Package org.apache.openjpa.lib.util

Examples of org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.Options$EmptyOptions

        File dir = Files.getClassFile(ProxyManagerImpl.class);
        dir = (dir == null) ? new File((String) AccessController.doPrivileged(
            : dir.getParentFile();

        Options opts = new Options();
        args = opts.setFromCmdLine(args);

        List types = new ArrayList();
        int utils = opts.removeIntProperty("utils", "u", 0);
        if (utils >= 4) {
            types.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] {
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* @author Patrick Linskey
public class PCEnhancerAgent {

    public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) {
        Options opts = Configurations.parseProperties(args);

        if (opts.getBooleanProperty(
            "ClassLoadEnhancement", "classLoadEnhancement", true))
            registerClassLoadEnhancer(inst, opts);

        // Deprecated property setting
        if (opts.getBooleanProperty(
            "RuntimeEnhancement", "runtimeEnhancement", true))
            registerClassLoadEnhancer(inst, opts);

        if (opts.getBooleanProperty(
            "RuntimeRedefinition", "runtimeRedefinition", true)) {
        } else {
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    public static void configureInstance(Object obj, Configuration conf,
        Properties properties, String configurationName) {
        if (obj == null)

        Options opts;
        if (properties instanceof Options)
            opts = (Options) properties;
        else {
            opts = new Options();
            if (properties != null)

        Configurable configurable = null;
        if (conf != null && obj instanceof Configurable)
            configurable = (Configurable) obj;

        if (configurable != null) {
        Options invalidEntries = opts.setInto(obj);
        if (obj instanceof GenericConfigurable)
            ((GenericConfigurable) obj).setInto(invalidEntries);

    if (!invalidEntries.isEmpty() && configurationName != null) {
      Localizer.Message msg = null;
      String first = (String) invalidEntries.keySet().iterator().next();
      if (invalidEntries.keySet().size() == 1 &&
        first.indexOf('.') == -1) {
        // if there's just one misspelling and this is not a
        // path traversal, check for near misses.
        Collection options = findOptionsFor(obj.getClass());
        String close = StringDistance.getClosestLevenshteinDistance
          (first, options, 0.75f);
        if (close != null)
          msg = _loc.get("invalid-config-param-hint", new Object[]{
            configurationName, obj.getClass(), first, close,
            options, });

            if (msg == null) {
                msg = _loc.get("invalid-config-params", new String[]{
                    configurationName, obj.getClass().getName(),
                    findOptionsFor(obj.getClass()).toString(), });
            throw new ParseException(msg);
        if (configurable != null)
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     * Parse a set of properties from a comma-separated string.
    public static Options parseProperties(String properties) {
        Options opts = new Options();
        properties = StringUtils.trimToNull(properties);
        if (properties == null)
            return opts;

        try {
            String[] props = Strings.split(properties, ",", 0);
            int idx;
            char quote;
            String prop;
            String val;
            for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
                idx = props[i].indexOf('=');
                if (idx == -1) {
                    // if the key is not assigned to any value, set the
                    // value to the same thing as the key, and continue.
                    // This permits GenericConfigurable instances to
                    // behave meaningfully. We might consider setting the
                    // value to some well-known "value was not set, but
                    // key is present" string so that instances getting
                    // values injected can differentiate between a mentioned
                    // property and one set to a particular value.
                    prop = props[i];
                    val = prop;
                } else {
                    prop = props[i].substring(0, idx).trim();
                    val = props[i].substring(idx + 1).trim();

                // if the value is quoted, read until the end quote
                if (((val.startsWith("\"") && val.endsWith("\""))
                    || (val.startsWith("'") && val.endsWith("'")))
                    && val.length() > 1)
                    val = val.substring(1, val.length() - 1);
                else if (val.startsWith("\"") || val.startsWith("'")) {
                    quote = val.charAt(0);
                    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(val.substring(1));
                    int quotIdx;
                    while (++i < props.length) {

                        quotIdx = props[i].indexOf(quote);
                        if (quotIdx != -1) {
                            buf.append(props[i].substring(0, quotIdx));
                            if (quotIdx + 1 < props[i].length())
                                buf.append(props[i].substring(quotIdx + 1));
                        } else
                    val = buf.toString();
                opts.put(prop, val);
            return opts;
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw new ParseException(_loc.get("prop-parse", properties), re);
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     * the database schemas defined by the system configuration will be
     * reverse-mapped.
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException, SQLException {
        Options opts = new Options();
        final String[] arguments = opts.setFromCmdLine(args);
        boolean ret = Configurations.runAgainstAllAnchors(opts,
            new Configurations.Runnable() {
            public boolean run(Options opts) throws Exception {
                JDBCConfiguration conf = new JDBCConfigurationImpl();
                try {
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        // separate the properties for the customizer and code format
        Options customOpts = new Options();
        Options formatOpts = new Options();
        Map.Entry entry;
        String key;
        for (Iterator itr = opts.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            entry = (Map.Entry);
            key = (String) entry.getKey();
            if (key.startsWith("customizer.")) {
                customOpts.put(key.substring(11), entry.getValue());
            } else if (key.startsWith("c.")) {
                customOpts.put(key.substring(2), entry.getValue());
            } else if (key.startsWith("codeFormat.")) {
                formatOpts.put(key.substring(11), entry.getValue());
            } else if (key.startsWith("cf.")) {
                formatOpts.put(key.substring(3), entry.getValue());

