log.debug("users_id: " + users_id);
log.debug("user_level: " + user_level);
if (user_level != null && user_level > 0 && hash != "") {
PrintBean pBean = PrintService.getPrintItemByHash(hash);
// Whiteboard Objects
List whiteBoardMap = pBean.getMap();
// Get a DOMImplementation.
DOMImplementation domImpl = GenericDOMImplementation
// Create an instance of org.w3c.dom.Document.
// String svgNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
String svgNS = SVGDOMImplementation.SVG_NAMESPACE_URI;
Document document = domImpl.createDocument(svgNS, "svg", null);
// Get the root element (the 'svg' element).
Element svgRoot = document.getDocumentElement();
// Set the width and height attributes on the root 'svg'
// element.
svgRoot.setAttributeNS(null, "width", "" + pBean.getWidth());
svgRoot.setAttributeNS(null, "height", "" + pBean.getHeight());
+ pBean.getWidth() + "," + pBean.getHeight());
// Create an instance of the SVG Generator.
SVGGraphics2D svgGenerator = new SVGGraphics2D(document);
svgGenerator = WhiteboardMapToSVG.getInstance()