// get rid of this bit of code. Should we use getViewRoot().getRenderKitId() instead?
renderKitId = XhtmlConstants.APACHE_TRINIDAD_PDA;
SkinFactory factory = SkinFactory.getFactory();
if (factory == null)
if (_LOG.isWarning())
_LOG.warning("There is no SkinFactory");
Skin skin = null;
// see if there is a skinID on the requestParameterMap. If there is, then
// we want to use that skin. Otherwise, use find the skin as usual, using the portlet
// renderKitId.
if (CoreRenderKit.OUTPUT_MODE_PORTLET.equals(getOutputMode()))
Map<String, Object> requestMap = context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
Object skinId = requestMap.get(_SKIN_ID_PARAM);
if (skinId != null)
skin = factory.getSkin(context, skinId.toString());
if (skin == null)
skin = factory.getSkin(null, skinFamily, renderKitId);
if (skin == null)
if (_LOG.isWarning())
_LOG.warning("Could not get skin " + skinFamily +