Package org.apache.ode.bpel.elang.xpath20.compiler

Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.elang.xpath20.compiler.JaxpFunctionResolver$InsertAfter

            Configuration configuration = ((SaxonXQConnection) xqconn).getConfiguration();

            XQStaticContext staticContext = xqconn.getStaticContext();
            JaxpFunctionResolver funcResolver = new JaxpFunctionResolver(
                    _compilerContext, out, source.getNamespaceContext(), _bpelNS);
            JaxpVariableResolver variableResolver = new JaxpVariableResolver(
                    _compilerContext, out);

            XQueryDeclarations declarations = new XQueryDeclarations();
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        Item item = context.getCurrentIterator().current();
        XPathFunction function = null;

        if (item instanceof NodeWrapper) {
            Node node = (Node) ((NodeWrapper) item).getUnderlyingNode();
            JaxpFunctionResolver funcResolver = null;
            if (node != null) {
                funcResolver = (JaxpFunctionResolver) node.getUserData(USER_DATA_KEY_FUNCTION_RESOLVER);
            if (funcResolver != null) {
                function = funcResolver.resolveFunction(name, 0);

        return function;
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            Configuration configuration = ((SaxonXQConnection) xqconn).getConfiguration();

            XQStaticContext staticContext = xqconn.getStaticContext();
            JaxpFunctionResolver funcResolver = new JaxpFunctionResolver(
                    _compilerContext, out, source.getNamespaceContext(), _bpelNS);
            JaxpVariableResolver variableResolver = new JaxpVariableResolver(
                _compilerContext, out);

            XQueryDeclarations declarations = new XQueryDeclarations();           
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            Configuration configuration = ((SaxonXQConnection) xqconn).getConfiguration();

            XQStaticContext staticContext = xqconn.getStaticContext();
            JaxpFunctionResolver funcResolver = new JaxpFunctionResolver(
                    _compilerContext, out, source.getNamespaceContext(), _bpelNS);
            JaxpVariableResolver variableResolver = new JaxpVariableResolver(
                _compilerContext, out);

            XQueryDeclarations declarations = new XQueryDeclarations();           
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        Item item = context.getCurrentIterator().current();
        XPathFunction function = null;

        if (item instanceof NodeWrapper) {
            Node node = (Node) ((NodeWrapper) item).getUnderlyingNode();
            JaxpFunctionResolver funcResolver = null;
            if (node != null) {
                funcResolver = (JaxpFunctionResolver) node.getUserData(USER_DATA_KEY_FUNCTION_RESOLVER);
            if (funcResolver != null) {
                function = funcResolver.resolveFunction(name, 0);

        return function;
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            Configuration configuration = ((SaxonXQConnection) xqconn).getConfiguration();

            XQStaticContext staticContext = xqconn.getStaticContext();
            JaxpFunctionResolver funcResolver = new JaxpFunctionResolver(
                    _compilerContext, out, source.getNamespaceContext(), _bpelNS);
            JaxpVariableResolver variableResolver = new JaxpVariableResolver(
                _compilerContext, out);

            XQueryDeclarations declarations = new XQueryDeclarations();           
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     * @return type
    private static XPathFunction resolveFunction(XPathContext context,
        QName name) {
        JaxpFunctionResolver funcResolver = null;
        Item item = context.getCurrentIterator().current();

        if (item instanceof NodeWrapper) {
            Node node = (Node) ((NodeWrapper) item).getUnderlyingNode();

            if (node != null) {
                funcResolver = (JaxpFunctionResolver) node.getUserData(USER_DATA_KEY_FUNCTION_RESOLVER);

        return funcResolver.resolveFunction(name, 0);
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            XQStaticContext staticContext = xqconn.getStaticContext();
            JaxpFunctionResolver funcResolver = new JaxpFunctionResolver(
                    _compilerContext, out, source.getNamespaceContext(), _bpelNS);
            JaxpVariableResolver variableResolver = new JaxpVariableResolver(
                    _compilerContext, out);

