throw new OutlineNotLocalException( "Error: Outline does not reference a local page." );
PDPageDestination pageDest = null;
if( rawDest instanceof PDNamedDestination )
//if we have a named destination we need to lookup the PDPageDestination
PDNamedDestination namedDest = (PDNamedDestination)rawDest;
PDDocumentNameDictionary namesDict = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getNames();
if( namesDict != null )
PDDestinationNameTreeNode destsTree = namesDict.getDests();
if( destsTree != null )
pageDest = (PDPageDestination)destsTree.getValue( namedDest.getNamedDestination() );
else if( rawDest instanceof PDPageDestination)
pageDest = (PDPageDestination) rawDest;
else if( rawDest == null )
//if the destination is null then we will simply return a null page.
throw new IOException( "Error: Unknown destination type " + rawDest );
if( pageDest != null )
page = pageDest.getPage();
if( page == null )
int pageNumber = pageDest.getPageNumber();
if( pageNumber != -1 )
List allPages = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
page = (PDPage)allPages.get( pageNumber );