
Examples of$LogicalPlanFeatureVisitor

        // create the context with the parameter
        PigContext pigContext = new PigContext(execType, properties);
        // create the static script state object
        String commandLine = LoadFunc.join((AbstractList<String>)Arrays.asList(args), " ");
        ScriptState scriptState = ScriptState.start(commandLine);
        if (listener != null) {

        if(logFileName == null && !userSpecifiedLog) {
            logFileName = validateLogFile(properties.getProperty("pig.logfile"), null);
        pigContext.getProperties().setProperty("pig.logfile", (logFileName == null? "": logFileName));
        // configure logging
        configureLog4J(properties, pigContext);
        if(logFileName != null) {
  "Logging error messages to: " + logFileName);
        if(optimizerRules.size() > 0) {
          pigContext.getProperties().setProperty("pig.optimizer.rules", ObjectSerializer.serialize(optimizerRules));
        if (properties.get("udf.import.list")!=null)

        LogicalPlanBuilder.classloader = pigContext.createCl(null);

        // construct the parameter substitution preprocessor
        Grunt grunt = null;
        BufferedReader in;
        String substFile = null;
        switch (mode) {
        case FILE: {
            FileLocalizer.FetchFileRet localFileRet = FileLocalizer.fetchFile(properties, file);
            if (localFileRet.didFetch) {
                properties.setProperty("", "true");
            in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(localFileRet.file));

            // run parameter substitution preprocessor first
            substFile = file + ".substituted";
            pin = runParamPreprocessor(properties, in, params, paramFiles, substFile, debug || dryrun || checkScriptOnly);
            if (dryrun) {
      "Dry run completed. Substituted pig script is at " + substFile);
                return ReturnCode.SUCCESS;

            logFileName = validateLogFile(logFileName, file);
            pigContext.getProperties().setProperty("pig.logfile", logFileName);

            // Set job name based on name of the script
                                                   "PigLatin:" +new File(file).getName()
            if (!debug) {
                new File(substFile).deleteOnExit();
            scriptState.setScript(new File(file));
            grunt = new Grunt(pin, pigContext);
            gruntCalled = true;
            if(checkScriptOnly) {
                System.err.println(file + " syntax OK");
                rc = ReturnCode.SUCCESS;
            } else {
                int results[] = grunt.exec();
                rc = getReturnCodeForStats(results);
            return rc;

        case STRING: {
            if(checkScriptOnly) {
                System.err.println("ERROR:" +
                        "-c (-check) option is only valid " +
                        "when executing pig with a pig script file)");
                return ReturnCode.ILLEGAL_ARGS;
            // Gather up all the remaining arguments into a string and pass them into
            // grunt.
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            String remainders[] = opts.getRemainingArgs();
            for (int i = 0; i < remainders.length; i++) {
                if (i != 0) sb.append(' ');
            in = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(sb.toString()));
            grunt = new Grunt(in, pigContext);
            gruntCalled = true;
            int results[] = grunt.exec();
            return getReturnCodeForStats(results);


        // If we're here, we don't know yet what they want.  They may have just
        // given us a jar to execute, they might have given us a pig script to
        // execute, or they might have given us a dash (or nothing) which means to
        // run grunt interactive.
        String remainders[] = opts.getRemainingArgs();
        if (remainders == null) {
            if(checkScriptOnly) {
                System.err.println("ERROR:" +
                        "-c (-check) option is only valid " +
                        "when executing pig with a pig script file)");
                return ReturnCode.ILLEGAL_ARGS;
            // Interactive
            mode = ExecMode.SHELL;
            ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader(, new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
            reader.setDefaultPrompt("grunt> ");
            final String HISTORYFILE = ".pig_history";
            String historyFile = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator  + HISTORYFILE;
            reader.setHistory(new History(new File(historyFile)));
            ConsoleReaderInputStream inputStream = new ConsoleReaderInputStream(reader);
            grunt = new Grunt(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)), pigContext);
            gruntCalled = true;
            return ReturnCode.SUCCESS;
        } else {
            // They have a pig script they want us to run.
            if (remainders.length > 1) {
                   throw new RuntimeException("Encountered unexpected arguments on command line - please check the command line.");
            mode = ExecMode.FILE;
            FileLocalizer.FetchFileRet localFileRet = FileLocalizer.fetchFile(properties, remainders[0]);
            if (localFileRet.didFetch) {
                properties.setProperty("", "true");
            in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(localFileRet.file));

            // run parameter substitution preprocessor first
            substFile = remainders[0] + ".substituted";
            pin = runParamPreprocessor(properties, in, params, paramFiles, substFile, debug || dryrun || checkScriptOnly);
            if (dryrun){
      "Dry run completed. Substituted pig script is at " + substFile);
                return ReturnCode.SUCCESS;
            logFileName = validateLogFile(logFileName, remainders[0]);
            pigContext.getProperties().setProperty("pig.logfile", logFileName);

            if (!debug) {
                new File(substFile).deleteOnExit();

