Package org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets

Examples of org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage


        // get the VDL
        UIViewRoot view = facesContext.getViewRoot();
        MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage vdl
                = (MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage) _testApplication.getViewHandler()
                    .getViewDeclarationLanguage(facesContext, view.getViewId());
        // ---- first component test - without any special settings ----------------------------
        // configure the Resource needed for this test
        MockSimpleResource resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "composite.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        UIComponent component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the first component
        assertTrue("The component has to be an UINamingContainer", component instanceof UINamingContainer);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // ---- second component test - from a script ------------------------------------------
        MockSimpleResource scriptResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null,
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // install the script resource to the VDL-mock
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, scriptResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the second component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // remove the script resource again
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, null);
        // ---- third component test - from libaryName.resourceName.class -----------------------
        MockSimpleResource componentResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "org.apache.myfaces.application",
                null, "MockResourceComponent.xhtml", null,
                new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"))

            /* (non-javadoc)
             * We have to overwrite getURL() here, because it has to deliver a valid URL and
             * we can't get that out of the library and the resource name we set on this resource.
            public URL getURL()
                MockServletContext servletContext
                        = (MockServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
                servletContext.setDocumentRoot(new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
                    return servletContext.getResource("/testlib/composite.xhtml");
                catch (MalformedURLException e)
                    return null;
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadataComponentResource = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, componentResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, componentResource);
        // asserts for the third component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, componentResource, metadataComponentResource);
        // ---- fourth component test - with a custom componentType ------------------------------
        // change the resource
        resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "compositeWithComponentType.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // FIXME resource.setResourceName(resourceName) did not work
        // this can be changed in the next release of MyFaces test (1.0.0-beta.NEXT)
        // register the new component type
        _testApplication.addComponent(TEST_COMPONENT_TYPE, UIOutput.class.getName());
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the fourth component
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        // get the VDL
        UIViewRoot view = facesContext.getViewRoot();
        MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage vdl
                = (MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage) _testApplication.getViewHandler()
                    .getViewDeclarationLanguage(facesContext, view.getViewId());
        // ---- first component test - without any special settings ----------------------------
        // configure the Resource needed for this test
        MockSimpleResource resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "composite.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        UIComponent component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the first component
        assertTrue("The component has to be an UINamingContainer", component instanceof UINamingContainer);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // ---- second component test - from a script ------------------------------------------
        MockSimpleResource scriptResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null,
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // install the script resource to the VDL-mock
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, scriptResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the second component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // remove the script resource again
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, null);
        // ---- third component test - from libaryName.resourceName.class -----------------------
        MockSimpleResource componentResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "org.apache.myfaces.application",
                null, "MockResourceComponent.xhtml", null,
                new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"))

            /* (non-javadoc)
             * We have to overwrite getURL() here, because it has to deliver a valid URL and
             * we can't get that out of the library and the resource name we set on this resource.
            public URL getURL()
                MockServletContext servletContext
                        = (MockServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
                servletContext.setDocumentRoot(new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
                    return servletContext.getResource("/testlib/composite.xhtml");
                catch (MalformedURLException e)
                    return null;
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadataComponentResource = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, componentResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, componentResource);
        // asserts for the third component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, componentResource, metadataComponentResource);
        // ---- fourth component test - with a custom componentType ------------------------------
        // change the resource
        resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "compositeWithComponentType.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // FIXME resource.setResourceName(resourceName) did not work
        // this can be changed in the next release of MyFaces test (1.0.0-beta.NEXT)
        // register the new component type
        _testApplication.addComponent(TEST_COMPONENT_TYPE, UIOutput.class.getName());
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the fourth component
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        // get the VDL
        UIViewRoot view = facesContext.getViewRoot();
        MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage vdl
                = (MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage) _testApplication.getViewHandler()
                    .getViewDeclarationLanguage(facesContext, view.getViewId());
        // ---- first component test - without any special settings ----------------------------
        // configure the Resource needed for this test
        MockSimpleResource resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "composite.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        UIComponent component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the first component
        assertTrue("The component has to be an UINamingContainer", component instanceof UINamingContainer);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // ---- second component test - from a script ------------------------------------------
        MockSimpleResource scriptResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null,
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // install the script resource to the VDL-mock
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, scriptResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the second component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // remove the script resource again
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, null);
        // ---- third component test - from libaryName.resourceName.class -----------------------
        MockSimpleResource componentResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "org.apache.myfaces.application",
                null, "MockResourceComponent.xhtml", null,
                new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"))

