Package org.apache.openejb.util

Examples of org.apache.openejb.util.Stack

    public Object getInstance(ThreadContext callContext)
            throws OpenEJBException {
        CoreDeploymentInfo deploymentInfo = callContext.getDeploymentInfo();
        Data data = (Data) deploymentInfo.getContainerData();
        Stack pool = data.getPool();
          boolean acquired;
            try {
              if(timeout.getTime() <= 0L){
                acquired = true;
              } else {
                    acquired = data.getSemaphore().tryAcquire(timeout.getTime(),timeout.getUnit());
            } catch (InterruptedException e2) {
                throw new OpenEJBException("Unexpected Interruption of current thread: ",e2);
              throw new IllegalStateException("An invocation of the Stateless Session Bean "+deploymentInfo.getEjbName()+" has timed-out");
        Object bean = pool.pop();

        if (bean == null) {

            Class beanClass = deploymentInfo.getBeanClass();
            ObjectRecipe objectRecipe = new ObjectRecipe(beanClass);
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            throw new SystemException("Invalid arguments");

        CoreDeploymentInfo deploymentInfo = callContext.getDeploymentInfo();
        Data data = (Data) deploymentInfo.getContainerData();
        Stack pool = data.getPool();

        if (strictPooling) {
        } else {
            if (pool.size() >= poolLimit) {
                freeInstance(callContext, (Instance)bean);
            } else {
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    public void undeploy(CoreDeploymentInfo deploymentInfo) {
        Data data = (Data) deploymentInfo.getContainerData();
        if (data == null) return;
        Stack pool = data.getPool();
        //TODO ejbRemove on each bean in pool.
        //clean pool
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    protected void reusingBean(EntityBean bean, ThreadContext callContext) throws OpenEJBException {

    protected EntityBean getPooledInstance(ThreadContext callContext) throws OpenEJBException {
        CoreDeploymentInfo deploymentInfo = callContext.getDeploymentInfo();
        Stack methodReadyPool = poolMap.get(deploymentInfo.getDeploymentID());
        if (methodReadyPool == null) throw new SystemException("Invalid deployment id " + deploymentInfo.getDeploymentID() + " for this container");

        EntityBean bean = (EntityBean) methodReadyPool.pop();
        if (bean == null) {
            try {
                bean = (EntityBean) deploymentInfo.getBeanClass().newInstance();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Bean instantiation failed for class " + deploymentInfo.getBeanClass(), e);
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                    * If the bean has been removed then the bean instance is no longer needed and can return to the methodReadyPool
                    * to service another identity.
                    Stack methodReadyPool = poolMap.get(callContext.getDeploymentInfo().getDeploymentID());
                } else {
                    if (callContext.getCurrentOperation() == Operation.CREATE) {
                        // Bean is being recreated (new-delete-new) so we need to reassociate it
            } else {
                A wrapper will not exist if the bean is being returned after a create operation.
                In this case the transaction scope is broader then the create method itself; its a client
                initiated transaction, so the bean must be registered with the tranaction and moved to the
                tx ready pool

                wrapper = new SynchronizationWrapper(callContext.getDeploymentInfo(), primaryKey, bean, true, key, txPolicy);


                txPolicy.putResource(key, wrapper);
        } else {
            If there is no transaction associated with the thread OR if the operation was a find or home method (PrimaryKey == null)
            Then the bean instance is simply returned to the methodReady pool

            if (primaryKey != null && callContext.getCurrentOperation() != Operation.REMOVE) {
                * If the bean has a primary key; And its not being returned following a remove operation;
                * then the bean is being returned to the method ready pool after successfully executing a business method or create
                * method. In this case we need to call the bean instance's ejbPassivate before returning it to the pool per EJB 1.1
                * Section 9.1.
                Operation currentOp = callContext.getCurrentOperation();

                BaseContext.State[] originalStates = callContext.setCurrentAllowedStates(EntityContext.getStates());

                try {
                    In the event of an exception, OpenEJB is required to log the exception, evict the instance,
                    and mark the transaction for rollback.  If there is a transaction to rollback, then the a
                    javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException must be throw to the client.
                    See EJB 1.1 specification, section 12.3.2
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    if (txPolicy.isTransactionActive()) {
                        throw new ApplicationException(new TransactionRolledbackException("Reflection exception thrown while attempting to call ejbPassivate() on the instance", e));
                    throw new ApplicationException(new RemoteException("Reflection exception thrown while attempting to call ejbPassivate() on the instance. Exception message = " + e.getMessage(), e));
                } finally {

