Package org.apache.pdfbox.util

Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.util.PDFOperator

                        Object value = parseNextToken();
                        imageParams.setItem( (COSName)nextToken, (COSBase)value );
                    //final token will be the image data, maybe??
                    PDFOperator imageData = (PDFOperator)nextToken;
                    lastBIToken.setImageData( imageData.getImageData() );
            case 'I':
                //ImageParameters imageParams = lastBIToken.getImageParameters();

                //int expectedBytes = (int)Math.ceil(imageParams.getHeight() * imageParams.getWidth() *
                //                    (imageParams.getBitsPerComponent()/8) );
                //Special case for ID operator
                String id = "" + (char) + (char);
                if( !id.equals( "ID" ) )
                    throw new IOException( "Error: Expected operator 'ID' actual='" + id + "'" );
                ByteArrayOutputStream imageData = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                //boolean foundEnd = false;
                if( this.isWhitespace() )
                    //pull off the whitespace character
                int twoBytesAgo = 0;
                int lastByte =;
                int currentByte =;
                int count = 0;
                //PDF spec is kinda unclear about this.  Should a whitespace
                //always appear before EI? Not sure, I found a PDF
                //(UnderstandingWebSphereClassLoaders.pdf) which has EI as part
                //of the image data and will stop parsing prematurely if there is
                //not a check for <whitespace>EI<whitespace>.
                while( !(isWhitespace( twoBytesAgo ) &&
                         lastByte == 'E' &&
                         currentByte == 'I' &&
                         isWhitespace() //&&
                         //amyuni2_05d__pdf1_3_acro4x.pdf has image data that
                         //is compressed, so expectedBytes is useless here.
                         //count >= expectedBytes
                         ) &&
                       !pdfSource.isEOF() )
                    imageData.write( lastByte );
                    twoBytesAgo = lastByte;
                    lastByte = currentByte;
                    currentByte =;
                pdfSource.unread( 'I' ); //unread the EI operator
                pdfSource.unread( 'E' );
                retval = PDFOperator.getOperator( "ID" );
                ((PDFOperator)retval).setImageData( imageData.toByteArray() );
            case ']':
                // some ']' around without its previous '['
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                String next = readString();
                retval = PDFOperator.getOperator( next );
                if( next.equals( "BI" ) )
                  PDFOperator beginImageOP = (PDFOperator)retval;
                    COSDictionary imageParams = new COSDictionary();
                    beginImageOP.setImageParameters( new ImageParameters( imageParams ) );
                    Object nextToken = null;
                    while( (nextToken = parseNextToken()) instanceof COSName )
                        Object value = parseNextToken();
                        imageParams.setItem( (COSName)nextToken, (COSBase)value );
                    //final token will be the image data, maybe??
                    PDFOperator imageData = (PDFOperator)nextToken;
                    beginImageOP.setImageData( imageData.getImageData() );
            case 'I':
                //Special case for ID operator
                String id = "" + (char) + (char);
                if( !id.equals( "ID" ) )
                    throw new IOException( "Error: Expected operator 'ID' actual='" + id + "'" );
                ByteArrayOutputStream imageData = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                if( isWhitespace() )
                    //pull off the whitespace character
                int lastByte =;
                int currentByte =;
                // PDF spec is kinda unclear about this. Should a whitespace
                // always appear before EI? Not sure, so that we just read
                // until EI<whitespace>.
