// Not an error. The frame is probably a channel Open for this channel id, which
// does not require asynchronous work therefore its absence from
// _channelsForCurrentMessage is ok.
AMQBody body = frame.getBodyFrame();
//Look up the Channel's Actor and set that as the current actor
// If that is not available then we can use the ConnectionActor
// that is associated with this AMQMPSession.
LogActor channelActor = null;
if (amqChannel != null)
channelActor = amqChannel.getLogActor();
CurrentActor.set(channelActor == null ? _actor : channelActor);
long startTime = 0;
String frameToString = null;
if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
frameToString = frame.toString();
_logger.debug("RECV: " + frame);
// Check that this channel is not closing
if (channelAwaitingClosure(channelId))
if ((frame.getBodyFrame() instanceof ChannelCloseOkBody))
if (_logger.isInfoEnabled())
_logger.info("Channel[" + channelId + "] awaiting closure - processing close-ok");
// The channel has been told to close, we don't process any more frames until
// it's closed.
body.handle(channelId, this);
catch(AMQConnectionException e)
_logger.info(e.getMessage() + " whilst processing frame: " + body);
closeConnection(channelId, e);