Package org.apache.nutch.crawl

Examples of org.apache.nutch.crawl.CrawlDatum


    // set log level
    //LOG.setLevel(Level.parse((new String(logLevel)).toUpperCase()));

    Content content = file.getProtocolOutput(new Text(urlString), new CrawlDatum()).getContent();

    System.err.println("Content-Type: " + content.getContentType());
    System.err.println("Content-Length: " +
    System.err.println("Last-Modified: " +
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//    if (verbose) {
//      LOGGER.setLevel(Level.FINE);
//    }
    ProtocolOutput out = http.getProtocolOutput(new Text(url), new CrawlDatum());
    Content content = out.getContent();
    System.out.println("Status: " + out.getStatus());
    if (content != null) {
      System.out.println("Content Type: " + content.getContentType());
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      while (values.hasNext()) {

        ObjectWritable objWrite =;
        Object value = objWrite.get();
        if (value instanceof CrawlDatum) {
          CrawlDatum datum = (CrawlDatum)value;
          if (datum.getStatus() == CrawlDatum.STATUS_FETCH_SUCCESS) {
        else if (value instanceof Node) {
          nodeDb = (Node)value;
        else if (value instanceof ParseData
          && ((ParseData)value).getStatus().isSuccess()) {
          parseData = (ParseData)value;
        else if (value instanceof ParseText) {
          parseText = (ParseText)value;

      // if not successfully fetched and parsed then stop processing
      int numDatums = fetchDatums.size();
      if (numDatums == 0 || nodeDb == null || parseText == null
        || parseData == null) {

      // get the most recent fetch time, this is duplicates inside of a single
      // segment, usually due to redirects
      CrawlDatum fetchDatum = null;
      long mostRecent = 0L;
      for (CrawlDatum cur : fetchDatums) {
        long fetchTime = cur.getFetchTime();
        if (fetchDatum == null || fetchTime > mostRecent) {
          fetchDatum = cur;
          mostRecent = fetchTime;

      // get parse metadata
      Metadata metadata = parseData.getContentMeta();
      Parse parse = new ParseImpl(parseText, parseData);

      // handle redirect urls
      Text reprUrlText = (Text)fetchDatum.getMetaData().get(
      String reprUrl = reprUrlText != null ? reprUrlText.toString() : null;
      String url = key.toString();
      String fieldUrl = (reprUrl != null) ? reprUrl : url;
      String host = URLUtil.getHost(fieldUrl);

      // add segment, used to map from merged index back to segment files
      FieldWritable segField = new FieldWritable(Fields.SEGMENT,
        metadata.get(Nutch.SEGMENT_NAME_KEY), FieldType.CONTENT, false, true,

      // add digest, used by dedup
      FieldWritable digestField = new FieldWritable(Fields.DIGEST,
        metadata.get(Nutch.SIGNATURE_KEY), FieldType.CONTENT, false, true,

      // url is both stored and indexed, so it's both searchable and returned
      fieldsList.add(new FieldWritable(Fields.URL, fieldUrl, FieldType.CONTENT,
        true, true, true));
      fieldsList.add(new FieldWritable(Fields.SEG_URL, url, FieldType.CONTENT,
        false, true, false));

      if (reprUrl != null) {
        // also store original url as both stored and indexes
        fieldsList.add(new FieldWritable(Fields.ORIG_URL, url,
          FieldType.CONTENT, true, true, true));

      if (host != null) {
        // add host as un-stored, indexed and tokenized
        FieldWritable hostField = new FieldWritable(Fields.HOST, host,
          FieldType.CONTENT, true, false, true);

        // add site as un-stored, indexed and un-tokenized
        FieldWritable siteField = new FieldWritable(Fields.SITE, host,
          FieldType.CONTENT, true, false, false);

      // content is indexed, so that it's searchable, but not stored in index
      fieldsList.add(new FieldWritable(Fields.CONTENT, parse.getText(),
        FieldType.CONTENT, true, false, true));

      // title
      String title = parse.getData().getTitle();
      if (title.length() > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) { // truncate title if needed
        title = title.substring(0, MAX_TITLE_LENGTH);
      // add title indexed and stored so that it can be displayed
      fieldsList.add(new FieldWritable(Fields.TITLE, title, FieldType.CONTENT,
        true, true, true));

      // add cached content/summary display policy, if available
      String caching = parse.getData().getMeta(Nutch.CACHING_FORBIDDEN_KEY);
      if (caching != null && !caching.equals(Nutch.CACHING_FORBIDDEN_NONE)) {
        fieldsList.add(new FieldWritable(Fields.CACHE, caching,
          FieldType.CONTENT, false, true, false));

      // add timestamp when fetched, for deduplication
      fieldsList.add(new FieldWritable(Fields.TSTAMP, DateTools.timeToString(
        fetchDatum.getFetchTime(), DateTools.Resolution.MILLISECOND),
        FieldType.CONTENT, false, true, false));

      FieldsWritable fields = new FieldsWritable();
      output.collect(key, fields);
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    for (int i=0; i<sampleFiles.length; i++) {
      urlString = "file:" + sampleDir + fileSeparator + sampleFiles[i];

      protocol = factory.getProtocol(urlString);
      content = protocol.getProtocolOutput(new Text(urlString), new CrawlDatum()).getContent();

      parse = parser.getParse(content).get(content.getUrl());

