private void writeChunk() throws IOException {
EncryptionHeader header = builder.getHeader();
int blockSize = header.getBlockSize();
int posInChunk = (int)(_pos & 0xfff);
// normally posInChunk is 0, i.e. on the next chunk (-> index-1)
// but if called on close(), posInChunk is somewhere within the chunk data
int index = (int)(_pos >> 12);
if (posInChunk==0) {
posInChunk = 4096;
} else {
// pad the last chunk
_cipher = getCipher(getSecretKey(), header.getCipherAlgorithm(), header.getChainingMode(), null, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, "PKCS5Padding");
byte[] blockKey = new byte[4];
LittleEndian.putInt(blockKey, 0, index);
byte[] iv = generateIv(header.getHashAlgorithmEx(), header.getKeySalt(), blockKey, blockSize);
try {
AlgorithmParameterSpec aps;
if (header.getCipherAlgorithm() == CipherAlgorithm.rc2) {
aps = new RC2ParameterSpec(getSecretKey().getEncoded().length*8, iv);
} else {
aps = new IvParameterSpec(iv);