type = Types.createCustom(typeId);
// If it's a named property, rather than a standard
// MAPI property, grab the details of it
MAPIProperty prop = MAPIProperty.get(id);
if(id >= 0x8000 && id <= 0xFFFF) {
byte[] guid = new byte[16];
IOUtils.readFully(inp, guid);
int mptype = LittleEndian.readInt(inp);
// Get the name of it
String name;
if(mptype == 0) {
// It's based on a normal one
int mpid = LittleEndian.readInt(inp);
MAPIProperty base = MAPIProperty.get(mpid);
name = base.name;
} else {
// Custom name was stored
int mplen = LittleEndian.readInt(inp);
byte[] mpdata = new byte[mplen];