return "axis";
private JaxRpcServiceInfo getJaxRpcServiceInfo(final ClassLoader classLoader) throws OpenEJBException {
final JavaWsdlMapping mapping = null; // the java to wsdl mapping file
final CommonsSchemaInfoBuilder xmlBeansSchemaInfoBuilder = new CommonsSchemaInfoBuilder(null, null); // the schema data from the wsdl file
final PortComponent portComponent = null; // webservice.xml declaration of this service
final Port port = null; // wsdl.xml declaration of this service
final String wsdlFile = null;
final XmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo = xmlBeansSchemaInfoBuilder.createSchemaInfo();
final JaxRpcServiceInfoBuilder serviceInfoBuilder = new JaxRpcServiceInfoBuilder(mapping, schemaInfo, portComponent, port, wsdlFile, classLoader);
final JaxRpcServiceInfo serviceInfo = serviceInfoBuilder.createServiceInfo();
return serviceInfo;