Package org.apache.openejb.finder

Examples of org.apache.openejb.finder.ClassFinder

                clazz = classLoader.loadClass(clientModule.getMainClass());
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new OpenEJBException("Unable to load Client main-class: " + clientModule.getMainClass(), e);
            ApplicationClient client = clientModule.getApplicationClient();
            ClassFinder inheritedClassFinder = createInheritedClassFinder(clazz);
            buildAnnotatedRefs(client, inheritedClassFinder, classLoader);
            processWebServiceClientHandlers(client, classLoader);

            return clientModule;
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                            throw new OpenEJBException("Unable to load JSF managed bean class: " + managedBeanClass, e);
            ClassFinder inheritedClassFinder = createInheritedClassFinder(classes.toArray(new Class<?>[classes.size()]));

            // Currently we only process the JNDI annotations for web applications
            buildAnnotatedRefs(webApp, inheritedClassFinder, classLoader);
            processWebServiceClientHandlers(webApp, classLoader);
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                try {
                    clazz = classLoader.loadClass(bean.getEjbClass());
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new OpenEJBException("Unable to load bean class: " + bean.getEjbClass(), e);
                ClassFinder classFinder = new ClassFinder(clazz);

                ClassFinder inheritedClassFinder = createInheritedClassFinder(clazz);

                processCallbacks(bean, inheritedClassFinder);

                if (bean.getTransactionType() == null) {
                    TransactionManagement tx = getInheritableAnnotation(clazz, TransactionManagement.class);
                    TransactionManagementType transactionType = TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER;
                    if (tx != null) {
                        transactionType = tx.value();
                    switch (transactionType) {
                        case BEAN:
                        case CONTAINER:

                AssemblyDescriptor assemblyDescriptor = ejbModule.getEjbJar().getAssemblyDescriptor();

                processApplicationExceptions(clazz, assemblyDescriptor);

                if (bean.getTransactionType() == TransactionType.CONTAINER) {
                    processAttributes(new TransactionAttributeHandler(assemblyDescriptor, ejbName), clazz, inheritedClassFinder);
                } else {
                    checkAttributes(new TransactionAttributeHandler(assemblyDescriptor, ejbName), ejbName, ejbModule, classFinder, "invalidTransactionAttribute");

                processSecurityAnnotations(clazz, ejbName, ejbModule, inheritedClassFinder, bean);

                for (Class<?> interceptorsAnnotatedClass : inheritedClassFinder.findAnnotatedClasses(Interceptors.class)) {
                    Interceptors interceptors = interceptorsAnnotatedClass.getAnnotation(Interceptors.class);
                    EjbJar ejbJar = ejbModule.getEjbJar();
                    for (Class interceptor : interceptors.value()) {
                        if (ejbJar.getInterceptor(interceptor.getName()) == null) {
                            ejbJar.addInterceptor(new Interceptor(interceptor.getName()));

                    InterceptorBinding binding = new InterceptorBinding(bean);
                    assemblyDescriptor.getInterceptorBinding().add(0, binding);

                    for (Class interceptor : interceptors.value()) {

                for (Method method : inheritedClassFinder.findAnnotatedMethods(Interceptors.class)) {
                    Interceptors interceptors = method.getAnnotation(Interceptors.class);
                    if (interceptors != null) {
                        EjbJar ejbJar = ejbModule.getEjbJar();
                        for (Class interceptor : interceptors.value()) {
                            if (ejbJar.getInterceptor(interceptor.getName()) == null) {
                                ejbJar.addInterceptor(new Interceptor(interceptor.getName()));

                        InterceptorBinding binding = new InterceptorBinding(bean);
                        assemblyDescriptor.getInterceptorBinding().add(0, binding);

                        for (Class interceptor : interceptors.value()) {

                        binding.setMethod(new NamedMethod(method));

                ExcludeDefaultInterceptors excludeDefaultInterceptors = clazz.getAnnotation(ExcludeDefaultInterceptors.class);
                if (excludeDefaultInterceptors != null) {
                    InterceptorBinding binding = assemblyDescriptor.addInterceptorBinding(new InterceptorBinding(bean));

                for (Method method : classFinder.findAnnotatedMethods(ExcludeDefaultInterceptors.class)) {
                    InterceptorBinding binding = assemblyDescriptor.addInterceptorBinding(new InterceptorBinding(bean));
                    binding.setMethod(new NamedMethod(method));