            /* (non-javadoc)
             * We have to overwrite getURL() here, because it has to deliver a valid URL and
             * we can't get that out of the library and the resource name we set on this resource.
            public URL getURL()
                MockServletContext servletContext
                        = (MockServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
                servletContext.setDocumentRoot(new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
                    return servletContext.getResource("/testlib/composite.xhtml");
                catch (MalformedURLException e)
                    return null;
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadataComponentResource = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, componentResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, componentResource);
        // asserts for the third component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, componentResource, metadataComponentResource);
        // ---- fourth component test - with a custom componentType ------------------------------
        // change the resource
        resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "compositeWithComponentType.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // FIXME resource.setResourceName(resourceName) did not work
        // this can be changed in the next release of MyFaces test (1.0.0-beta.NEXT)
        // register the new component type
        _testApplication.addComponent(TEST_COMPONENT_TYPE, UIOutput.class.getName());
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the fourth component
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        // get the VDL
        UIViewRoot view = facesContext.getViewRoot();
        MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage vdl
                = (MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage) _testApplication.getViewHandler()
                    .getViewDeclarationLanguage(facesContext, view.getViewId());
        // ---- first component test - without any special settings ----------------------------
        // configure the Resource needed for this test
        MockSimpleResource resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "composite.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        UIComponent component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the first component
        assertTrue("The component has to be an UINamingContainer", component instanceof UINamingContainer);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // ---- second component test - from a script ------------------------------------------
        MockSimpleResource scriptResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null,
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // install the script resource to the VDL-mock
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, scriptResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the second component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // remove the script resource again
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, null);
        // ---- third component test - from libaryName.resourceName.class -----------------------
        MockSimpleResource componentResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "org.apache.myfaces.application",
                null, "MockResourceComponent.xhtml", null,
                new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"))

            /* (non-javadoc)
             * We have to overwrite getURL() here, because it has to deliver a valid URL and
             * we can't get that out of the library and the resource name we set on this resource.
            public URL getURL()
                MockServletContext servletContext
                        = (MockServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
                servletContext.setDocumentRoot(new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
                    return servletContext.getResource("/testlib/composite.xhtml");
                catch (MalformedURLException e)
                    return null;
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadataComponentResource = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, componentResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, componentResource);
        // asserts for the third component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, componentResource, metadataComponentResource);
        // ---- fourth component test - with a custom componentType ------------------------------
        // change the resource
        resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "compositeWithComponentType.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // FIXME resource.setResourceName(resourceName) did not work
        // this can be changed in the next release of MyFaces test (1.0.0-beta.NEXT)
        // register the new component type
        _testApplication.addComponent(TEST_COMPONENT_TYPE, UIOutput.class.getName());
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the fourth component
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        // get the VDL
        UIViewRoot view = facesContext.getViewRoot();
        MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage vdl
                = (MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage) _testApplication.getViewHandler()
                    .getViewDeclarationLanguage(facesContext, view.getViewId());
        // ---- first component test - without any special settings ----------------------------
        // configure the Resource needed for this test
        MockSimpleResource resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "composite.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        UIComponent component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the first component
        assertTrue("The component has to be an UINamingContainer", component instanceof UINamingContainer);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // ---- second component test - from a script ------------------------------------------
        MockSimpleResource scriptResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null,
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // install the script resource to the VDL-mock
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, scriptResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the second component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // remove the script resource again
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, null);
        // ---- third component test - from libaryName.resourceName.class -----------------------
        MockSimpleResource componentResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "org.apache.myfaces.application",
                null, "MockResourceComponent.xhtml", null,
                new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"))

            /* (non-javadoc)
             * We have to overwrite getURL() here, because it has to deliver a valid URL and
             * we can't get that out of the library and the resource name we set on this resource.
            public URL getURL()
                MockServletContext servletContext
                        = (MockServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
                servletContext.setDocumentRoot(new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
                    return servletContext.getResource("/testlib/composite.xhtml");
                catch (MalformedURLException e)
                    return null;
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadataComponentResource = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, componentResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, componentResource);
        // asserts for the third component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, componentResource, metadataComponentResource);
        // ---- fourth component test - with a custom componentType ------------------------------
        // change the resource
        resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "compositeWithComponentType.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // FIXME resource.setResourceName(resourceName) did not work
        // this can be changed in the next release of MyFaces test (1.0.0-beta.NEXT)
        // register the new component type
        _testApplication.addComponent(TEST_COMPONENT_TYPE, UIOutput.class.getName());
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the fourth component
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        public ViewDeclarationLanguage getViewDeclarationLanguage()
            if (_language == null)
                _language = new MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
            return _language;
View Full Code Here


