// create page with given portlets
RootFragment root = PageRegistry.getRootFragment();
ArrayList fragments = new ArrayList();
PortletApplicationEntityList entityList = PortletEntityRegistry.getPortletApplicationEntityList();
PortletApplicationDefinitionList definitionList = PortletDefinitionRegistry.getPortletApplicationDefinitionList();
// put all portlets in one column
StringTokenizer tokenizer;
Iterator appIt, portletIt;
for ( int i=0; i < portletNames.length; ++i) {
tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(portletNames[i], "/");
String appName = tokenizer.nextToken();
String portletName = tokenizer.nextToken();
appIt = entityList.iterator();
PortletApplicationEntity appEntity = null;
// search for application
boolean found = false;
while ( appIt.hasNext() && ! found ) {
appEntity = (PortletApplicationEntity) appIt.next();
String displayName = appEntity.getPortletApplicationDefinition().getWebApplicationDefinition().getDisplayName(Locale.ENGLISH).getDisplayName();
if ( (displayName != null) && (displayName.equals(appName)) )
found = true;
if (!found) {
for (Iterator iter = definitionList.iterator(); !found && iter.hasNext();) {
PortletApplicationDefinition portletApp = (PortletApplicationDefinition)iter.next();
if (portletApp.getId().toString().equals(appName)) {
//PortletApplicationEntityListCtrl appEntityListCtrl = (PortletApplicationEntityListCtrl)ControllerObjectAccess.get(entityList);
PortletApplicationEntityListCtrl appEntityListCtrl = (PortletApplicationEntityListCtrl)entityList;
appEntity = appEntityListCtrl.add(portletApp.getId().toString());
log("added Portlet Application " + appName + " to PortletEntityRegistry");
found = true;
if ( !found ) {
log("Portlet Application "+appName+" not found!");
throw new ServletException("Portlet Application "+appName+" not found!");
portletIt = appEntity.getPortletEntityList().iterator();
PortletEntity portlet = null;
// search for portlet
found = false;
while ( portletIt.hasNext() && ! found ) {
portlet = (PortletEntity) portletIt.next();
PortletDefinition tmpPortletDef = portlet.getPortletDefinition();
if ( tmpPortletDef == null ) {
log("ERROR: Portlet definition of portlet enity (id="+portlet.getId()+") not found!");
log(" Portlet may not be defined in portlet.xml!");
throw new ServletException("Portlet definition of portlet enity (id="+portlet.getId()+") not found!");
String tmpPortletName = tmpPortletDef.getName();
//delete all existing preferences for this portlet entity
if (tmpPortletName != null && tmpPortletName.equals(portletName)) {
for (Iterator iter = portlet.getPreferenceSet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
for (Iterator appIter = definitionList.iterator(); !found && appIter.hasNext();) {
PortletApplicationDefinition appDef = (PortletApplicationDefinition)appIter.next();
if (appDef.getId().toString().equals(appName)) {
for (Iterator portletIter = appDef.getPortletDefinitionList().iterator(); !found && portletIter.hasNext();) {
PortletDefinition portletDef = (PortletDefinition)portletIter.next();
if (portletDef.getId().toString().equals(appName + "." + portletName)) {