* Read pictures in different formats from a reference slide show
public void testReadPictures() throws Exception {
byte[] src_bytes, ppt_bytes, b1, b2;
Picture pict;
PictureData pdata;
SlideShow ppt = new SlideShow(slTests.openResourceAsStream("pictures.ppt"));
Slide[] slides = ppt.getSlides();
PictureData[] pictures = ppt.getPictureData();
assertEquals(5, pictures.length);
pict = (Picture)slides[0].getShapes()[0]; //the first slide contains JPEG
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof JPEG);
assertEquals(Picture.JPEG, pdata.getType());
src_bytes = pdata.getData();
ppt_bytes = slTests.readFile("clock.jpg");
assertArrayEquals(src_bytes, ppt_bytes);
pict = (Picture)slides[1].getShapes()[0]; //the second slide contains PNG
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof PNG);
assertEquals(Picture.PNG, pdata.getType());
src_bytes = pdata.getData();
ppt_bytes = slTests.readFile("tomcat.png");
assertArrayEquals(src_bytes, ppt_bytes);
pict = (Picture)slides[2].getShapes()[0]; //the third slide contains WMF
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof WMF);
assertEquals(Picture.WMF, pdata.getType());
src_bytes = pdata.getData();
ppt_bytes = slTests.readFile("santa.wmf");
assertEquals(src_bytes.length, ppt_bytes.length);
//ignore the first 22 bytes - it is a WMF metafile header
b1 = new byte[src_bytes.length-22];
System.arraycopy(src_bytes, 22, b1, 0, b1.length);
b2 = new byte[ppt_bytes.length-22];
System.arraycopy(ppt_bytes, 22, b2, 0, b2.length);
assertArrayEquals(b1, b2);
pict = (Picture)slides[3].getShapes()[0]; //the forth slide contains PICT
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof PICT);
assertEquals(Picture.PICT, pdata.getType());
src_bytes = pdata.getData();
ppt_bytes = slTests.readFile("cow.pict");
assertEquals(src_bytes.length, ppt_bytes.length);
//ignore the first 512 bytes - it is a MAC specific crap
b1 = new byte[src_bytes.length-512];
System.arraycopy(src_bytes, 512, b1, 0, b1.length);
b2 = new byte[ppt_bytes.length-512];
System.arraycopy(ppt_bytes, 512, b2, 0, b2.length);
assertArrayEquals(b1, b2);
pict = (Picture)slides[4].getShapes()[0]; //the fifth slide contains EMF
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof EMF);
assertEquals(Picture.EMF, pdata.getType());
src_bytes = pdata.getData();
ppt_bytes = slTests.readFile("wrench.emf");
assertArrayEquals(src_bytes, ppt_bytes);