                ExcludeClassInterceptors excludeClassInterceptors = clazz.getAnnotation(ExcludeClassInterceptors.class);
                if (excludeClassInterceptors != null) {
                    InterceptorBinding binding = assemblyDescriptor.addInterceptorBinding(new InterceptorBinding(bean));

                for (Method method : classFinder.findAnnotatedMethods(ExcludeClassInterceptors.class)) {
                    InterceptorBinding binding = assemblyDescriptor.addInterceptorBinding(new InterceptorBinding(bean));
                    binding.setMethod(new NamedMethod(method));

                if (bean instanceof RemoteBean) {
                    RemoteBean remoteBean = (RemoteBean) bean;

                    if (remoteBean.getHome() == null) {
                        RemoteHome remoteHome = getInheritableAnnotation(clazz, RemoteHome.class);
                        if (remoteHome != null) {
                            Class<?> homeClass = remoteHome.value();
                            try {
                                Method create = null;
                                for (Method method : homeClass.getMethods()) {
                                    if (method.getName().startsWith("create")) {
                                        create = method;
                                if (create == null) throw new NoSuchMethodException("create");

                                Class<?> remoteClass = create.getReturnType();
                            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                                logger.error("Class annotated as a RemoteHome has no 'create()' method.  Unable to determine remote interface type.  Bean class: " + clazz.getName() + ",  Home class: " + homeClass.getName());

                    if (remoteBean.getLocalHome() == null) {
                        LocalHome localHome = getInheritableAnnotation(clazz, LocalHome.class);
                        if (localHome != null) {
                            Class<?> homeClass = localHome.value();
                            try {
                                Method create = null;
                                for (Method method : homeClass.getMethods()) {
                                    if (method.getName().startsWith("create")) {
                                        create = method;
                                if (create == null) throw new NoSuchMethodException("create");

                                Class<?> remoteClass = create.getReturnType();
                            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                                logger.error("Class annotated as a LocalHome has no 'create()' method.  Unable to determine remote interface type.  Bean class: " + clazz.getName() + ",  Home class: " + homeClass.getName());

                    if (remoteBean instanceof SessionBean) {
                        SessionBean sessionBean = (SessionBean) remoteBean;

                        processSessionInterfaces(sessionBean, clazz, ejbModule);

                        if (sessionBean.getSessionType() == SessionType.SINGLETON) {

                            if (sessionBean.getConcurrencyType() == null) {
                                ConcurrencyManagement tx = getInheritableAnnotation(clazz, ConcurrencyManagement.class);
                                ConcurrencyManagementType concurrencyType = ConcurrencyManagementType.CONTAINER;
                                if (tx != null) {
                                    concurrencyType = tx.value();
                                switch (concurrencyType) {
                                    case BEAN:
                                    case CONTAINER:

                            if (sessionBean.getConcurrencyType() == ConcurrencyType.CONTAINER) {
                                processAttributes(new ConcurrencyAttributeHandler(assemblyDescriptor, ejbName), clazz, inheritedClassFinder);
                            } else {
                                checkAttributes(new ConcurrencyAttributeHandler(assemblyDescriptor, ejbName), ejbName, ejbModule, classFinder, "invalidConcurrencyAttribute");

                            if (!sessionBean.hasLoadOnStartup()){
                                Startup startup = getInheritableAnnotation(clazz, Startup.class);
                                sessionBean.setLoadOnStartup(startup != null);

                            if (sessionBean.getDependsOn() == null) {
                                DependsOn dependsOn = getInheritableAnnotation(clazz, DependsOn.class);
                                if (dependsOn != null) {
                                } else {

                if (bean instanceof MessageDrivenBean) {
                    MessageDrivenBean mdb = (MessageDrivenBean) bean;
                    MessageDriven messageDriven = clazz.getAnnotation(MessageDriven.class);
                    if (messageDriven != null) {
                        javax.ejb.ActivationConfigProperty[] configProperties = messageDriven.activationConfig();
                        if (configProperties != null) {
                            ActivationConfig activationConfig = mdb.getActivationConfig();
                            if (activationConfig == null) {
                                activationConfig = new ActivationConfig();
                            Properties properties = activationConfig.toProperties();
                            for (javax.ejb.ActivationConfigProperty property : configProperties) {
                                if (!properties.containsKey(property.propertyName())) {
                                    activationConfig.addProperty(property.propertyName(), property.propertyValue());

                        if (mdb.getMessagingType() == null) {
                            Class<?> interfce = messageDriven.messageListenerInterface();
                            if (interfce != null && !interfce.equals(Object.class)) {
                                if (!interfce.isInterface()) {
                                    // TODO: Move this check to o.a.o.c.rules.CheckClasses and do it for all MDBs, annotated or not
                                    throw new OpenEJBException("MessageListenerInterface property of @MessageDriven is not an interface");

                    if (mdb.getMessagingType() == null) {
                        List<Class<?>> interfaces = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
                        for (Class<?> intf : clazz.getInterfaces()) {
                            String name = intf.getName();
                            if (!name.equals("") &&
                                    !name.equals("") &&
                                    !name.startsWith("javax.ejb.")) {