            // Set job name based on name of the script
                                                   "PigLatin:" +new File(remainders[0]).getName()

            grunt = new Grunt(pin, pigContext);
            gruntCalled = true;
            if(checkScriptOnly) {
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        Path tmpLocation = null;
        // add settings for pig statistics
        String setScriptProp = conf.get(ScriptState.INSERT_ENABLED, "true");
        if (setScriptProp.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
            ScriptState ss = ScriptState.get();
            ss.addSettingsToConf(mro, conf);
        conf.set("", "true");
        conf.set("", "true");
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        return (MROperPlan) compile.invoke(launcher, new Object[] { pp, ctx });
    public static String getAlias(MapReduceOper mro) throws Exception {
        ScriptState ss = ScriptState.get();
        java.lang.reflect.Method getAlias = ss.getClass()
                        new Class[] { MapReduceOper.class });
        return (String)getAlias.invoke(ss, new Object[] { mro });
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        w.println("register /mydir/lib/hadoop-tools-");
        w.println("register /mydir/lib/jackson-core-asl-1.4.2.jar");
        w.println("register /mydir/lib/jackson-mapper-asl-1.4.2.jar");
        ScriptState ss = ScriptState.get();
        ss.setScript(new File("test.pig"));
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        MapReduceOper mro = new MapReduceOper(new OperatorKey());
        ss.addSettingsToConf(mro, conf);
        String s = conf.get("pig.script");
        String script = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(s.getBytes()));
        String expected =
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                "\traise 'failed'"
        Util.createLocalInputFile( "", script);
        ScriptState ss = ScriptState.get();
        ss.setScript(new File(""));
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        MapReduceOper mro = new MapReduceOper(new OperatorKey());
        ss.addSettingsToConf(mro, conf);
        String s = conf.get("pig.script");
        String actual = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(s.getBytes()));
        String expected =
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        return (MROperPlan) compile.invoke(launcher, new Object[] { pp, ctx });
    public static String getAlias(MapReduceOper mro) throws Exception {
        ScriptState ss = ScriptState.get();
        java.lang.reflect.Method getAlias = ss.getClass()
                        new Class[] { MapReduceOper.class });
        return (String)getAlias.invoke(ss, new Object[] { mro });
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        Path tmpLocation = null;
        // add settings for pig statistics
        String setScriptProp = conf.get(ScriptState.INSERT_ENABLED, "true");
        if (setScriptProp.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
            ScriptState ss = ScriptState.get();
            ss.addSettingsToConf(mro, conf);
        conf.set("", "true");
        conf.set("", "true");
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        // create the context with the parameter
        PigContext pigContext = new PigContext(execType, properties);
        // create the static script state object
        String commandLine = LoadFunc.join((AbstractList<String>)Arrays.asList(args), " ");
        ScriptState scriptState = ScriptState.start(commandLine);
        if (listener != null) {

        if(logFileName == null && !userSpecifiedLog) {
            logFileName = validateLogFile(properties.getProperty("pig.logfile"), null);
        pigContext.getProperties().setProperty("pig.logfile", (logFileName == null? "": logFileName));
        // configure logging
        configureLog4J(properties, pigContext);
        if(logFileName != null) {
  "Logging error messages to: " + logFileName);
        if(optimizerRules.size() > 0) {
          pigContext.getProperties().setProperty("pig.optimizer.rules", ObjectSerializer.serialize(optimizerRules));
        if (properties.get("udf.import.list")!=null)

        LogicalPlanBuilder.classloader = pigContext.createCl(null);

        // construct the parameter substitution preprocessor
        Grunt grunt = null;
        BufferedReader in;
        String substFile = null;
        switch (mode) {
        case FILE: {
            FileLocalizer.FetchFileRet localFileRet = FileLocalizer.fetchFile(properties, file);
            if (localFileRet.didFetch) {
                properties.setProperty("", "true");
            in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(localFileRet.file));

            // run parameter substitution preprocessor first
            substFile = file + ".substituted";
            pin = runParamPreprocessor(properties, in, params, paramFiles, substFile, debug || dryrun || checkScriptOnly);
            if (dryrun) {
      "Dry run completed. Substituted pig script is at " + substFile);
                return ReturnCode.SUCCESS;

            logFileName = validateLogFile(logFileName, file);
            pigContext.getProperties().setProperty("pig.logfile", logFileName);

