
Examples of

    public void start(String jobId) throws DagEngineException {
        // Changing to synchronous call from asynchronous queuing to prevent the
        // loss of command if the queue is full or the queue is lost in case of
        // failure.
        try {
                new StartXCommand(jobId).call();
        catch (CommandException e) {
            throw new DagEngineException(e);
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        // Changing to synchronous call from asynchronous queuing to prevent the
        // loss of command if the queue is full or the queue is lost in case of
        // failure.
        try {
            if (useXCommand) {
                new StartXCommand(jobId).call();
            else {
                new StartCommand(jobId).call();
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    public void start(String jobId) throws DagEngineException {
        // Changing to synchronous call from asynchronous queuing to prevent the
        // loss of command if the queue is full or the queue is lost in case of
        // failure.
        try {
                new StartXCommand(jobId).call();
        catch (CommandException e) {
            throw new DagEngineException(e);
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    public void start(String jobId) throws DagEngineException {
        // Changing to synchronous call from asynchronous queuing to prevent the
        // loss of command if the queue is full or the queue is lost in case of
        // failure.
        try {
                new StartXCommand(jobId).call();
        catch (CommandException e) {
            throw new DagEngineException(e);
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        slaEvent = skipToSLAEvent();
        assertEquals(SLAStatus.NOT_STARTED, slaEvent.getSLAStatus());
        assertEquals(EventStatus.START_MISS, slaEvent.getEventStatus());

        // test that sla processes the Job Event from Start command
        new StartXCommand(jobId).call();
        slaEvent = slas.getSLACalculator().get(jobId);
        slaEvent.setEventProcessed(0); //resetting to receive sla events
        SLASummaryBean suBean = new SLASummaryBean();
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        defaultConf.set("cc", "from_default");

        String wfId = new SubmitXCommand(conf).call();
        new StartXCommand(wfId).call();

        WorkflowActionBean mrAction = WorkflowActionQueryExecutor.getInstance().get(WorkflowActionQuery.GET_ACTION,
                wfId + "@mr-node");

        // check NN and JT settings
        Element eAction = XmlUtils.parseXml(mrAction.getConf());
        Element eConf = eAction.getChild("name-node", eAction.getNamespace());
        assertEquals(getNameNodeUri(), eConf.getText());
        eConf = eAction.getChild("job-tracker", eAction.getNamespace());
        assertEquals(getJobTrackerUri(), eConf.getText());

        // check other m-r settings
        eConf = eAction.getChild("configuration", eAction.getNamespace());
        Configuration actionConf = new XConfiguration(new StringReader(XmlUtils.prettyPrint(eConf).toString()));
        assertEquals("default-output-dir", actionConf.get("outputDir"));
        assertEquals("MM", actionConf.get("mapred.mapper.class"));
        assertEquals("RR", actionConf.get("mapred.reducer.class"));
        // check that default did not overwrite same property explicit in action conf
        assertEquals("from_action", actionConf.get("cc"));
        // check that original conf and from global was not deleted
        assertEquals("AA", actionConf.get("aa"));
        assertEquals("BB", actionConf.get("bb"));

        //test no infinite recursion by param referring to itself e.g. path = ${path}/sub-path
        actionXml = "<map-reduce>"
                + "        <prepare>"
                + "          <delete path=\"${nameNode}/user/${wf:user()}/mr/${outputDir}\"/>"
                + "        </prepare>"
                + "        <configuration>"
                + "          <property><name>cc</name><value>${cc}/action_cc</value></property>"
                + "        </configuration>"
                + "      </map-reduce>";

        wfXml = "<workflow-app xmlns=\"uri:oozie:workflow:0.5\" name=\"map-reduce-wf\">"
                + "<global>"
                + "<job-tracker>${jobTracker}</job-tracker>"
                + "<name-node>${nameNode}</name-node>"
                + "<configuration><property><name>outputDir</name><value>global-output-dir</value></property></configuration>"
                + "</global>"
                + "    <start to=\"mr-node\"/>"
                + "    <action name=\"mr-node\">"
                + actionXml
                + "    <ok to=\"end\"/>"
                + "    <error to=\"fail\"/>"
                + "</action>"
                + "<kill name=\"fail\">"
                + "    <message>Map/Reduce failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>"
                + "</kill>"
                + "<end name=\"end\"/>"
                + "</workflow-app>";

         writer = new FileWriter(getTestCaseDir() + "/workflow.xml");
         IOUtils.copyCharStream(new StringReader(wfXml), writer);

         wfId = new SubmitXCommand(conf).call();
         new StartXCommand(wfId).call();

         mrAction = WorkflowActionQueryExecutor.getInstance().get(WorkflowActionQuery.GET_ACTION,
                 wfId + "@mr-node");
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                new ActionNodeDef("fs-node", "", TestLiteWorkflowLib.TestActionNodeHandler.class, "end", "end"))
                .addNode(new EndNodeDef("end", LiteWorkflowStoreService.LiteControlNodeHandler.class));
        WorkflowJobBean job = addRecordToWfJobTable(app, WorkflowJob.Status.PREP, WorkflowInstance.Status.PREP);

        // Starting job
        new StartXCommand(job.getId()).call();
        WorkflowJobGetJPAExecutor wfJobGetCmd = new WorkflowJobGetJPAExecutor(job.getId());
        job = jpaService.execute(wfJobGetCmd);
        assertEquals(WorkflowJob.Status.RUNNING, job.getStatus());
        assertEquals(1, queue.size());
        JobEvent event = (JobEvent) queue.poll();
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    public void start(String jobId) throws DagEngineException {
        // Changing to synchronous call from asynchronous queuing to prevent the
        // loss of command if the queue is full or the queue is lost in case of
        // failure.
        try {
                new StartXCommand(jobId).call();
        catch (CommandException e) {
            throw new DagEngineException(e);
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    public void testWorkflowJobEvent() throws Exception {
        assertEquals(0, queue.size());
        WorkflowJobBean job = addRecordToWfJobTable(WorkflowJob.Status.PREP, WorkflowInstance.Status.PREP);

        // Starting job
        new StartXCommand(job.getId()).call();
        WorkflowJobGetJPAExecutor wfJobGetCmd = new WorkflowJobGetJPAExecutor(job.getId());
        job = jpaService.execute(wfJobGetCmd);
        assertEquals(WorkflowJob.Status.RUNNING, job.getStatus());
        assertEquals(1, queue.size());
        JobEvent event = (JobEvent) queue.poll();
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        slaEvent = (SLACalcStatus) ehs.getEventQueue().poll();
        assertEquals(SLAStatus.NOT_STARTED, slaEvent.getSLAStatus());
        assertEquals(EventStatus.START_MISS, slaEvent.getEventStatus());

        // test that sla processes the Job Event from Start command
        new StartXCommand(jobId).call();
        slaEvent = slas.getSLACalculator().get(jobId);
        slaEvent.setEventProcessed(0); //resetting to receive sla events
        waitForEventGeneration(200); EventWorker().run();
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