AMQProtocolSession session = stateManager.getProtocolSession();
VirtualHost virtualHost = session.getVirtualHost();
QueueRegistry queueRegistry = virtualHost.getQueueRegistry();
MessageStore store = virtualHost.getMessageStore();
QueueDeleteBody body = evt.getMethod();
AMQQueue queue;
if (body.queue == null)
AMQChannel channel = session.getChannel(evt.getChannelId());
if (channel == null)
throw body.getChannelNotFoundException(evt.getChannelId());
//get the default queue on the channel:
queue = channel.getDefaultQueue();
queue = queueRegistry.getQueue(body.queue);
if (queue == null)
if (_failIfNotFound)
throw body.getChannelException(AMQConstant.NOT_FOUND, "Queue " + body.queue + " does not exist.");
if (body.ifEmpty && !queue.isEmpty())
throw body.getChannelException(AMQConstant.IN_USE, "Queue: " + body.queue + " is not empty.");
else if (body.ifUnused && !queue.isUnused())
// TODO - Error code
throw body.getChannelException(AMQConstant.IN_USE, "Queue: " + body.queue + " is still used.");
int purged = queue.delete(body.ifUnused, body.ifEmpty);