                // Be aware not all kind of whitespaces are allowed here. see PDFBOX1561
                while( !(lastByte == 'E' &&
                         currentByte == 'I' &&
                         isSpaceOrReturn() &&
                         hasNoFollowingBinData( pdfSource )) &&
                       !pdfSource.isEOF() )
                    imageData.write( lastByte );
                    lastByte = currentByte;
                    currentByte =;
                // the EI operator isn't unread, as it won't be processed anyway
                retval = PDFOperator.getOperator( "ID" );
                // save the image data to the operator, so that it can be accessed it later
                ((PDFOperator)retval).setImageData( imageData.toByteArray() );
            case ']':
                // some ']' around without its previous '['
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                for( int j=0; j<tokens.size(); j++ )
                    Object next = tokens.get( j );
                    if( next instanceof PDFOperator )
                        PDFOperator op = (PDFOperator)next;
                        //Tj and TJ are the two operators that display
                        //strings in a PDF
                        if( op.getOperation().equals( "Tj" ) )
                            //Tj takes one operator and that is the string
                            //to display so lets update that operator
                            COSString previous = (COSString)tokens.get( j-1 );
                            String string = previous.getString();
                            string = string.replaceFirst( strToFind, message );
                            previous.append( string.getBytes("ISO-8859-1") );
                        else if( op.getOperation().equals( "TJ" ) )
                            COSArray previous = (COSArray)tokens.get( j-1 );
                            for( int k=0; k<previous.size(); k++ )
                                Object arrElement = previous.getObject( k );
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            output.write( COSWriter.DICT_CLOSE );
            output.write( SPACE );
        else if( o instanceof PDFOperator )
            PDFOperator op = (PDFOperator)o;
            if( op.getOperation().equals( "BI" ) )
                output.write( "BI".getBytes("ISO-8859-1") );
                ImageParameters params = op.getImageParameters();
                COSDictionary dic = params.getDictionary();
                for( COSName key : dic.keySet() )
                    Object value = dic.getDictionaryObject( key );
                    key.writePDF( output );
                    output.write( SPACE );
                    writeObject( value );
                    output.write( EOL );
                output.write( "ID".getBytes("ISO-8859-1") );
                output.write( EOL );
                output.write( op.getImageData() );
                output.write( op.getOperation().getBytes("ISO-8859-1") );
                output.write( EOL );
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                        Object value = parseNextToken();
                        imageParams.setItem( (COSName)nextToken, (COSBase)value );
                    //final token will be the image data, maybe??
                    PDFOperator imageData = (PDFOperator)nextToken;
                    lastBIToken.setImageData( imageData.getImageData() );
            case 'I':
                //ImageParameters imageParams = lastBIToken.getImageParameters();

                //int expectedBytes = (int)Math.ceil(imageParams.getHeight() * imageParams.getWidth() *
                //                    (imageParams.getBitsPerComponent()/8) );
                //Special case for ID operator
                String id = "" + (char) + (char);
                if( !id.equals( "ID" ) )
                    throw new IOException( "Error: Expected operator 'ID' actual='" + id + "'" );
                ByteArrayOutputStream imageData = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                //boolean foundEnd = false;
                if( this.isWhitespace() )
                    //pull off the whitespace character
                int twoBytesAgo = 0;
                int lastByte =;
                int currentByte =;
                int count = 0;
                //PDF spec is kinda unclear about this.  Should a whitespace
                //always appear before EI? Not sure, I found a PDF
                //(UnderstandingWebSphereClassLoaders.pdf) which has EI as part
                //of the image data and will stop parsing prematurely if there is
                //not a check for <whitespace>EI<whitespace>.
                while( !(isWhitespace( twoBytesAgo ) &&
                         lastByte == 'E' &&
                         currentByte == 'I' &&
                         isWhitespace() //&&
                         //amyuni2_05d__pdf1_3_acro4x.pdf has image data that
                         //is compressed, so expectedBytes is useless here.
                         //count >= expectedBytes
                         ) &&
                       !pdfSource.isEOF() )
                    imageData.write( lastByte );
                    twoBytesAgo = lastByte;
                    lastByte = currentByte;
                    currentByte =;
                pdfSource.unread( 'I' ); //unread the EI operator
                pdfSource.unread( 'E' );
                retval = PDFOperator.getOperator( "ID" );
                ((PDFOperator)retval).setImageData( imageData.toByteArray() );
            case ']':
                // some ']' around without its previous '['
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                String next = readString();
                retval = PDFOperator.getOperator( next );
                if( next.equals( "BI" ) )
                    PDFOperator beginImageOP = (PDFOperator)retval;
                    COSDictionary imageParams = new COSDictionary();
                    beginImageOP.setImageParameters( new ImageParameters( imageParams ) );
                    Object nextToken = null;
                    while( (nextToken = parseNextToken()) instanceof COSName )
                        Object value = parseNextToken();
                        imageParams.setItem( (COSName)nextToken, (COSBase)value );
                    //final token will be the image data, maybe??
