if (mode == EvaluationMode.DEMO) {
return true;
} else if (e instanceof ParseException) {
final ParseException pe = (ParseException) e;
this.displayErrorMessage(pe.getMessage(), false, queryOrRif);
int line;
int column;
// get precise line and column...
if (pe.currentToken.next == null) {
line = pe.currentToken.beginLine;
column = pe.currentToken.beginColumn;
} else {
line = pe.currentToken.next.beginLine;
column = pe.currentToken.next.beginColumn;
this.setErrorPosition(line, column, queryOrRif);
if (mode == EvaluationMode.DEMO) {
return true;
} else if(e instanceof lupos.rif.generated.parser.ParseException){
final lupos.rif.generated.parser.ParseException pe = (lupos.rif.generated.parser.ParseException) e;
this.displayErrorMessage(pe.getMessage(), false, queryOrRif);
int line;
int column;
// get precise line and column...