assertEquals("bar:baz", splits.get(1));
public void testSplitToBag() throws IOException {
//test no delims in input
Tuple testTuple = Util.buildTuple("1 2 3", "4");
DataBag outputBag = bagSplit.exec(testTuple);
assertEquals("No of records split should be 1", 1, outputBag.size());
assertEquals("Split string should match the input string", "(1 2 3)", outputBag.iterator().next().toString());
//test default delimiter
testTuple = Util.buildTuple("1 2 3");
outputBag = bagSplit.exec(testTuple);
String[] assertionArray = {"1", "2", "3"};
assertEquals("No of record split should be " + assertionArray.length, assertionArray.length, outputBag.size());
int i = 0;
for (Tuple t : outputBag) {
assertEquals("Assertion tests on split strings", "(" + assertionArray[i] + ")", t.toString());
//test split on specified delimiter
testTuple = Util.buildTuple("1:2:3", ":");
outputBag = bagSplit.exec(testTuple);
assertEquals("No of record split should be " + assertionArray.length, assertionArray.length, outputBag.size());
i = 0;
for (Tuple t : outputBag) {
assertEquals("Assertion tests on split strings", "(" + assertionArray[i] + ")", t.toString());
// test limiting results with limit
testTuple = Util.buildTuple("1:2:3", ":", 2);
outputBag = bagSplit.exec(testTuple);
assertionArray = new String[]{"1", "2:3"};
assertEquals("No of record split should be " + assertionArray.length, assertionArray.length, outputBag.size());
i = 0;
for (Tuple t : outputBag) {
assertEquals("Matched records in split results with limit", "(" + assertionArray[i] + ")", t.toString());
// test trimming of whitespace
testTuple = Util.buildTuple("1 2 ");
outputBag = bagSplit.exec(testTuple);
assertionArray = new String[]{"1", "2"};
assertEquals("No of record split should be " + assertionArray.length, assertionArray.length, outputBag.size());
i = 0;
for (Tuple t : outputBag) {
assertEquals("Matched records in split results with trimming of whitespaces", "(" + assertionArray[i] + ")", t.toString());
// test forcing null matches with length param
testTuple = Util.buildTuple("1:2:::", ":", 10);
outputBag = bagSplit.exec(testTuple);
assertionArray = new String[]{"1", "2", "", "", ""};
assertEquals("No of record split should be " + assertionArray.length, assertionArray.length, outputBag.size());
i = 0;
for (Tuple t : outputBag) {
assertEquals("Matched records in split results with forcing null matched with limit", "(" + assertionArray[i] + ")", t.toString());
//test wrong schemas
testTuple = Util.buildTuple(1, 2, 3);
outputBag = bagSplit.exec(testTuple);
assertEquals("Wrong Schema checks", null, outputBag);