            // Set job name based on name of the script
                                                   "PigLatin:" +new File(file).getName()
            if (!debug) {
                new File(substFile).deleteOnExit();
            scriptState.setScript(new File(file));
            grunt = new Grunt(pin, pigContext);
            gruntCalled = true;
            if(checkScriptOnly) {
                System.err.println(file + " syntax OK");
                rc = ReturnCode.SUCCESS;
            } else {
                int results[] = grunt.exec();
                rc = getReturnCodeForStats(results);
            return rc;

        case STRING: {
            if(checkScriptOnly) {
                System.err.println("ERROR:" +
                        "-c (-check) option is only valid " +
                        "when executing pig with a pig script file)");
                return ReturnCode.ILLEGAL_ARGS;
            // Gather up all the remaining arguments into a string and pass them into
            // grunt.
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            String remainders[] = opts.getRemainingArgs();
            for (int i = 0; i < remainders.length; i++) {
                if (i != 0) sb.append(' ');
            in = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(sb.toString()));
            grunt = new Grunt(in, pigContext);
            gruntCalled = true;
            int results[] = grunt.exec();
            return getReturnCodeForStats(results);


        // If we're here, we don't know yet what they want.  They may have just
        // given us a jar to execute, they might have given us a pig script to
        // execute, or they might have given us a dash (or nothing) which means to
        // run grunt interactive.
        String remainders[] = opts.getRemainingArgs();
        if (remainders == null) {
            if(checkScriptOnly) {
                System.err.println("ERROR:" +
                        "-c (-check) option is only valid " +
                        "when executing pig with a pig script file)");
                return ReturnCode.ILLEGAL_ARGS;
            // Interactive
            mode = ExecMode.SHELL;
            ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader(, new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
            reader.setDefaultPrompt("grunt> ");
            final String HISTORYFILE = ".pig_history";
            String historyFile = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator  + HISTORYFILE;
            reader.setHistory(new History(new File(historyFile)));
            ConsoleReaderInputStream inputStream = new ConsoleReaderInputStream(reader);
            grunt = new Grunt(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)), pigContext);
            gruntCalled = true;
            return ReturnCode.SUCCESS;
        } else {
            // They have a pig script they want us to run.
            if (remainders.length > 1) {
                   throw new RuntimeException("Encountered unexpected arguments on command line - please check the command line.");
            mode = ExecMode.FILE;
            FileLocalizer.FetchFileRet localFileRet = FileLocalizer.fetchFile(properties, remainders[0]);
            if (localFileRet.didFetch) {
                properties.setProperty("", "true");
            in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(localFileRet.file));

            // run parameter substitution preprocessor first
            substFile = remainders[0] + ".substituted";
            pin = runParamPreprocessor(properties, in, params, paramFiles, substFile, debug || dryrun || checkScriptOnly);
            if (dryrun){
      "Dry run completed. Substituted pig script is at " + substFile);
                return ReturnCode.SUCCESS;
            logFileName = validateLogFile(logFileName, remainders[0]);
            pigContext.getProperties().setProperty("pig.logfile", logFileName);

            if (!debug) {
                new File(substFile).deleteOnExit();

            // Set job name based on name of the script
                                                   "PigLatin:" +new File(remainders[0]).getName()

            grunt = new Grunt(pin, pigContext);
            gruntCalled = true;
            if(checkScriptOnly) {
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        // create the context with the parameter
        PigContext pigContext = new PigContext(execType, properties);
        // create the static script state object
        String commandLine = LoadFunc.join((AbstractList<String>)Arrays.asList(args), " ");
        ScriptState scriptState = ScriptState.start(commandLine, pigContext);
        if (listener != null) {

        if(logFileName == null && !userSpecifiedLog) {
            logFileName = validateLogFile(properties.getProperty("pig.logfile"), null);
        pigContext.getProperties().setProperty("pig.logfile", (logFileName == null? "": logFileName));
        // configure logging
        configureLog4J(properties, pigContext);
        if(logFileName != null) {
  "Logging error messages to: " + logFileName);
        if(optimizerRules.size() > 0) {
            pigContext.getProperties().setProperty("pig.optimizer.rules", ObjectSerializer.serialize(optimizerRules));
        if (properties.get("udf.import.list")!=null)


        // construct the parameter substitution preprocessor
        Grunt grunt = null;
        BufferedReader in;
        String substFile = null;
        switch (mode) {
        case FILE: {
            FileLocalizer.FetchFileRet localFileRet = FileLocalizer.fetchFile(properties, file);
            if (localFileRet.didFetch) {
                properties.setProperty("", "true");
            if (embedded) {
                return runEmbeddedScript(pigContext, localFileRet.file.getPath(), engine);
            } else {
                SupportedScriptLang type = determineScriptType(localFileRet.file.getPath());
                if (type != null) {
                    return runEmbeddedScript(pigContext, localFileRet.file
            in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(localFileRet.file));
            // run parameter substitution preprocessor first
            substFile = file + ".substituted";
                pin = runParamPreprocessor(properties, in, params, paramFiles,
                        substFile, debug || dryrun || checkScriptOnly);
            if (dryrun) {
                if (dryrun(substFile, pigContext)) {
          "Dry run completed. Substituted pig script is at "
                            + substFile
                            + ". Expanded pig script is at "
                            + file + ".expanded");
                } else {
          "Dry run completed. Substituted pig script is at "
                                + substFile);
                return ReturnCode.SUCCESS;

            logFileName = validateLogFile(logFileName, file);
            pigContext.getProperties().setProperty("pig.logfile", logFileName);