        // get the VDL
        UIViewRoot view = facesContext.getViewRoot();
        MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage vdl
                = (MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage) _testApplication.getViewHandler()
                    .getViewDeclarationLanguage(facesContext, view.getViewId());
        // ---- first component test - without any special settings ----------------------------
        // configure the Resource needed for this test
        MockSimpleResource resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "composite.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        UIComponent component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the first component
        assertTrue("The component has to be an UINamingContainer", component instanceof UINamingContainer);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // ---- second component test - from a script ------------------------------------------
        MockSimpleResource scriptResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null,
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // install the script resource to the VDL-mock
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, scriptResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the second component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // remove the script resource again
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, null);
        // ---- third component test - from libaryName.resourceName.class -----------------------
        MockSimpleResource componentResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "org.apache.myfaces.application",
                null, "MockResourceComponent.xhtml", null,
                new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"))

            /* (non-javadoc)
             * We have to overwrite getURL() here, because it has to deliver a valid URL and
             * we can't get that out of the library and the resource name we set on this resource.
            public URL getURL()
                MockServletContext servletContext
                        = (MockServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
                servletContext.setDocumentRoot(new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
                    return servletContext.getResource("/testlib/composite.xhtml");
                catch (MalformedURLException e)
                    return null;
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadataComponentResource = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, componentResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, componentResource);
        // asserts for the third component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, componentResource, metadataComponentResource);
        // ---- fourth component test - with a custom componentType ------------------------------
        // change the resource
        resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "compositeWithComponentType.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // FIXME resource.setResourceName(resourceName) did not work
        // this can be changed in the next release of MyFaces test (1.0.0-beta.NEXT)
        // register the new component type
        _testApplication.addComponent(TEST_COMPONENT_TYPE, UIOutput.class.getName());
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the fourth component
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        // get the VDL
        UIViewRoot view = facesContext.getViewRoot();
        MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage vdl
                = (MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage) _testApplication.getViewHandler()
                    .getViewDeclarationLanguage(facesContext, view.getViewId());
        // ---- first component test - without any special settings ----------------------------
        // configure the Resource needed for this test
        MockSimpleResource resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "composite.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        UIComponent component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the first component
        assertTrue("The component has to be an UINamingContainer", component instanceof UINamingContainer);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // ---- second component test - from a script ------------------------------------------
        MockSimpleResource scriptResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null,
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // install the script resource to the VDL-mock
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, scriptResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the second component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, resource, metadata);
        // remove the script resource again
        vdl.setScriptComponentResource(resource, null);
        // ---- third component test - from libaryName.resourceName.class -----------------------
        MockSimpleResource componentResource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "org.apache.myfaces.application",
                null, "MockResourceComponent.xhtml", null,
                new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"))

            /* (non-javadoc)
             * We have to overwrite getURL() here, because it has to deliver a valid URL and
             * we can't get that out of the library and the resource name we set on this resource.
            public URL getURL()
                MockServletContext servletContext
                        = (MockServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
                servletContext.setDocumentRoot(new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
                    return servletContext.getResource("/testlib/composite.xhtml");
                catch (MalformedURLException e)
                    return null;
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        BeanInfo metadataComponentResource = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, componentResource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, componentResource);
        // asserts for the third component
        assertTrue("The component has to be a MockResourceComponent", component instanceof MockResourceComponent);
        assertRendererTypeResourceBeanInfo(component, componentResource, metadataComponentResource);
        // ---- fourth component test - with a custom componentType ------------------------------
        // change the resource
        resource = new MockSimpleResource(null, "testlib", null, "compositeWithComponentType.xhtml",
                null, new File("src/test/resources/org/apache/myfaces/application"));
        // FIXME resource.setResourceName(resourceName) did not work
        // this can be changed in the next release of MyFaces test (1.0.0-beta.NEXT)
        // register the new component type
        _testApplication.addComponent(TEST_COMPONENT_TYPE, UIOutput.class.getName());
        // get the BeanInfo metadata
        metadata = vdl.getComponentMetadata(facesContext, resource);
        // create the component
        component = _testApplication.createComponent(facesContext, resource);
        // asserts for the fourth component
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Related Classes of org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.MockFaceletViewDeclarationLanguage

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