            * The bean is returned to the method ready pool if its returned after servicing a find, ejbHome, business or create
            * method and is not still part of a tx.  While in the method ready pool the bean instance is not associated with a
            * primary key and may be used to service a request for any bean of the same class.
            Stack methodReadyPool = poolMap.get(callContext.getDeploymentInfo().getDeploymentID());

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    public Object getInstance(ThreadContext callContext)
            throws OpenEJBException {
        CoreDeploymentInfo deploymentInfo = callContext.getDeploymentInfo();
        Data data = (Data) deploymentInfo.getContainerData();
        Stack pool = data.getPool();
        Object bean = pool.pop();

        while (strictPooling && bean == null && pool.size() >= poolLimit) {
            bean = pool.pop();

        if (bean == null) {

            Class beanClass = deploymentInfo.getBeanClass();
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            throw new SystemException("Invalid arguments");

        CoreDeploymentInfo deploymentInfo = callContext.getDeploymentInfo();
        Data data = (Data) deploymentInfo.getContainerData();
        Stack pool = data.getPool();

        if (strictPooling) {
        } else {
            if (pool.size() >= poolLimit) {
                freeInstance(callContext, (Instance)bean);
            } else {
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    public void undeploy(CoreDeploymentInfo deploymentInfo) {
        Data data = (Data) deploymentInfo.getContainerData();
        if (data == null) return;
        Stack pool = data.getPool();
        //TODO ejbRemove on each bean in pool.
        //clean pool
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    protected void reusingBean(EntityBean bean, ThreadContext callContext) throws OpenEJBException {

    protected EntityBean getPooledInstance(ThreadContext callContext) throws OpenEJBException {
        BeanContext beanContext = callContext.getBeanContext();
        Stack methodReadyPool = poolMap.get(beanContext.getDeploymentID());
        if (methodReadyPool == null) throw new SystemException("Invalid deployment id " + beanContext.getDeploymentID() + " for this container");

        EntityBean bean = (EntityBean) methodReadyPool.pop();
        if (bean == null) {
            try {
                bean = (EntityBean) beanContext.getBeanClass().newInstance();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Bean instantiation failed for class " + beanContext.getBeanClass(), e);
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                    * If the bean has been removed then the bean instance is no longer needed and can return to the methodReadyPool
                    * to service another identity.
                    Stack methodReadyPool = poolMap.get(callContext.getBeanContext().getDeploymentID());
                } else {
                    if (callContext.getCurrentOperation() == Operation.CREATE) {
                        // Bean is being recreated (new-delete-new) so we need to reassociate it
            } else {
                A wrapper will not exist if the bean is being returned after a create operation.
                In this case the transaction scope is broader then the create method itself; its a client
                initiated transaction, so the bean must be registered with the tranaction and moved to the
                tx ready pool

                wrapper = new SynchronizationWrapper(callContext.getBeanContext(), primaryKey, bean, true, key, txPolicy);


                txPolicy.putResource(key, wrapper);
        } else {
            If there is no transaction associated with the thread OR if the operation was a find or home method (PrimaryKey == null)
            Then the bean instance is simply returned to the methodReady pool

            if (primaryKey != null && callContext.getCurrentOperation() != Operation.REMOVE) {
                * If the bean has a primary key; And its not being returned following a remove operation;
                * then the bean is being returned to the method ready pool after successfully executing a business method or create
                * method. In this case we need to call the bean instance's ejbPassivate before returning it to the pool per EJB 1.1
                * Section 9.1.
                Operation currentOp = callContext.getCurrentOperation();


                try {
                    In the event of an exception, OpenEJB is required to log the exception, evict the instance,
                    and mark the transaction for rollback.  If there is a transaction to rollback, then the a
                    javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException must be throw to the client.
                    See EJB 1.1 specification, section 12.3.2
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    if (txPolicy.isTransactionActive()) {
                        throw new ApplicationException(new TransactionRolledbackException("Reflection exception thrown while attempting to call ejbPassivate() on the instance", e));
                    throw new ApplicationException(new RemoteException("Reflection exception thrown while attempting to call ejbPassivate() on the instance. Exception message = " + e.getMessage(), e));
                } finally {

            * The bean is returned to the method ready pool if its returned after servicing a find, ejbHome, business or create
            * method and is not still part of a tx.  While in the method ready pool the bean instance is not associated with a
            * primary key and may be used to service a request for any bean of the same class.
            Stack methodReadyPool = poolMap.get(callContext.getBeanContext().getDeploymentID());

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Related Classes of org.apache.openejb.util.Stack

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