            // Set job name based on name of the script
                                                   "PigLatin:" +new File(file).getName()
            if (!debug) {
                new File(substFile).deleteOnExit();
            scriptState.setScript(new File(file));
            grunt = new Grunt(pin, pigContext);
            gruntCalled = true;
            if(checkScriptOnly) {
                System.err.println(file + " syntax OK");
                rc = ReturnCode.SUCCESS;
            } else {
                int results[] = grunt.exec();
                rc = getReturnCodeForStats(results);
            return rc;

        case STRING: {
            if(checkScriptOnly) {
                System.err.println("ERROR:" +
                        "-c (-check) option is only valid " +
                        "when executing pig with a pig script file)");
                return ReturnCode.ILLEGAL_ARGS;
            // Gather up all the remaining arguments into a string and pass them into
            // grunt.
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            String remainders[] = opts.getRemainingArgs();
            for (int i = 0; i < remainders.length; i++) {
                if (i != 0) sb.append(' ');
            in = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(sb.toString()));
            grunt = new Grunt(in, pigContext);
            gruntCalled = true;
            int results[] = grunt.exec();
            return getReturnCodeForStats(results);


        // If we're here, we don't know yet what they want.  They may have just
        // given us a jar to execute, they might have given us a pig script to
        // execute, or they might have given us a dash (or nothing) which means to
        // run grunt interactive.
        String remainders[] = opts.getRemainingArgs();
        if (remainders == null) {
            if(checkScriptOnly) {
                System.err.println("ERROR:" +
                        "-c (-check) option is only valid " +
                        "when executing pig with a pig script file)");
                return ReturnCode.ILLEGAL_ARGS;
            // Interactive
            mode = ExecMode.SHELL;
            ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader(, new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
            reader.setDefaultPrompt("grunt> ");
            final String HISTORYFILE = ".pig_history";
            String historyFile = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator  + HISTORYFILE;
            reader.setHistory(new History(new File(historyFile)));
            ConsoleReaderInputStream inputStream = new ConsoleReaderInputStream(reader);
            grunt = new Grunt(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)), pigContext);
            gruntCalled = true;
            return ReturnCode.SUCCESS;
        } else {
            // They have a pig script they want us to run.
            if (remainders.length > 1) {
                   throw new RuntimeException("Encountered unexpected arguments on command line - please check the command line.");
            mode = ExecMode.FILE;
            FileLocalizer.FetchFileRet localFileRet = FileLocalizer.fetchFile(properties, remainders[0]);
            if (localFileRet.didFetch) {
                properties.setProperty("", "true");

            if (embedded) {
                return runEmbeddedScript(pigContext, localFileRet.file.getPath(), engine);
            } else {
                SupportedScriptLang type = determineScriptType(localFileRet.file.getPath());
                if (type != null) {
                    return runEmbeddedScript(pigContext, localFileRet.file
            in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(localFileRet.file));
            // run parameter substitution preprocessor first
            substFile = remainders[0] + ".substituted";
            pin = runParamPreprocessor(properties, in, params, paramFiles, substFile, debug || dryrun || checkScriptOnly);
            if (dryrun) {
                if (dryrun(substFile, pigContext)) {
          "Dry run completed. Substituted pig script is at "
                            + substFile
                            + ". Expanded pig script is at "
                            + remainders[0] + ".expanded");
                } else {
          "Dry run completed. Substituted pig script is at "
                            + substFile);
                return ReturnCode.SUCCESS;
            logFileName = validateLogFile(logFileName, remainders[0]);
            pigContext.getProperties().setProperty("pig.logfile", logFileName);

            if (!debug) {
                new File(substFile).deleteOnExit();

            // Set job name based on name of the script
                                                   "PigLatin:" +new File(remainders[0]).getName()

            grunt = new Grunt(pin, pigContext);
            gruntCalled = true;
            if(checkScriptOnly) {
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        Path tmpLocation = null;
        // add settings for pig statistics
        String setScriptProp = conf.get(ScriptState.INSERT_ENABLED, "true");
        if (setScriptProp.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
            ScriptState ss = ScriptState.get();
            ss.addSettingsToConf(mro, conf);
        conf.set("", "true");
        conf.set("", "true");
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Related Classes of$LogicalPlanFeatureVisitor

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