private String getContentType(String typeName, String url, byte[] data) {
MimeType type = null;
try {
typeName = MimeType.clean(typeName);
type = typeName == null ? null : this.mimeTypes.forName(typeName);
} catch (MimeTypeException mte) {
// Seems to be a malformed mime type name...
if (typeName == null || type == null || !type.matches(url)) {
// If no mime-type header, or cannot find a corresponding registered
// mime-type, or the one found doesn't match the url pattern
// it shouldbe, then guess a mime-type from the url pattern
type = this.mimeTypes.getMimeType(url);
typeName = type == null ? typeName : type.getName();
if (typeName == null || type == null
|| (this.mimeTypeMagic && type.hasMagic() && !type.matches(data))) {
// If no mime-type already found, or the one found doesn't match
// the magic bytes it should be, then, guess a mime-type from the
// document content (magic bytes)
type = this.mimeTypes.getMimeType(data);
typeName = type == null ? typeName : type.getName();
return typeName;