// Normally, ContinueRecords are handled internally
// However, in a few cases, there is a gap between a record at
// its Continue, so we have to handle them specially
// This logic is much like in RecordFactory.createRecords()
Record[] recs = RecordFactory.createRecord(in);
ContinueRecord crec = (ContinueRecord)recs[0];
if((lastRec instanceof ObjRecord) || (lastRec instanceof TextObjectRecord)) {
// You can have Obj records between a DrawingRecord
// and its continue!
lastDrawingRecord.processContinueRecord( crec.getData() );
// Trigger them on the drawing record, now it's complete
rec = lastDrawingRecord;
else if((lastRec instanceof DrawingGroupRecord)) {
// Trigger them on the drawing record, now it's complete
rec = lastRec;
else {
if (rec instanceof UnknownRecord) {