        // code format
        if (!formatOpts.isEmpty()) {
            flags.format = new CodeFormat();

        // setup a configuration instance with cmd-line info
        Configurations.populateConfiguration(conf, opts);
        ClassLoader loader = conf.getClassResolverInstance().
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    public static void configureInstance(Object obj, Configuration conf,
        Properties properties, String configurationName) {
        if (obj == null)

        Options opts;
        if (properties instanceof Options)
            opts = (Options) properties;
        else {
            opts = new Options();
            if (properties != null)

        Configurable configurable = null;
        if (conf != null && obj instanceof Configurable)
            configurable = (Configurable) obj;

        if (configurable != null) {
        Options invalidEntries = opts.setInto(obj);
        if (obj instanceof GenericConfigurable)
            ((GenericConfigurable) obj).setInto(invalidEntries);

    if (!invalidEntries.isEmpty() && configurationName != null) {
      Localizer.Message msg = null;
            String first = (String) invalidEntries.keySet().iterator().next();
      if (invalidEntries.keySet().size() == 1 &&
        first.indexOf('.') == -1) {
                // if there's just one misspelling and this is not a
        // path traversal, check for near misses.
                Collection<String> options = findOptionsFor(obj.getClass());
                String close = StringDistance.getClosestLevenshteinDistance
          (first, options, 0.75f);
        if (close != null)
                    msg = _loc.get("invalid-config-param-hint", new Object[]{
                            configurationName, obj.getClass(), first, close,
                options, });

            if (msg == null) {
                msg = _loc.get("invalid-config-params", new String[]{
                    configurationName, obj.getClass().getName(),
                    findOptionsFor(obj.getClass()).toString(), });
            throw new ParseException(msg);
        if (configurable != null)
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     * Parse a set of properties from a comma-separated string.
    public static Options parseProperties(String properties) {
        Options opts = new Options();
        properties = StringUtils.trimToNull(properties);
        if (properties == null)
            return opts;

        try {
            String[] props = Strings.split(properties, ",", 0);
            int idx;
            char quote;
            String prop;
            String val;
            for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
                idx = props[i].indexOf('=');
                if (idx == -1) {
                    // if the key is not assigned to any value, set the
                    // value to the same thing as the key, and continue.
                    // This permits GenericConfigurable instances to
                    // behave meaningfully. We might consider setting the
                    // value to some well-known "value was not set, but
                    // key is present" string so that instances getting
                    // values injected can differentiate between a mentioned
                    // property and one set to a particular value.
                    prop = props[i];
                    val = prop;
                } else {
                    prop = props[i].substring(0, idx).trim();
                    val = props[i].substring(idx + 1).trim();

                // if the value is quoted, read until the end quote
                if (((val.startsWith("\"") && val.endsWith("\""))
                    || (val.startsWith("'") && val.endsWith("'")))
                    && val.length() > 1)
                    val = val.substring(1, val.length() - 1);
                else if (val.startsWith("\"") || val.startsWith("'")) {
                    quote = val.charAt(0);
                    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(val.substring(1));
                    int quotIdx;
                    while (++i < props.length) {

                        quotIdx = props[i].indexOf(quote);
                        if (quotIdx != -1) {
                            buf.append(props[i].substring(0, quotIdx));
                            if (quotIdx + 1 < props[i].length())
                                buf.append(props[i].substring(quotIdx + 1));
                        } else
                    val = buf.toString();
                opts.put(prop, val);
            return opts;
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw new ParseException(_loc.get("prop-parse", properties), re);
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        boolean ret = true;
        if (anchors.size() == 0) {
            ret = launchRunnable(opts, runnable);
        } else {
            for(String s : anchors ) {
                Options clonedOptions = (Options) opts.clone();
                clonedOptions.setProperty("properties", s);
                ret &= launchRunnable(clonedOptions, runnable);
        return ret;
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    public static boolean needsPreload(OpenJPAConfiguration conf) {
        if (conf == null)
            return false;
        Options o = Configurations.parseProperties(Configurations.getProperties(conf.getMetaDataRepository()));
        if (o.getBooleanProperty(PRELOAD_STR) == true || o.getBooleanProperty(PRELOAD_STR.toLowerCase()) == true) {
            return true;
        return false;
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Related Classes of org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.Options$EmptyOptions

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