                        if (interfaces.size() != 1) {
                            String msg = "When annotating a bean class as @MessageDriven without declaring messageListenerInterface, the bean must implement exactly one interface, no more and no less. beanClass=" + clazz.getName() + " interfaces=";
                            for (Class<?> intf : interfaces) {
                                msg += intf.getName() + ", ";
                            // TODO: Make this a validation failure, not an exception
                            throw new IllegalStateException(msg);

                // add webservice handler classes to the class finder used in annotation processing
                Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
                if (ejbModule.getWebservices() != null) {
                    for (WebserviceDescription webservice : ejbModule.getWebservices().getWebserviceDescription()) {
                        for (PortComponent port : webservice.getPortComponent()) {
                            // only process port definitions for this ejb
                            if (!ejbName.equals(port.getServiceImplBean().getEjbLink())) continue;

                            if (port.getHandlerChains() == null) continue;
                            for (org.apache.openejb.jee.HandlerChain handlerChain : port.getHandlerChains().getHandlerChain()) {
                                for (Handler handler : handlerChain.getHandler()) {
                                    String handlerClass = handler.getHandlerClass();
                                    if (handlerClass != null) {
                                        try {
                                            Class handlerClazz = classLoader.loadClass(handlerClass);
                                        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                                            throw new OpenEJBException("Unable to load webservice handler class: " + handlerClass, e);
                inheritedClassFinder = createInheritedClassFinder(classes.toArray(new Class<?>[classes.size()]));

                buildAnnotatedRefs(bean, inheritedClassFinder, classLoader);
                processWebServiceClientHandlers(bean, classLoader);

            for (Interceptor interceptor : ejbModule.getEjbJar().getInterceptors()) {
                Class<?> clazz;
                try {
                    clazz = classLoader.loadClass(interceptor.getInterceptorClass());
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new OpenEJBException("Unable to load interceptor class: " + interceptor.getInterceptorClass(), e);

                ClassFinder inheritedClassFinder = createInheritedClassFinder(clazz);

                processCallbacks(interceptor, inheritedClassFinder);

                processApplicationExceptions(clazz, ejbModule.getEjbJar().getAssemblyDescriptor());
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            List<Class> parents = new ArrayList<Class>();
            for (Class<?> clazz : classes) {

            return new ClassFinder(parents);
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                // process handler classes
                ClassFinder handlerClassFinder = createInheritedClassFinder(handlerClasses.toArray(new Class<?>[handlerClasses.size()]));
                buildAnnotatedRefs(consumer, handlerClassFinder, classLoader);
            } while (!handlerClasses.isEmpty());
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        public WebModule deploy(WebModule webModule) throws OpenEJBException {
            WebApp webApp = webModule.getWebApp();
            if (webApp != null && (webApp.isMetadataComplete() || !webApp.getServlet().isEmpty())) return webModule;

            ClassFinder finder;
            try {
                finder = new ClassFinder(webModule.getClassLoader());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                startupLogger.warning("Unable to scrape for @WebService or @WebServiceProvider annotations. ClassFinder failed.", e);
                return webModule;

            List<Class> classes = new ArrayList<Class>();
            for (Class<?> webServiceClass : classes) {
                int modifiers = webServiceClass.getModifiers();
                if (!Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) || Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) || isAbstract(modifiers)) {
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        public EjbModule deploy(EjbModule ejbModule) throws OpenEJBException {
            if (ejbModule.getEjbJar() != null && ejbModule.getEjbJar().isMetadataComplete()) return ejbModule;

            ClassFinder finder;
            if (ejbModule.getJarLocation() != null) {
                try {
                    String location = ejbModule.getJarLocation();
                    File file = new File(location);

                    URL url;
                    if (file.exists()) {
                        url = file.toURL();
                    } else {
                        url = new URL(location);
                    finder = new ClassFinder(ejbModule.getClassLoader(), url);
                } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                    startupLogger.warning("startup.scrapeFailedForModule", ejbModule.getJarLocation());
                    return ejbModule;
            } else {
                try {
                    finder = new ClassFinder(ejbModule.getClassLoader());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    startupLogger.warning("Unable to scrape for @Stateful, @Stateless or @MessageDriven annotations. ClassFinder failed.", e);
                    return ejbModule;

            /* 19.2:  ejb-name: Default is the unqualified name of the bean class */

            EjbJar ejbJar = ejbModule.getEjbJar();
            for (Class<?> beanClass : finder.findAnnotatedClasses(Singleton.class)) {
                Singleton singleton = beanClass.getAnnotation(Singleton.class);
                String ejbName = getEjbName(singleton, beanClass);

                if (!isValidAnnotationUsage(Singleton.class, beanClass, ejbName, ejbModule)) continue;

