This is used to render the contents of another painter (the wrapped painter) into an offscreen buffer before rendering to the paint Graphics object. This is an unusual thing to do, but seems to be the only way to workaround the funky Java2D/BufferedImage text rendering problems. (See bug 1288470).
Java2D mucks up non-antialiased text drawn into BufferedImages. So, when drawing non-antialiased text, we first draw it into an offscreen buffer and then into the BufferedImage. This class will certainly go away once the underlying Java2D bug is fixed.
Think twice about using this class - it adds overhead to the render since any wrapped rendering is double buffered.
@version $Name: $ ($Revision: adfrt/faces/adf-faces-impl/src/main/java/oracle/adfinternal/view/faces/image/painter/ $) $Date: 10-nov-2005.19:04:59 $
@author The Oracle ADF Faces Team