
Examples of

          rgb = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(1), 16);
        catch (NumberFormatException e)
          throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);

        return _getSharedColor(rgb);
      else if (length == 4)
        // #RGB
        int r = 0;
        int g = 0;
        int b = 0;

          r = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(1, 2), 16);
          g = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(2, 3), 16);
          b = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(3, 4), 16);
        catch (NumberFormatException e)
          throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);

        int rgb = (((r << 20) & 0xf00000) |
                   ((r << 16) & 0x0f0000) |
                   ((g << 12) & 0x00f000) |
                   ((g << 8& 0x000f00) |
                   ((b << 4& 0x0000f0) |
                    (b & 0x00000f));

        return _getSharedColor(rgb);
        throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);

    // Handle rgb(r, g, b) values
    if (value.startsWith("rgb"))
      int startIndex = value.indexOf('\u0028')// Start paren
      int endIndex = value.indexOf('\u0029');    // End paren
      if ((startIndex == -1) || (endIndex == -1) || (endIndex <= startIndex))
        throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);

      // Tokenize on whitespace or commas
      StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(
                                 value.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex),
                                 " \t,");

      String redToken = null;
      String blueToken = null;
      String greenToken = null;

        redToken = tokens.nextToken();
        greenToken = tokens.nextToken();
        blueToken = tokens.nextToken();
      catch (NoSuchElementException e)
        throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);

      int red = _parseColorComponent(value, redToken);
      int green = _parseColorComponent(value, greenToken);
      int blue = _parseColorComponent(value, blueToken);

      return _getSharedColor(red, green, blue);

    // Check for system color values.  We can't actually return valid
    // values for these, but we also don't want to throw a
    // PropertyParseException if a system color is specified.
    if (ArrayMap.get(_SYSTEM_COLORS, value) != null)
      return null;

    throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);
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      return parseLength(value);

    if (_isPercentage(value))
      return _parsePercentage(value);

    throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_FONT_SIZE + value);
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      return CoreStyle.PLAIN_FONT_STYLE;

    if (_ITALIC_STYLE.equals(value) || _OBLIQUE_STYLE.equals(value))
      return CoreStyle.ITALIC_FONT_STYLE;

    throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_FONT_STYLE + value);
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    catch (NumberFormatException e)

    throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_FONT_WEIGHT + value);
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    value = _stripWhitespace(value);

    if (_isLength(value))
      return _parseLength(value);

    throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_LENGTH + value);
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        percent = Double.parseDouble(comp.substring(0, comp.length() - 1));
      catch (NumberFormatException e)
        throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);

      col = (int)((percent/100.0) * 255);
        col = Integer.parseInt(comp);
      catch (NumberFormatException e)
        throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);

    if (col < 0)
      return 0;
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      size = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, value.length() - 2));
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
      throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_LENGTH + value);

    // Convert the size to "points".  This conversion isn't really valid,
    // since we don't check the screen resolution.  We just convert using
    // the assuming that 1pt = 1px, which of course isn't really the
    // case, but what are we going to do?
    int points = 0;

    if (value.endsWith("in"))
      points = (int)(72 * size);
    else if (value.endsWith("cm"))
      points = (int)((72 * size)/2.54);
    else if (value.endsWith("mm"))
      points = (int)((72 * size)/25.4);
    else if (value.endsWith("pt"))
      points = (int)size;
    else if (value.endsWith("pc"))
      points = (int)(12 * size);
    else if (value.endsWith("em"))
      // We don't even try to figure out the right em size.  If you don't
      // like it, don't use em units for your image styles.
      points = (int)(12 * size);
    else if (value.endsWith("ex"))
      // We don't even try to figure out the right ex size.  If you don't
      // like it, don't use ex units for your image styles.
      points = (int)(6 * size);

    else if (value.endsWith("px"))
      points = (int)size;
      throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_LENGTH + value);

    return points;
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      percent = Double.parseDouble(value.substring(0, value.length() - 1));
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
      throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_PERCENTAGE + value);

    // We just assume the percentage is relative to our base font size - 12pt.
    return (int)((percent/100.0) * 12);
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          rgb = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(1), 16);
        catch (NumberFormatException e)
          throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);

        return _getSharedColor(rgb);
      else if (length == 4)
        // #RGB
        int r = 0;
        int g = 0;
        int b = 0;

          r = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(1, 2), 16);
          g = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(2, 3), 16);
          b = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(3, 4), 16);
        catch (NumberFormatException e)
          throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);

        int rgb = (((r << 20) & 0xf00000) |
                   ((r << 16) & 0x0f0000) |
                   ((g << 12) & 0x00f000) |
                   ((g << 8& 0x000f00) |
                   ((b << 4& 0x0000f0) |
                    (b & 0x00000f));

        return _getSharedColor(rgb);
        throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);

    // Handle rgb(r, g, b) values
    if (value.startsWith("rgb"))
      int startIndex = value.indexOf('\u0028')// Start paren
      int endIndex = value.indexOf('\u0029');    // End paren
      if ((startIndex == -1) || (endIndex == -1) || (endIndex <= startIndex))
        throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);

      // Tokenize on whitespace or commas
      StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(
                                 value.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex),
                                 " \t,");

      String redToken = null;
      String blueToken = null;
      String greenToken = null;

        redToken = tokens.nextToken();
        greenToken = tokens.nextToken();
        blueToken = tokens.nextToken();
      catch (NoSuchElementException e)
        throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);

      int red = _parseColorComponent(value, redToken);
      int green = _parseColorComponent(value, greenToken);
      int blue = _parseColorComponent(value, blueToken);

      return _getSharedColor(red, green, blue);

    // Check for system color values.  We can't actually return valid
    // values for these, but we also don't want to throw a
    // PropertyParseException if a system color is specified.
    if (ArrayMap.get(_SYSTEM_COLORS, value) != null)
      return null;

    throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_COLOR + value);
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      return parseLength(value);

    if (_isPercentage(value))
      return _parsePercentage(value);

    throw new PropertyParseException(_INVALID_FONT_SIZE + value);
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