            XQueryDeclarations declarations = new XQueryDeclarations();
            NSContext nsContext = source.getNamespaceContext();
            Set<String> prefixes = nsContext.getPrefixes();
            if (!nsContext.getUriSet().contains(Namespaces.ODE_EXTENSION_NS)) {
                nsContext.register("ode", Namespaces.ODE_EXTENSION_NS);
            for (String prefix : prefixes) {
                String uri = nsContext.getNamespaceURI(prefix);
                staticContext.declareNamespace(prefix, uri);
                if ("".equals(prefix)) {
                } else if ("bpws".equals(prefix)) {
                    declarations.declareNamespace("bpws", "java:" + Constants.XQUERY_FUNCTION_HANDLER_COMPILER);
                } else {
                    declarations.declareNamespace(prefix, uri);
                    getQName(nsContext, Namespaces.ODE_EXTENSION_NS, "pid"),
                    getQName(nsContext, Namespaces.XML_SCHEMA, "integer"));
//            Map<URI, Source> schemaDocuments = _compilerContext.getSchemaSources();
//            for (URI schemaUri : schemaDocuments.keySet()) {
//              Source schemaSource = schemaDocuments.get(schemaUri);
//              // Don't add schema sources, since our Saxon library is not schema-aware.
//              // configuration.addSchemaSource(schemaSource);
//            }
            List<OScope.Variable> variables = _compilerContext.getAccessibleVariables();
            Map<QName, QName> variableTypes = new HashMap<QName, QName>();
            for (String variableName : getVariableNames(xqueryStr)) {
                OScope.Variable variable = getVariable(variables, variableName);
                if (variable == null) {
                OVarType type = variable.type;
                QName nameQName = getNameQName(variableName);
                QName typeQName = getTypeQName(variableName, type);
                variableTypes.put(nameQName, typeQName);
                String prefix = typeQName.getPrefix();
                if (prefix == null || "".equals(prefix.trim())) {
                    prefix = getPrefixForUri(nsContext, typeQName.getNamespaceURI());
                // don't declare typed variables, as our engine is not schema-aware
                // declarations.declareVariable(, typeQName);

            // Add implicit declarations as prolog to the user-defined XQuery
            out.xquery = declarations.toString() + xqueryStr;

            // Check the XQuery for compilation errors
            XQPreparedExpression exp = xqconn.prepareExpression(out.xquery);

            // Pre-evaluate variables and functions by executing query
                    funcResolver, null);
                    xqconn.createItemFromNode(node, xqconn.createNodeType()));
            // Bind external variables to dummy runtime values
            for (QName variable : exp.getAllUnboundExternalVariables()) {
                QName typeQName = variableTypes.get(variable);
                Object value = variableResolver.resolveVariable(variable);
                if (typeQName != null) {
                    if (value.getClass().getName().startsWith("java.lang")) {
                        exp.bindAtomicValue(variable, value.toString(),
                    } else if (value instanceof Node) {
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            XQStaticContext staticContext = xqconn.getStaticContext();
            JaxpFunctionResolver funcResolver = new JaxpFunctionResolver(
                    _compilerContext, out, source.getNamespaceContext(), _bpelNS);
            JaxpVariableResolver variableResolver = new JaxpVariableResolver(
                _compilerContext, out);

            XQueryDeclarations declarations = new XQueryDeclarations();           
            NSContext nsContext = source.getNamespaceContext();
          Set<String> prefixes = nsContext.getPrefixes();
          if (!nsContext.getUriSet().contains(Namespaces.ODE_EXTENSION_NS)) {
            nsContext.register("ode", Namespaces.ODE_EXTENSION_NS);
          for (String prefix : prefixes) {
            String uri = nsContext.getNamespaceURI(prefix);
            staticContext.declareNamespace(prefix, uri);
            if ("".equals(prefix)) {
            } else if ("bpws".equals(prefix)) {
                    declarations.declareNamespace("bpws", "java:" + Constants.XQUERY_FUNCTION_HANDLER_COMPILER);
            } else {
              declarations.declareNamespace(prefix, uri);
                getQName(nsContext, Namespaces.ODE_EXTENSION_NS, "pid"),
                getQName(nsContext, Namespaces.XML_SCHEMA, "integer"));
            Map<URI, Source> schemaDocuments = _compilerContext.getSchemaSources();
            for (URI schemaUri : schemaDocuments.keySet()) {
              Source schemaSource = schemaDocuments.get(schemaUri);
              // Don't add schema sources, since our Saxon library is not schema-aware.
              // configuration.addSchemaSource(schemaSource);
            List<OScope.Variable> variables = _compilerContext.getAccessibleVariables();
            Map<QName, QName> variableTypes = new HashMap<QName, QName>();
            for (String variableName : getVariableNames(xqueryStr)) {
              OScope.Variable variable = getVariable(variables, variableName);
              if (variable == null) {
                OVarType type = variable.type;
                QName nameQName = getNameQName(variableName);
                QName typeQName = getTypeQName(variableName, type);
                variableTypes.put(nameQName, typeQName);
                String prefix = typeQName.getPrefix();
                if (prefix == null || "".equals(prefix.trim())) {
                  prefix = getPrefixForUri(nsContext, typeQName.getNamespaceURI());
                // don't declare typed variables, as our engine is not schema-aware
                // declarations.declareVariable(, typeQName);
            // Add implicit declarations as prolog to the user-defined XQuery
            out.xquery = declarations.toString() + xqueryStr;