                    PDFOperator imageData = (PDFOperator)nextToken;
                    beginImageOP.setImageData( imageData.getImageData() );
            case 'I':
                //Special case for ID operator
                String id = "" + (char) + (char);
                if( !id.equals( "ID" ) )
                    throw new IOException( "Error: Expected operator 'ID' actual='" + id + "'" );
                ByteArrayOutputStream imageData = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                if( isWhitespace() )
                    //pull off the whitespace character
                int lastByte =;
                int currentByte =;
                // PDF spec is kinda unclear about this. Should a whitespace
                // always appear before EI? Not sure, so that we just read
                // until EI<whitespace>.
                // Be aware not all kind of whitespaces are allowed here. see PDFBOX1561
                while( !(lastByte == 'E' &&
                         currentByte == 'I' &&
                         isSpaceOrReturn() &&
                         hasNoFollowingBinData( pdfSource )) &&
                       !pdfSource.isEOF() )
                    imageData.write( lastByte );
                    lastByte = currentByte;
                    currentByte =;
                // the EI operator isn't unread, as it won't be processed anyway
                retval = PDFOperator.getOperator( "ID" );
                // save the image data to the operator, so that it can be accessed it later
                ((PDFOperator)retval).setImageData( imageData.toByteArray() );
            case ']':
                // some ']' around without its previous '['
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                String next = readString();
                retval = PDFOperator.getOperator( next );
                if( next.equals( "BI" ) )
                    PDFOperator beginImageOP = (PDFOperator)retval;
                    COSDictionary imageParams = new COSDictionary();
                    beginImageOP.setImageParameters( new ImageParameters( imageParams ) );
                    Object nextToken = null;
                    while( (nextToken = parseNextToken()) instanceof COSName )
                        Object value = parseNextToken();
                        imageParams.setItem( (COSName)nextToken, (COSBase)value );
                    //final token will be the image data, maybe??
                    PDFOperator imageData = (PDFOperator)nextToken;
                    beginImageOP.setImageData( imageData.getImageData() );
            case 'I':
                //Special case for ID operator
                String id = "" + (char) + (char);
                if( !id.equals( "ID" ) )
                    throw new IOException( "Error: Expected operator 'ID' actual='" + id + "'" );
                ByteArrayOutputStream imageData = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                if( isWhitespace() )
                    //pull off the whitespace character
                int lastByte =;
                int currentByte =;
                // PDF spec is kinda unclear about this. Should a whitespace
                // always appear before EI? Not sure, so that we just read
                // until EI<whitespace>.
                // Be aware not all kind of whitespaces are allowed here. see PDFBOX-1561
                while( !(lastByte == 'E' &&
                         currentByte == 'I' &&
                         hasNextSpaceOrReturn() &&
                         hasNoFollowingBinData( pdfSource ) &&
                         !hasPrecedingAscii85Data(imageData)) &&
                       !pdfSource.isEOF() )
                    imageData.write( lastByte );
                    lastByte = currentByte;
                    currentByte =;
                // the EI operator isn't unread, as it won't be processed anyway
                retval = PDFOperator.getOperator( "ID" );
                // save the image data to the operator, so that it can be accessed later
                ((PDFOperator)retval).setImageData( imageData.toByteArray() );
            case ']':
                // some ']' around without its previous '['
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            for( int counter = 0; counter < pageTokens.size(); counter++) // For each page token
                Object token = pageTokens.get( counter );
                if( token instanceof PDFOperator ) // Test if PDFOperator
                    PDFOperator tokenOperator = (PDFOperator)token;

                    if(tokenOperator.getOperation().equals("rg")) // Test if "rg" Operator.