                EnterpriseBean enterpriseBean = ejbJar.getEnterpriseBean(ejbName);
                if (enterpriseBean == null) {
                    enterpriseBean = new SingletonBean(ejbName, beanClass.getName());
                if (enterpriseBean.getEjbClass() == null) {
                if (enterpriseBean instanceof SessionBean) {
                    SessionBean sessionBean = (SessionBean) enterpriseBean;

            for (Class<?> beanClass : finder.findAnnotatedClasses(Stateless.class)) {
                Stateless stateless = beanClass.getAnnotation(Stateless.class);
                String ejbName = getEjbName(stateless, beanClass);

                if (!isValidAnnotationUsage(Stateless.class, beanClass, ejbName, ejbModule)) continue;

                EnterpriseBean enterpriseBean = ejbJar.getEnterpriseBean(ejbName);
                if (enterpriseBean == null) {
                    enterpriseBean = new StatelessBean(ejbName, beanClass.getName());
                if (enterpriseBean.getEjbClass() == null) {
                if (enterpriseBean instanceof SessionBean) {
                    SessionBean sessionBean = (SessionBean) enterpriseBean;

            for (Class<?> beanClass : finder.findAnnotatedClasses(Stateful.class)) {
                Stateful stateful = beanClass.getAnnotation(Stateful.class);
                String ejbName = getEjbName(stateful, beanClass);

                if (!isValidAnnotationUsage(Stateful.class, beanClass, ejbName, ejbModule)) continue;

                EnterpriseBean enterpriseBean = ejbJar.getEnterpriseBean(ejbName);
                if (enterpriseBean == null) {
                    enterpriseBean = new StatefulBean(ejbName, beanClass.getName());
                if (enterpriseBean.getEjbClass() == null) {
                if (enterpriseBean instanceof SessionBean) {
                    SessionBean sessionBean = (SessionBean) enterpriseBean;
                    // TODO: We might be stepping on an xml override here

            List<Class> classes = finder.findAnnotatedClasses(MessageDriven.class);
            for (Class<?> beanClass : classes) {
                MessageDriven mdb = beanClass.getAnnotation(MessageDriven.class);
                String ejbName = getEjbName(mdb, beanClass);

                if (!isValidAnnotationUsage(MessageDriven.class, beanClass, ejbName, ejbModule)) continue;

                MessageDrivenBean messageBean = (MessageDrivenBean) ejbJar.getEnterpriseBean(ejbName);
                if (messageBean == null) {
                    messageBean = new MessageDrivenBean(ejbName);
                if (messageBean.getEjbClass() == null) {

            AssemblyDescriptor assemblyDescriptor = ejbModule.getEjbJar().getAssemblyDescriptor();
            if (assemblyDescriptor == null) {
                assemblyDescriptor = new AssemblyDescriptor();

            for (Class<?> exceptionClass : finder.findAnnotatedClasses(ApplicationException.class)) {
                if (assemblyDescriptor.getApplicationException(exceptionClass) == null){
                    ApplicationException annotation = exceptionClass.getAnnotation(ApplicationException.class);
                    assemblyDescriptor.addApplicationException(exceptionClass, annotation.rollback());
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      return PortableRemoteObject.narrow(object, type);
    protected final void processFieldInjections() {
      Object home = null;
      ClassFinder finder = null;
      List<Field> fieldList = null;
      finder = new ClassFinder(getClassPath());
      fieldList = finder.findAnnotatedFields(EJB.class);
      for(Iterator fields = fieldList.iterator(); fields.hasNext();) {
        Field field = (Field);
        EJB ejbAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(EJB.class);
        if( ( != null) && ( != "") && (ejbAnnotation.beanInterface() != null)) {
          try {
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    protected final void processSetterInjections() {
      Object home = null;
      ClassFinder finder = null;
      List<Method> methodList = null;
      finder = new ClassFinder(getClassPath());
      methodList = finder.findAnnotatedMethods(EJB.class);
      for(Iterator methods = methodList.iterator(); methods.hasNext();) {
        Method method = (Method);
        EJB ejbAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(EJB.class);
        if( ( != null) && ( != "") && (ejbAnnotation.beanInterface() != null)) {
          try {
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        //  Create an InterceptorData for the webservice interceptor to the list of interceptorDatas for this method
        List<InterceptorData> interceptorDatas = new ArrayList<InterceptorData>(deploymentInfo.getMethodInterceptors(runMethod));
            InterceptorData providerData = new InterceptorData(interceptor.getClass());
            ClassFinder finder = new ClassFinder(interceptor.getClass());

        InterceptorStack interceptorStack = new InterceptorStack(instance.bean, runMethod, Operation.BUSINESS_WS, interceptorDatas, interceptors);
        Object[] params = new Object[runMethod.getParameterTypes().length];
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Related Classes of org.apache.openejb.finder.ClassFinder

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