// slide
extractContent(slide.getShapes(), false, xhtml, slideDesc);
// slide layout which is the master sheet for this slide
XSLFSheet slideLayout = slide.getMasterSheet();
extractContent(slideLayout.getShapes(), true, xhtml, null);
// slide master which is the master sheet for all text layouts
XSLFSheet slideMaster = slideLayout.getMasterSheet();
extractContent(slideMaster.getShapes(), true, xhtml, null);
// notes (if present)
XSLFSheet slideNotes = slide.getNotes();
if (slideNotes != null) {
extractContent(slideNotes.getShapes(), false, xhtml, slideDesc);
// master sheet for this notes
XSLFSheet notesMaster = slideNotes.getMasterSheet();
extractContent(notesMaster.getShapes(), true, xhtml, null);
// comments (if present)
XSLFComments comments = slide.getComments();
if (comments != null) {