public void addtoJobConf(JobConf jobconf, CredentialsProperties props, Context context) throws Exception {
try {
String principal = props.getProperties().get(HCAT_METASTORE_PRINCIPAL);
if (principal == null || principal.isEmpty()) {
throw new CredentialException(ErrorCode.E0510,
HCAT_METASTORE_PRINCIPAL + " is required to get hcat credential");
String server = props.getProperties().get(HCAT_METASTORE_URI);
if (server == null || server.isEmpty()) {
throw new CredentialException(ErrorCode.E0510,
HCAT_METASTORE_URI + " is required to get hcat credential");
HCatCredentialHelper hcch = new HCatCredentialHelper();
hcch.set(jobconf, principal, server);