Package org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression

Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LogicalExpressionPlan

    public SortInfo getSortInfo() throws FrontendException {
        LogicalSchema schema = this.getSchema();
        List<SortColInfo> sortColInfoList = new ArrayList<SortColInfo>();
        for (int i = 0; i < mSortColPlans.size(); i++) {
            LogicalExpressionPlan lp = mSortColPlans.get(i);
            Iterator<Operator> opsIterator = lp.getOperators();
            List<Operator> opsList = new ArrayList<Operator>();
            while(opsIterator.hasNext()) {
            if(opsList.size() != 1 || !(opsList.get(0) instanceof ProjectExpression)) {
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    public LOInnerLoad(OperatorPlan plan, LOForEach foreach, int colNum) {
        super("LOInnerLoad", plan);       
        // store column number as a ProjectExpression in a plan
        // to be able to dynamically adjust column number during optimization
        LogicalExpressionPlan exp = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
        // we don't care about type, so set to -1
        prj = new ProjectExpression(exp, 0, colNum, foreach);
        this.foreach = foreach;
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                    LoadPushDown.RequiredField rf = requiredFields.getFields().get(i);
                    LOInnerLoad innerLoad = new LOInnerLoad(innerPlan, foreach, rf.getIndex());                   
                    innerPlan.connect(innerLoad, gen);
                    LogicalExpressionPlan exp = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
                    ProjectExpression prj = new ProjectExpression(exp, i, -1, gen);
            } else {
                // columns are pruned, reset schema for LOLoader
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        LOGenerate gen = (LOGenerate)innerPlan.getSinks().get(0);
        List<LogicalExpressionPlan> genPlansToRemove = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>();
        List<LogicalExpressionPlan> genPlans = gen.getOutputPlans();
        for (int i=0;i<genPlans.size();i++) {
            LogicalExpressionPlan expPlan = genPlans.get(i);
            List<Operator> expSources = expPlan.getSinks();
            for (Operator expSrc : expSources) {
                if (expSrc instanceof ProjectExpression) {
                    LogicalRelationalOperator reference = ((ProjectExpression)expSrc).findReferent();
                    if (branchHeadToRemove.contains(reference)) {
        // Build the temporary structure based on genPlansToRemove, which include:
        // * flattenList
        // * outputPlanSchemas
        // * uidOnlySchemas
        // * inputsRemoved
        //     We first construct inputsNeeded, and inputsRemoved = (all inputs) - inputsNeeded.
        //     We cannot figure out inputsRemoved directly since the inputs may be used by other output plan.
        //     We can only get inputsRemoved after visiting all output plans.
        List<Boolean> flattenList = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
        Set<Integer> inputsNeeded = new HashSet<Integer>();
        Set<Integer> inputsRemoved = new HashSet<Integer>();
        List<LogicalSchema> outputPlanSchemas = new ArrayList<LogicalSchema>();
        List<LogicalSchema> uidOnlySchemas = new ArrayList<LogicalSchema>();
        List<LogicalSchema> userDefinedSchemas = null;
        if (gen.getUserDefinedSchema()!=null)
            userDefinedSchemas = new ArrayList<LogicalSchema>();
        for (int i=0;i<genPlans.size();i++) {
            LogicalExpressionPlan genPlan = genPlans.get(i);
            if (!genPlansToRemove.contains(genPlan)) {
                if (gen.getUserDefinedSchema()!=null) {
                List<Operator> sinks = genPlan.getSinks();
                for(Operator s: sinks) {
                    if (s instanceof ProjectExpression) {
        List<Operator> preds = innerPlan.getPredecessors(gen);
        if (preds!=null) {  // otherwise, all gen plan are based on constant, no need to adjust
            for (int i=0;i<preds.size();i++) {
                if (!inputsNeeded.contains(i))
        // Change LOGenerate: remove unneeded output expression plan
        // change flatten flag, outputPlanSchema, uidOnlySchemas
        boolean[] flatten = new boolean[flattenList.size()];
        for (int i=0;i<flattenList.size();i++)
            flatten[i] = flattenList.get(i);

