eval.setGlobalPrecision( globalPrecision ) ;
try {
eval.execute() ;
ExcelAntEvaluationResult result = eval.getResult() ;
if( result.didTestPass() &&
result.evaluationCompleteWithError() == false ) {
if( showSuccessDetails == true ) {
log("Succeeded when evaluating " +
result.getCellName() + ". It evaluated to " +
result.getReturnValue() + " when the value of " +
eval.getExpectedValue() + " with precision of " +
eval.getPrecision(), Project.MSG_INFO ) ;
} else {
if( showFailureDetail == true ) {
failureMessages.add( "\tFailed to evaluate cell " +
result.getCellName() + ". It evaluated to " +
result.getReturnValue() + " when the value of " +
eval.getExpectedValue() + " with precision of " +
eval.getPrecision() + " was expected." ) ;
passed = false ;
failureCount++ ;
if( eval.requiredToPass() == true ) {
throw new BuildException( "\tFailed to evaluate cell " +
result.getCellName() + ". It evaluated to " +
result.getReturnValue() + " when the value of " +
eval.getExpectedValue() + " with precision of " +
eval.getPrecision() + " was expected." ) ;
} catch( NullPointerException npe ) {