            // Check the XQuery for compilation errors
            XQPreparedExpression exp = xqconn.prepareExpression(out.xquery);
            // Pre-evaluate variables and functions by executing query 
                funcResolver, null);
                    xqconn.createItemFromNode(node, xqconn.createNodeType()));
            // Bind external variables to dummy runtime values
            for (QName variable : exp.getAllUnboundExternalVariables()) {
              QName typeQName = variableTypes.get(variable);
                Object value = variableResolver.resolveVariable(variable);
              if (typeQName != null) {
                if (value.getClass().getName().startsWith("java.lang")) {
                      exp.bindAtomicValue(variable, value.toString(),
                } else if (value instanceof Node) {
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            XQStaticContext staticContext = xqconn.getStaticContext();
            JaxpFunctionResolver funcResolver = new JaxpFunctionResolver(
                    _compilerContext, out, source.getNamespaceContext(), _bpelNS);
            JaxpVariableResolver variableResolver = new JaxpVariableResolver(
                _compilerContext, out);

            XQueryDeclarations declarations = new XQueryDeclarations();           
            NSContext nsContext = source.getNamespaceContext();
          Set<String> prefixes = nsContext.getPrefixes();
          if (!nsContext.getUriSet().contains(Namespaces.ODE_EXTENSION_NS)) {
            nsContext.register("ode", Namespaces.ODE_EXTENSION_NS);
          for (String prefix : prefixes) {
            String uri = nsContext.getNamespaceURI(prefix);
            staticContext.declareNamespace(prefix, uri);
            if ("".equals(prefix)) {
            } else if ("bpws".equals(prefix)) {
                    declarations.declareNamespace("bpws", "java:" + Constants.XQUERY_FUNCTION_HANDLER_COMPILER);
            } else {
              declarations.declareNamespace(prefix, uri);
                getQName(nsContext, Namespaces.ODE_EXTENSION_NS, "pid"),
                getQName(nsContext, Namespaces.XML_SCHEMA, "integer"));
//            Map<URI, Source> schemaDocuments = _compilerContext.getSchemaSources();
//            for (URI schemaUri : schemaDocuments.keySet()) {
//              Source schemaSource = schemaDocuments.get(schemaUri);
//              // Don't add schema sources, since our Saxon library is not schema-aware.
//              // configuration.addSchemaSource(schemaSource);
//            }
            List<OScope.Variable> variables = _compilerContext.getAccessibleVariables();
            Map<QName, QName> variableTypes = new HashMap<QName, QName>();
            for (String variableName : getVariableNames(xqueryStr)) {
              OScope.Variable variable = getVariable(variables, variableName);
              if (variable == null) {
                OVarType type = variable.type;
                QName nameQName = getNameQName(variableName);
                QName typeQName = getTypeQName(variableName, type);
                variableTypes.put(nameQName, typeQName);
                String prefix = typeQName.getPrefix();
                if (prefix == null || "".equals(prefix.trim())) {
                  prefix = getPrefixForUri(nsContext, typeQName.getNamespaceURI());
                // don't declare typed variables, as our engine is not schema-aware
                // declarations.declareVariable(, typeQName);
            // Add implicit declarations as prolog to the user-defined XQuery
            out.xquery = declarations.toString() + xqueryStr;

            // Check the XQuery for compilation errors
            XQPreparedExpression exp = xqconn.prepareExpression(out.xquery);
            // Pre-evaluate variables and functions by executing query 
                funcResolver, null);
                    xqconn.createItemFromNode(node, xqconn.createNodeType()));
            // Bind external variables to dummy runtime values
            for (QName variable : exp.getAllUnboundExternalVariables()) {
              QName typeQName = variableTypes.get(variable);
                Object value = variableResolver.resolveVariable(variable);
              if (typeQName != null) {
                if (value.getClass().getName().startsWith("java.lang")) {
                      exp.bindAtomicValue(variable, value.toString(),
                } else if (value instanceof Node) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.ode.bpel.elang.xpath20.compiler.JaxpFunctionResolver$InsertAfter

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