Package org.apache.myfaces.tobago.internal.layout

Examples of org.apache.myfaces.tobago.internal.layout.Cell


    for (int i = 0; i < heads.length; i++) {
      boolean neitherRendered = true;
      for (int j = 0; j < heads2.length; j++) {
        Cell cell = grid.getCell(i, j, orientation);
        // check rendered = false
        if (cell != null && cell.getComponent().isRendered()) {
          neitherRendered = false;
        // recursion
        if (cell instanceof OriginCell) {
          OriginCell origin = (OriginCell) cell;
          LayoutComponent component = cell.getComponent();
          if (component instanceof LayoutContainer && component.isRendered()) {
            LayoutManager layoutManager = ((LayoutContainer) component).getLayoutManager();
            // TODO: may be improved
            boolean childAuto = origin.getSpan(orientation) == 1 && heads[i].getToken() instanceof AutoLayoutToken;
            layoutManager.fixRelativeInsideAuto(orientation, childAuto);
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      IntervalList intervalList = new IntervalList();
      for (int j = 0; j < heads2.length; j++) {
        Cell cell = grid.getCell(i, j, orientation);
        if (cell instanceof OriginCell) {
          OriginCell origin = (OriginCell) cell;
          LayoutComponent component = cell.getComponent();

          if (component instanceof LayoutContainer && (component.isRendered() || isRigid())) {
            ((LayoutContainer) component).getLayoutManager().preProcessing(orientation);
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    // call manage sizes for all sub-layout-managers
    for (int i = 0; i < heads.length; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < heads2.length; j++) {
        Cell cell = grid.getCell(i, j, orientation);
        if (cell instanceof OriginCell) {
          LayoutComponent component = cell.getComponent();

          component.setDisplay(Display.BLOCK); // TODO: use CSS via classes and tobago.css

          Integer span = ((OriginCell) cell).getSpan(orientation);
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    final BankHead[] heads2 = grid.getBankHeads(orientation.other());

    // call manage sizes for all sub-layout-managers
    for (int i = 0; i < heads.length; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < heads2.length; j++) {
        Cell cell = grid.getCell(i, j, orientation);
        if (cell instanceof OriginCell) {
          LayoutComponent component = cell.getComponent();


          // compute the position of the cell
          Measure position = Measure.ZERO;
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    writer.startElement(HtmlElements.TBODY, sheet);
    for (int i = 0; i < grid.getRowCount(); i++) {
      writer.startElement(HtmlElements.TR, null);
      for (int j = 0; j < grid.getColumnCount(); j++) {
        final Cell cell = grid.getCell(j, i);
        if (cell instanceof OriginCell) {
          writer.startElement(HtmlElements.TD, null);
          if (cell.getColumnSpan() > 1) {
            writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.COLSPAN, cell.getColumnSpan());
          if (cell.getRowSpan() > 1) {
            writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.ROWSPAN, cell.getRowSpan());

          final UIComponent cellComponent = (UIComponent) cell.getComponent();
          final boolean pure = !(cellComponent instanceof UIOut);

          writer.startElement(HtmlElements.DIV, null);
          writer.writeClassAttribute(Classes.create(sheet, "headerCell"));
          writer.startElement(HtmlElements.SPAN, null);
          Style headerStyle = new Style();
          Measure headerHeight = Measure.valueOf(20).multiply(cell.getRowSpan());
          if (!pure) {
            headerHeight = headerHeight.subtract(6); // XXX todo
          final AbstractUIColumn column = renderedColumnList.get(j);
          String sorterImage = null;
          Markup markup = Markup.NULL;
          String tip = (String) column.getAttributes().get(Attributes.TIP);
          if (cell.getColumnSpan() == 1) {
            final boolean sortable = ComponentUtils.getBooleanAttribute(column, Attributes.SORTABLE);
            if (sortable) {
              UICommand sortCommand = (UICommand) column.getFacet(Facets.SORTER);
              if (sortCommand == null) {
                final String columnId = column.getClientId(facesContext);
                final String sorterId = columnId.substring(columnId.lastIndexOf(":") + 1) + "_" + UISheet.SORTER_ID;
                sortCommand = (UICommand) CreateComponentUtils.createComponent(
                    facesContext, UICommand.COMPONENT_TYPE, RendererTypes.LINK, sorterId);
                column.getFacets().put(Facets.SORTER, sortCommand);
              final CommandMap map = new CommandMap();
              final Command click = new Command(sortCommand.getClientId(facesContext),
                  null, null, null, new String[]{sheet.getClientId(facesContext)}, null, null, null, null, null);
              writer.writeAttribute(DataAttributes.COMMANDS, JsonUtils.encode(map), true);

              if (tip == null) {
                tip = "";
              } else {
                tip += " - ";
              tip += ResourceManagerUtils.getPropertyNotNull(facesContext, "tobago", "sheetTipSorting");

              markup = markup.add(Markup.SORTABLE);