        for (LogicalExpressionPlan genPlanToRemove : genPlansToRemove) {
        // shift project input
        if (!inputsRemoved.isEmpty()) {
            for (LogicalExpressionPlan genPlan : genPlans) {
                List<Operator> sinks = genPlan.getSinks();
                for(Operator s: sinks) {
                    if (s instanceof ProjectExpression) {
                        int input = ((ProjectExpression)s).getInputNum();
                        int numToShift = 0;
                        for (int i :inputsRemoved) {
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                LOInnerLoad innerLoad = new LOInnerLoad(innerPlan, foreach, i);
                innerPlan.connect(innerLoad, gen);
                LogicalExpressionPlan exp = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
                ProjectExpression prj = new ProjectExpression(exp, i, 0, gen);
                if (fs.type != DataType.BYTEARRAY && (determinedSchema == null || (!fs.isEqual(determinedSchema.getField(i))))) {
                    // Either no schema was determined by loader OR the type
                    // from the "determinedSchema" is different
                    // from the type specified - so we need to cast
                    CastExpression cast = new CastExpression(exp, prj, new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(fs));
                    FuncSpec loadFuncSpec = null;
                    if(op instanceof LOLoad) {
                        loadFuncSpec = ((LOLoad)op).getFileSpec().getFuncSpec();
                    } else if (op instanceof LOStream) {
                        StreamingCommand command = ((LOStream)op).getStreamingCommand();
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            LOGenerate newGen = new LOGenerate(newForEachInnerPlan, newExpList, gen2.getFlattenFlags());
            for (LogicalExpressionPlan exp2 : gen2.getOutputPlans()) {
                LogicalExpressionPlan newExpPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
                LogicalExpressionPlan exp2Copy = exp2.deepCopy();
                // Add expression plan in 2nd ForEach
                List<Operator> exp2Sinks = new ArrayList<Operator>();
                for (Operator exp2Sink : exp2Sinks) {
                    if (exp2Sink instanceof ProjectExpression) {
                        // Find referred expression plan in 1st ForEach
                        ProjectExpression proj = (ProjectExpression)exp2Sink;
                        LOInnerLoad innerLoad = (LOInnerLoad)foreach2.getInnerPlan().getPredecessors(gen2).get(proj.getInputNum());
                        int exp1Pos = innerLoad.getProjection().getColNum();
                        LogicalExpressionPlan exp1 = gen1.getOutputPlans().get(exp1Pos);
                        LogicalExpressionPlan exp1Copy = exp1.deepCopy();
                        List<Operator> exp1Sources = newExpPlan.merge(exp1Copy);
                        // Copy expression plan to the new ForEach, connect to the expression plan of 2nd ForEach
                        Operator exp1Source = exp1Sources.get(0);
                        if (newExpPlan.getPredecessors(exp2Sink)!=null) {
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            // the input uids contains all the output uids and
            // projections in filter conditions
            Set<Long> input = new HashSet<Long>(output);
            LogicalExpressionPlan exp = filter.getFilterPlan();
            collectUids(filter, exp, input);
            filter.annotate(INPUTUIDS, input);
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            Set<Long> input = new HashSet<Long>(output);
            Collection<LogicalExpressionPlan> exps = join.getExpressionPlanValues();
            Iterator<LogicalExpressionPlan> iter = exps.iterator();
            while(iter.hasNext()) {
                LogicalExpressionPlan exp =;
                collectUids(join, exp, input);
            join.annotate(INPUTUIDS, input);
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            for (long uid : output) {
            LogicalExpressionPlan exp = splitOutput.getFilterPlan();
            collectUids(splitOutput, exp, input);
            splitOutput.annotate(INPUTUIDS, input);
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             Iterator<Long> iter = output.iterator();
             while(iter.hasNext()) {
                 long uid =;
                 for(int i=0; i<ll.size(); i++) {
                     LogicalExpressionPlan exp = ll.get(i);
                     boolean found = false;
                     LogicalSchema planSchema = gen.getOutputPlanSchemas().get(i);
                     for (LogicalFieldSchema fs : planSchema.getFields()) {
                         if (fs.uid == uid) {
                             found = true;
                     if (found) {
                         List<Operator> srcs = exp.getSinks();
                         for (Operator src : srcs) {
                             if (src instanceof ProjectExpression) {
                                 List<LOInnerLoad> innerLoads = LOForEach.findReacheableInnerLoadFromBoundaryProject((ProjectExpression)src);
                                 for (LOInnerLoad innerLoad : innerLoads) {
                                     ProjectExpression prj = innerLoad.getProjection();
                                     if (prj.isProjectStar()) {
                                         if (prj.findReferent().getSchema()!=null) {
                                             for (LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema fs : prj.findReferent().getSchema().getFields()) {
                                     else {
                                         if (prj.findReferent().getSchema()!=null) {
                                             LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema fs = prj.findReferent().getSchema().getField(prj.getColNum());
             // for the flatten bag, we need to make sure at least one field is in the input
             for(int i=0; i<ll.size(); i++) {
                 if (!gen.getFlattenFlags()[i]) {
                 LogicalExpressionPlan exp = ll.get(i);
                 LogicalExpression sink = (LogicalExpression)exp.getSources().get(0);
                 if (sink.getFieldSchema().type!=DataType.TUPLE && sink.getFieldSchema().type!=DataType.BAG)
                 List<Operator> srcs = exp.getSinks();
                 for (Operator src : srcs) {
                     if (!(src instanceof ProjectExpression))
                     List<LOInnerLoad> innerLoads = LOForEach.findReacheableInnerLoadFromBoundaryProject((ProjectExpression)src);
                     for (LOInnerLoad innerLoad : innerLoads) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LogicalExpressionPlan

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