                        if( destColorspace.equals( "CMYK" ) )
                            replaceRGBTokensWithCMYKTokens( editedPageTokens, pageTokens, counter, colorEquivalents );
                            editedPageTokens.add( PDFOperator.getOperator( "k" ));
                    else if(tokenOperator.getOperation().equals("RG")) // Test if "rg" Operator.
                        if( destColorspace.equals( "CMYK" ) )
                            replaceRGBTokensWithCMYKTokens( editedPageTokens, pageTokens, counter, colorEquivalents );
                            editedPageTokens.add( PDFOperator.getOperator( "K" ));
                    else if(tokenOperator.getOperation().equals("g")) // Test if "rg" Operator.
                        if( destColorspace.equals( "CMYK" ) )
                            replaceGrayTokensWithCMYKTokens( editedPageTokens, pageTokens, counter, colorEquivalents );
                            editedPageTokens.add( PDFOperator.getOperator( "k" ));
                    else if(tokenOperator.getOperation().equals("G")) // Test if "rg" Operator.
                        if( destColorspace.equals( "CMYK" ) )
                            replaceGrayTokensWithCMYKTokens( editedPageTokens, pageTokens, counter, colorEquivalents );
                            editedPageTokens.add( PDFOperator.getOperator( "K" ));
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                String next = readString();
                retval = PDFOperator.getOperator( next );
                if( next.equals( "BI" ) )
                  PDFOperator beginImageOP = (PDFOperator)retval;
                    COSDictionary imageParams = new COSDictionary();
                    beginImageOP.setImageParameters( new ImageParameters( imageParams ) );
                    Object nextToken = null;
                    while( (nextToken = parseNextToken()) instanceof COSName )
                        Object value = parseNextToken();
                        imageParams.setItem( (COSName)nextToken, (COSBase)value );
                    //final token will be the image data, maybe??
                    PDFOperator imageData = (PDFOperator)nextToken;
                    beginImageOP.setImageData( imageData.getImageData() );
            case 'I':
                //Special case for ID operator
                String id = "" + (char) + (char);
                if( !id.equals( "ID" ) )
                    throw new IOException( "Error: Expected operator 'ID' actual='" + id + "'" );
                ByteArrayOutputStream imageData = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                if( isWhitespace() )
                    //pull off the whitespace character
                int lastByte =;
                int currentByte =;
                // PDF spec is kinda unclear about this. Should a whitespace
                // always appear before EI? Not sure, so that we just read
                // until EI<whitespace>.
                // Be aware not all kind of whitespaces are allowed here. see PDFBOX1561
                while( !(lastByte == 'E' &&
                         currentByte == 'I' &&
                         isSpaceOrReturn()) &&
                       !pdfSource.isEOF() )
                    imageData.write( lastByte );
                    lastByte = currentByte;
                    currentByte =;
                // the EI operator isn't unread, as it won't be processed anyway
                retval = PDFOperator.getOperator( "ID" );
                // save the image data to the operator, so that it can be accessed it later
                ((PDFOperator)retval).setImageData( imageData.toByteArray() );
            case ']':
                // some ']' around without its previous '['
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            output.write( COSWriter.DICT_CLOSE );
            output.write( SPACE );
        else if( o instanceof PDFOperator )
            PDFOperator op = (PDFOperator)o;
            if( op.getOperation().equals( "BI" ) )
                output.write( "BI".getBytes() );
                ImageParameters params = op.getImageParameters();
                COSDictionary dic = params.getDictionary();
                for( COSName key : dic.keySet() )
                    Object value = dic.getDictionaryObject( key );
                    key.writePDF( output );
                    output.write( SPACE );
                    writeObject( value );
                    output.write( EOL );
                output.write( "ID".getBytes() );
                output.write( EOL );
                output.write( op.getImageData() );
                output.write( op.getOperation().getBytes() );
                output.write( EOL );
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Related Classes of org.apache.pdfbox.util.PDFOperator

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