qpid.msg_sequence=1" and "qpid.ive=1" properties are
                            // not suppored, indeed no exchange properties seem to be supported yet.
                            vhost.createExchange(nameParser.getExchangeName(), State.ACTIVE, durable,
                                                 LifetimePolicy.PERMANENT, 0l, exchangeType, properties);
                            if (alternateExchange != null)
                                // TODO set Alternate Exchange. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this yet!!!
                        } // End of create exchange.
                        else if (type.equals("queue")) // create queue.
System.out.println("Create Queue");
System.out.println("vhostName = " + vhostName);
System.out.println("queue name = " + nameParser.getQueueName());
System.out.println("properties = " + properties);

                            // TODO Try to map from the QMF create queue properties to the closest equivalents on
                            // the Java Broker. Unfortunately there are a *lot* of frustrating little differences.

                            String alternateExchange = parseAlternateExchange(vhostName, properties);
                            if (alternateExchange != null && alternateExchange.equals("invalid"))
                                agent.raiseException(handle, "Alternate Exchange must belong to the same Virtual Host as the Queue being added.");

                            // I don't *think* that it make sense to allow setting exclusive or autoDelete to
                            // a queue created from config.
                            Queue queue = vhost.createQueue(nameParser.getQueueName(), State.ACTIVE, durable, false,
                                                            LifetimePolicy.PERMANENT, 0l, properties);

                            // Set the queue's alternateExchange, which is just a little bit involved......
                            // The queue.setAttribute() method needs an org.apache.qpid.server.model.Exchange instance
                            // not just a name, so we look up org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Exchange by ID
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        else if (child instanceof Connection)
            if (!agentConnection && !_objects.containsKey(child))
                // If the parent object is the default vhost set it to null so that the Connection ignores it.
                VirtualHost vhost = (object.getName().equals(_defaultVirtualHost)) ? null : (VirtualHost)object;
                data = new org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Connection(vhost, (Connection)child);
                _objects.put(child, data);

                // Raise a Client Connect Event.
            agentConnection = false; // Only ignore the first Connection, which is the one from the Agent.
        else if (child instanceof Session)
            if (!_objects.containsKey(child))
                QmfAgentData ref = _objects.get(object); // Get the Connection QmfAgentData so we can get connectionRef.
                if (ref != null)
                    data = new org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Session((Session)child, ref.getObjectId());
                    _objects.put(child, data);
        else if (child instanceof Exchange)
            if (!_objects.containsKey(child))
                // If the parent object is the default vhost set it to null so that the Connection ignores it.
                VirtualHost vhost = (object.getName().equals(_defaultVirtualHost)) ? null : (VirtualHost)object;
                data = new org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Exchange(vhost, (Exchange)child);
                _objects.put(child, data);

                // Raise an Exchange Declare Event.

        else if (child instanceof Queue)
            if (!_objects.containsKey(child))
                // If the parent object is the default vhost set it to null so that the Connection ignores it.
                VirtualHost vhost = (object.getName().equals(_defaultVirtualHost)) ? null : (VirtualHost)object;
                data = new org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Queue(vhost, (Queue)child);
                _objects.put(child, data);

                // Raise a Queue Declare Event.
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            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path is specified");
        String vhostName = pathInfoElements[0];
        String queueName = pathInfoElements[1];

        VirtualHost vhost = null;

        for(VirtualHost vh : getBroker().getVirtualHosts())
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        Exchange mockExchange3 = mock(Exchange.class);

        VirtualHost mockVirtualHost = mock(VirtualHost.class);
        when(mockVirtualHost.getExchanges()).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(new Exchange[] {mockExchange1, mockExchange2, mockExchange3}));

        verify(_mockQueue).setAttribute(Queue.ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE, null, mockExchange2);
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    public void testSetAlternateExchangeWithUnknownExchangeName() throws Exception
        Exchange mockExchange = mock(Exchange.class);

        VirtualHost mockVirtualHost = mock(VirtualHost.class);

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        _mockQueue1 = createMockQueue(QUEUE1_NAME);
        _mockQueue2 = createMockQueue(QUEUE2_NAME);

        VirtualHost mockVirtualHost = mock(VirtualHost.class);
        when(mockVirtualHost.getQueues()).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(new Queue[] {_mockQueue1, _mockQueue2}));

        _exchangeMBean = new ExchangeMBean(_mockExchange, _mockVirtualHostMBean);

        _mockHeadersExchange = mock(Exchange.class);
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                AMQManagedObject mbean;
                if(child instanceof VirtualHost)
                    VirtualHost vhostChild = (VirtualHost)child;
                    mbean = new VirtualHostMBean(vhostChild, _objectRegistry);
                else if(child instanceof PasswordCredentialManagingAuthenticationProvider)
                    mbean = new UserManagementMBean((PasswordCredentialManagingAuthenticationProvider) child, _objectRegistry);
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        _storeLocation = new File(new File(TMP_FOLDER), getTestName());
        FileUtils.delete(_storeLocation, true);

        VirtualHost vhost = mock(VirtualHost.class);


        _store = createStore();
        ((DurableConfigurationStore)_store).configureConfigStore(vhost, null);
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Related Classes of org.apache.qpid.server.model.VirtualHost

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