              SheetState sheetState = sheet.getSheetState(facesContext);
              if (column.getId().equals(sheetState.getSortedColumnId())) {
                String sortTitle;
                if (sheetState.isAscending()) {
                  sorterImage = contextPath + resourceManager.getImage(facesContext, "image/ascending.gif");
                  sortTitle = ResourceManagerUtils.getPropertyNotNull(facesContext, "tobago", "sheetAscending");
                  markup = markup.add(Markup.ASCENDING);
                } else {
                  sorterImage = contextPath + resourceManager.getImage(facesContext, "image/descending.gif");
                  sortTitle = ResourceManagerUtils.getPropertyNotNull(facesContext, "tobago", "sheetDescending");
                  markup = markup.add(Markup.DESCENDING);
                if (sortTitle != null) {
                  tip += " - " + sortTitle;

          if (j == 0) {
            markup = markup.add(Markup.FIRST);
          if (pure) {
             markup = markup.add(Markup.PURE);
          writer.writeClassAttribute(Classes.create(sheet, "header", markup));
          writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.TITLE, tip, true);

          if (column instanceof UIColumnSelector) {
            renderColumnSelectorHeader(facesContext, writer, sheet);
          } else {
            RenderUtils.encode(facesContext, cellComponent);

            AbstractUIMenu dropDownMenu = FacetUtils.getDropDownMenu(column);
            // render sub menu popup button
            if (dropDownMenu != null && dropDownMenu.isRendered()) {

              writer.startElement(HtmlElements.SPAN, column);
              writer.writeClassAttribute(Classes.create(column, "menu"));

              writer.startElement(HtmlElements.IMG, column);
              String menuImage = ResourceManagerUtils.getImageWithPath(facesContext, "image/sheetSelectorMenu.gif");
              writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.TITLE, "", false);
              writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.SRC, menuImage, false);
              ToolBarRendererBase.renderDropDownMenu(facesContext, writer, dropDownMenu);



          if (sorterImage != null) {
            writer.startElement(HtmlElements.IMG, null);
            writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.SRC, sorterImage, false);
            writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.ALT, "", false);

          if (renderedColumnList.get(j).isResizable()) {
            encodeResizing(writer, sheet, j + cell.getColumnSpan() - 1);

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    for (int i = 0; i < heads.length; i++) {
      boolean neitherRendered = true;
      for (int j = 0; j < heads2.length; j++) {
        Cell cell = grid.getCell(i, j, orientation);
        // check rendered = false
        if (cell != null && cell.getComponent().isRendered()) {
          neitherRendered = false;
        // recursion
        if (cell instanceof OriginCell) {
          OriginCell origin = (OriginCell) cell;
          LayoutComponent component = cell.getComponent();
          if (component instanceof LayoutContainer && component.isRendered()) {
            LayoutManager layoutManager = ((LayoutContainer) component).getLayoutManager();
            // TODO: may be improved
            boolean childAuto = origin.getSpan(orientation) == 1 && heads[i].getToken() instanceof AutoLayoutToken;
            layoutManager.fixRelativeInsideAuto(orientation, childAuto);
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      IntervalList intervalList = new IntervalList();
      for (int j = 0; j < heads2.length; j++) {
        Cell cell = grid.getCell(i, j, orientation);
        if (cell instanceof OriginCell) {
          OriginCell origin = (OriginCell) cell;
          LayoutComponent component = cell.getComponent();

          if (component instanceof LayoutContainer && (component.isRendered() || isRigid())) {
            ((LayoutContainer) component).getLayoutManager().preProcessing(orientation);
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    // call manage sizes for all sub-layout-managers
    for (int i = 0; i < heads.length; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < heads2.length; j++) {
        Cell cell = grid.getCell(i, j, orientation);
        if (cell instanceof OriginCell) {
          LayoutComponent component = cell.getComponent();

          component.setDisplay(Display.BLOCK); // TODO: use CSS via classes and style.css

          Integer span = ((OriginCell) cell).getSpan(orientation);
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    final BankHead[] heads2 = grid.getBankHeads(orientation.other());

    // call manage sizes for all sub-layout-managers
    for (int i = 0; i < heads.length; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < heads2.length; j++) {
        Cell cell = grid.getCell(i, j, orientation);
        if (cell instanceof OriginCell) {
          LayoutComponent component = cell.getComponent();


          // compute the position of the cell
          Measure position = Measure.ZERO;
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    for (int i = 0; i < heads.length; i++) {
      boolean neitherRendered = true;
      for (int j = 0; j < heads2.length; j++) {
        Cell cell = grid.getCell(i, j, orientation);
        // check rendered = false
        if (cell != null && cell.getComponent().isRendered()) {
          neitherRendered = false;
        // recursion
        if (cell instanceof OriginCell) {
          OriginCell origin = (OriginCell) cell;
          LayoutComponent component = cell.getComponent();
          if (component instanceof LayoutContainer) {
            LayoutManager layoutManager = ((LayoutContainer) component).getLayoutManager();
            // TODO: may be improved
            boolean childAuto = origin.getSpan(orientation) == 1 && heads[i].getToken() instanceof AutoLayoutToken;
            layoutManager.fixRelativeInsideAuto(orientation, childAuto);
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Related Classes of org.apache.myfaces.tobago.internal.layout.Cell

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