      String text = parse.getText().replaceAll("[ \t\r\n]+", " ");
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    // get all crawl datums for a given url key, fetch for instance can have
    // more than one under a given key if there are multiple redirects to a
    // given url
    while (values.hasNext()) {
      CrawlDatum datum =;
      datums.add((CrawlDatum)WritableUtils.clone(datum, conf));

    // apply redirect repr url logic for each datum
    for (CrawlDatum datum : datums) {

      MapWritable metadata = datum.getMetaData();
      Text reprUrl = (Text)metadata.get(Nutch.WRITABLE_REPR_URL_KEY);
      byte status = datum.getStatus();
      boolean isCrawlDb = (CrawlDatum.hasDbStatus(datum));
      boolean segFetched = (status == CrawlDatum.STATUS_FETCH_SUCCESS);

      // only if the crawl datum is from the crawldb or is a successfully
      // fetched page from the segments
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  public void map(WritableComparable key, CrawlDatum value,
      OutputCollector<Text, CrawlDatum> output,
      Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
    if (withMetadata) {
      CrawlDatum datum = (CrawlDatum)value;
      MapWritable meta = datum.getMetaData();
      if (meta.size() > 0) {
        MapWritable newMeta = new MapWritable();
        Iterator it = meta.keySet().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          WritableComparable k = (WritableComparable);
          Writable v = meta.get(k);
          if (k instanceof UTF8) {
            Text t = new Text(k.toString());
            k = t;
          newMeta.put(k, v);
    output.collect(newKey, value);
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        if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= timelimit && timelimit != -1) {
          // enough .. lets' simply
          // read all the entries from the input without processing them
          try {
            Text url = new Text();
            CrawlDatum datum = new CrawlDatum();
            hasMore =, datum);
          } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.fatal("QueueFeeder error reading input, record " + cnt, e);
        int feed = size - queues.getTotalSize();
        if (feed <= 0) {
          // queues are full - spin-wait until they have some free space
          try {
          } catch (Exception e) {};
        } else {
          LOG.debug("-feeding " + feed + " input urls ...");
          while (feed > 0 && hasMore) {
            try {
              Text url = new Text();
              CrawlDatum datum = new CrawlDatum();
              hasMore =, datum);
              if (hasMore) {
                queues.addFetchItem(url, datum);
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                    handleRedirect(fit.url, fit.datum,
                                   urlString, newUrl,
                                   refreshTime < Fetcher.PERM_REFRESH_TIME,
                  if (redirUrl != null) {
                    CrawlDatum newDatum = new CrawlDatum(CrawlDatum.STATUS_DB_UNFETCHED,
                        fit.datum.getFetchInterval(), fit.datum.getScore());
                    // transfer existing metadata to the redir
                    scfilters.initialScore(redirUrl, newDatum);
                    if (reprUrl != null) {
                          new Text(reprUrl));
                    fit = FetchItem.create(redirUrl, newDatum, byIP);
                    if (fit != null) {
                      FetchItemQueue fiq =
                    } else {
                      // stop redirecting
                      redirecting = false;
                      reporter.incrCounter("FetcherStatus", "FetchItem.notCreated.redirect", 1);

              case ProtocolStatus.MOVED:         // redirect
              case ProtocolStatus.TEMP_MOVED:
                int code;
                boolean temp;
                if (status.getCode() == ProtocolStatus.MOVED) {
                  code = CrawlDatum.STATUS_FETCH_REDIR_PERM;
                  temp = false;
                } else {
                  code = CrawlDatum.STATUS_FETCH_REDIR_TEMP;
                  temp = true;
                output(fit.url, fit.datum, content, status, code);
                String newUrl = status.getMessage();
                Text redirUrl =
                  handleRedirect(fit.url, fit.datum,
                                 urlString, newUrl, temp,
                if (redirUrl != null) {
                  CrawlDatum newDatum = new CrawlDatum(CrawlDatum.STATUS_DB_UNFETCHED,
                      fit.datum.getFetchInterval(), fit.datum.getScore());
                  // transfer existing metadata
                  scfilters.initialScore(redirUrl, newDatum);
                  if (reprUrl != null) {
                        new Text(reprUrl));
                  fit = FetchItem.create(redirUrl, newDatum, byIP);
                  if (fit != null) {
                    FetchItemQueue fiq =
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            LOG.debug(" - " + redirType + " redirect to " +
                url + " (fetching now)");
          return url;
        } else {
          CrawlDatum newDatum = new CrawlDatum(CrawlDatum.STATUS_LINKED,
          // transfer existing metadata
          try {
            scfilters.initialScore(url, newDatum);
          } catch (ScoringFilterException e) {
          if (reprUrl != null) {
                new Text(reprUrl));
          output(url, newDatum, null, null, CrawlDatum.STATUS_LINKED);
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug(" - " + redirType + " redirect to " +
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    for (int i = 0; i < sampleFiles.length; i++) {
      urlString = "file:" + sampleDir + fileSeparator + sampleFiles[i];

      protocol = factory.getProtocol(urlString);
      content = protocol.getProtocolOutput(new Text(urlString),
                                           new CrawlDatum()).getContent();
      parse = parser.parseByExtensionId("parse-msexcel", content).get(content.getUrl());

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Related Classes of org.apache.nutch.crawl.CrawlDatum

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